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Myths have existed in our society since time immemorial.

Scientists and scholars have also tried to

warn people of misinformation and distorted facts and figures. We have been facing an
unprecedented influx of data in this information age. It is extremely important to verify the
authenticity of any piece of knowledge and be watchful of rumours and hoaxes.

Leo Club University of Delhi, aims to make people aware of the misconceptions surrounding the
Covid-19 Vaccine. We hope our message gets to everyone. So that people who are enduring this
breathless disease can come out of this stronger than before. Let's put an end to this infodemic and
ensure right facts reach as far as possible.

In the age of significant economic uncertainty and instability, it is essential to learn how to become
financially independent and achieve a sense of security. Whether you are just curious to enter the
battlefield of bulls and bears or you want to improve your personal financial standing, familiarising
yourself with the Stock Markets might open a whole world of novel possibilities for you.

Comhub, the commerce society of Dyal Singh Evening College, feels exhilarated to organise a
webinar on 'Stock Markets', in collaboration with Shine Projects on 12th July, 2021. Sri Harsha, MD at
Shine Projects and a certified stock markets analyst, will be the guest speaker for the webinar. He is
not just an active orator in the domain of share markets but is also a macro economics expert who
will share the basics of the financial market with the attendees. All the participants shall also receive

Deforestation is one of pressing issues faced by mankind today. We have come to such a point
that to meet the growing energy and consumption needs of our population, we have exploited
the environment to an unprecedented degree. One of the major effects of deforestation is
climate change which is the long-term change in the weather patterns of the atmosphere due to
the process of global warming. Trees naturally capture the carbon dioxide present in the
atmosphere and thus helps keep the level of greenhouse gases(gases which trap the heat of
sun's rays and cause global warming) to a sustainable level. In the absence of forest covers, the
levels of carbon emissions are skyrocketing and it is high time that we take sincere efforts to
make people aware about this.

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