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Research review
Revisiting florivory: an integrative review and global patterns of a
neglected interaction

Author for correspondence Maria Gabriela Boaventura1 , Nora Villamil2 , Alberto L. Teixido3 ,
Maria Gabriela Boaventura
Richard Tito4 , Heraldo L. Vasconcelos5 , Fernando A. O. Silveira1 and
Tatiana Cornelissen1
Received: 6 November 2020 Center for Ecological Synthesis and Conservation, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ci^encias Biologicas, Belo
Accepted: 2 August 2021 Horizonte, MG CP 486, Brazil; 2Department of Ecology and Evolution, Universite de Lausanne, Lausanne CH-1015, Switzerland;
Departamento de Bot^anica e Ecologia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando Corr^ea 2367, Cuiaba, MT E-78060-
900, Brazil; 4Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energıas Renovables, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Per
u, Lima

15088, Peru; 5Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Uberl^andia, Av. Para 1720, Uberl^andia, MG 38405-302, Brazil

New Phytologist (2022) 233: 132–144 Florivory is an ancient interaction which has rarely been quantified due to a lack of standardized
doi: 10.1111/nph.17670 protocols, thus impairing biogeographical and phylogenetic comparisons. We created a global,
continuously updated, open-access database comprising 180 species and 64 families to compare
Key words: floral herbivory, florivores, floral damage between tropical and temperate plants, to examine the effects of plant traits on
florivory, flower damage, flower enemy. floral damage, and to explore the eco-evolutionary dynamics of flower–florivore interactions.
Flower damage is widespread across angiosperms, but was two-fold higher in tropical vs
temperate species, suggesting stronger fitness impacts in the tropics. Flowers were mostly
damaged by chewers, but neither flower color nor symmetry explained differences in florivory.
Herbivory and florivory levels were positively correlated within species, even though the richness
of the florivore community does not affect florivory levels. We show that florivory impacts plant
fitness via multiple pathways and that ignoring this interaction makes it more difficult to obtain a
broad understanding of the ecology and evolution of angiosperms. Finally, we propose a
standardized protocol for florivory measurements, and identify key research avenues that will
help fill persistent knowledge gaps. Florivory is expected to be a central research topic in an epoch
characterized by widespread decreases in insect populations that comprise both pollinators and

involves tissue consumption by vertebrates or invertebrates

(McCall & Irwin, 2006; Box 1; Supporting Information Fig. S1),
The rise and diversification of angiosperms is one of the most has been traditionally understood as a form of herbivory; however,
dramatic yet controversial events in the evolution of plant life on current knowledge suggests that florivory lies at the intersection of
Earth (Ramırez-Barahona et al., 2020). The dominance of herbivory and pollination (McCall & Irwin, 2006).
pollinator-driven selection in the angiosperm evolution literature Florivory potentially impacts plant fitness in multiple ways
largely ignores the key roles natural enemies play in the evolution of including changes in resource sinks, floral display, nectar produc-
flower traits (Galen, 1999a,b; Moreira et al., 2019; Ramos & tion and/or interactions with other organisms, such as predators
Schiestl, 2019; Roddy et al., 2021). For example, the fact that insect (Knauer et al., 2018), leaf herbivores (Rusman et al., 2019) and
florivory in the early Cretaceous is indistinguishable from modern pollinators (Moreira et al., 2019). The effects of florivory on plant
day patterns (Xiao et al., 2021) suggests that this ancient interaction fitness depend upon several factors, including the extent of damage
potentially affects individual fitness, with potential consequences (amount of floral area removed), florivore identity, diet breadth and
for plant demography and trait evolution. Florivory, broadly feeding guild. However, we still lack an appropriate understanding
defined as any type of damage to flowers or flower parts that of the degree of flower consumption that will affect plant fitness,

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evaluation of the impacts of florivores on plant fitness needs to

