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Socrates Belong to the Soul is Our true self is our Examines how we
physical immortal soul should live
Plato Physical part inivisible The intellect that Reality is divided
that is only constitutes their soul into two parts: the
concerned and that is seperable ideal and the
with the from their body phenomena
St. Augustine Aware of its Self in an immaterial
Rene Descartes Made of No made up
physical, of
quantifiable, parts/aware
divisible facts of itself
John Locke You may be Thinking
judged only substance
for the acts of
your body
David Hume Did not believe the Causes and effects
existence of the “self” are discoverable
not by reason, but
by experience
Immanuel Kant Stands as a Our souls Self is transcendental The moral law is a
condition of penetrates truth of reason,
knowledge our bodies and hence that all
rational creatures
are bound by the
same moral law
Sigmund Freud A mode of operation Human behavior is
that precedes the influenced by
development of all unconscious
other forms of our memories,
mental functioning thoughts, and urges
Gilbert Ryle Exists in space Self comes from Philosophical
and time behavior problems are
problems of a
certain sort; they
are not problems of
an ordinary sort
about special
Paul Churchland The physical - originated Eliminative
brain, and not from the brain materialism
the mind, itself
Maurice Merleau-Ponty Acts what the Embodied subjectivity
perceives as a
unified one

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