Climate Zones - Botanist 1

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NAME: ________________________________ SECTION: _____ DATE: _______

Role: Botanist
Welcome to the field of botany!! Now that you have taken on

this position, there are a few things you should know.

Botany is all vegetation (plants). As the botanist, you will be

asked to figure out what vegetation is native to your

location, and what types of conditions they need to live in to

thrive. Plants and animals can tell us a lot about the

climate, due to some plants and animals needing specific

accommodations to be able to survive.

As the botanist, you are responsible for the following items:

1. Use one of the example charts, or make your own, that

identify the types of plants that are in your location.
2. On the left side of your chart, you need to identify at
least 4 type of plants that live in your area.
3. On the right side of your chart, you need to research the
types of conditions these types of plants thrive in!
4. Using what you found help your team identify your
climate zone, and make your google slides OR poster to
present your findings


1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

***this is a group project, use your resources (group mates), do not overuse them!!!***

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