Box 1 Flowers beyond pollinators: the role of flower enemies extend beyond the estimation of floral tissue loss, and must begin to
include the multitude of ways in which florivores impact host plant
Florivory has been broadly defined as flower consumption by animals fitness, both directly and indirectly.
or flower herbivores, although the different flower enemies involved Florivory resembles herbivory in that it involves the consump-
in this interaction have different impacts on plant fitness and floral
tion of plant tissues with direct (damaging reproductive structures)
evolution. Nectar robbers and florivores have been the most frequent
enemies evaluated, both through natural observations as well as and indirect (affecting the attractiveness of damaged flowers to
through experiments manipulating flower damage artificially. We pollinators) negative effects on plant performance (see Gonzalez-
compiled definitions of terms regarding flower enemies (Galen, Browne et al., 2016; Soper-Gorden & Adler, 2016; Soper-Gorden
1999a,b; McCall & Irwin, 2006), bearing in mind the challenges of et al., 2016). However, florivory also resembles pollination in that
labelling species behavior in such entangled, intermingled interac-
flowers are a crucial resource to florivores in similar ways as they are
tions. For example, in some plant families, flower parts are offered as
the reward for legitimate pollinators, which are not included in our to pollinators (Genini et al., 2010). Many pollinator-attractive
definition of florivores due to their overall positive outcome for plant traits also attract floral enemies (Jacobsen & Raguso, 2018;
fitness (Gottsberger, 1999): Rusman et al., 2019), establishing a complex mosaic of selective
(1) Florivores: Animals that cause damage and consume flower buds, forces shaping flower traits. However, florivory goes beyond these
flowers and floral rewards, before fruit and seed formation. Included
mere resemblances, and stands alone as an interaction linking both
in this category are vertebrates and invertebrates that damage petals,
sepals, bracts, pistils, stamens and/or ovules. These florivores herbivory and pollination (Table 1). Florivory also shapes interac-
consume floral parts or, in some cases, the whole flower. We tions with plant herbivores, generating cascading and community-
excluded from this definition pollen-eating pollinators which con- wide effects (Soper-Gorden et al., 2016).
sume flower parts but act as legitimate pollinators. Distinguishing between foliar and floral herbivores as well as
(2) Nectar robbers: Nectar robbers damage flowers, usually without
generalist consumers of both flowers and leaves is important due to
aiming to consume the perianth tissue. They are considered flower
enemies, but not florivores. their differing consequences for plant fitness (McCall & Irwin,
(2.1) Primary nectar robbers: Illegitimate flower visitors who usually 2006). Induced plant responses to florivory against generalist
pierce flower parts to obtain nectar without exerting any pollen insects might be common (McCall & Karban, 2006), and may
removal or deposition. trigger responses in other plant organs. For example, flower damage
(2.2) Secondary nectar robbers: Illegitimate flower visitors who use
by generalist flower eating katydids (Orthoptera) induces mechan-
perforations made by previous robbers to obtain nectar, but who
exert no pollen removal or deposition functions. ical defenses in leaves of Lantana camara (Goh et al., 2019).
(3) Nectar thieves: Animals that use the natural flower opening to Generalist herbivores that simultaneously feed upon leaves and
obtain nectar, but do not exert any pollen removal or deposition due flowers might cause greater reductions in plant performance due to
to incompatible morphology between body and flower. Nectar the combined and direct effects of tissue consumption and the
thieves do not pierce flowers. Together with nectar robbers, nectar
indirect effects of flower consumption on pollinators (Cardel &
thieves are sometimes called nectar larcenists.
(4) Pre-dispersal seed or ovule predators: Animals that prey upon Koptur, 2010). By accounting for both leaf and flower damage, we
seeds or ovules before they are dispersed. The main predators are depict a more realistic picture, as the simultaneous occurrence of
insect larvae and adults, birds, and mammals. Their impacts on plant antagonistic and mutualistic species on a single resource (e.g. leaf or
fitness vary widely. flower), rather than isolated pairwise mutualistic or antagonistic
(5) Flower parasites: Pathogens that are transported to flowers by
interactions, is common ecological communities (Tscharntke &
pollinators or other visitors, such as spores, viruses or bacteria.
Infections caused by these parasites can lead to plant diseases and Hawkins, 2002). Furthermore, the presence of a third agent can
lower nectar production and/or sterile flowers. affect the likelihood, type or intensity of interactions within a given
(6) Saproflorivory: Consumption of flowers already shed by the pairwise interaction, influencing patterns of trait evolution through
mother-plant. This is unlikely to have major negative impacts on plant diffuse selection (Strauss & Irwin, 2004). Generalist ants – which
usually defend plants when herbivores are abundant (Rosumek
et al., 2009) – become florivores when neither leaves nor herbivores
are present (Smallegange et al., 2007; Bandeili & M€ uller, 2010).
The impacts of herbivory and florivory on plant fitness can lead to
mainly because the relative contributions of direct and indirect different population, community and ecosystem-wide outcomes
effects of florivory are difficult to measure. The magnitude of the (McCall & Irwin, 2006), and it is therefore crucial to begin
indirect effects of flower damage on plant fitness (via shifts in distinguishing between damage caused by both generalist and
pollinator behavior) is poorly understood (but see Liao et al., 2013; specialist florivores and herbivores.
Missagia & Alves, 2017; Ye et al., 2017). Additionally, because A lack of knowledge of how plant traits affect florivory levels is
florivory levels have been rarely quantified in the field, the effects of another factor that prevents us from achieving a broader under-
florivores on plant fitness cannot yet be extrapolated to different standing of flower–florivore interactions. The remarkable variation
ecological and biogeographic contexts. In a field experiment, in flower traits is generally attributed to pollinator-mediated
McCall (2008) showed that both naturally damaged flowers and selection (van der Kooi & Ollerton, 2020). However, floral traits
artificially damaged flowers set fewer fruit and/or seeds relative to that originally evolved to protect gametes from predators (Chan-
undamaged control flowers. This suggests that florivores may have derbali et al., 2016) may also attract flower enemies (see references
an underappreciated role in impacting female fitness. Thus, in Roddy et al., 2021), creating a mosaic of complex, multilayered

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Table 1 The tangled nature of the ecology, evolution and biogeography of widely studied herbivores and pollinators, and overlooked florivores.

Characteristic Herbivores Pollinators Florivores Key references

Interaction outcome Parasitism, predation, Mutualism, rarely parasitism Parasitism, rarely mutualism Herrera & Pellmyr (2002);
or commensalism McCall & Irwin (2006)
Impact on host Negative or neutral Positive Largely unknown Herrera & Pellmyr (2002);
McCall & Irwin (2006)
Plant organ/resource Roots, stems, leaves, seeds Pollen, nectar, oil, Sepals, tepals, Coley & Barone (1996);
more rarely petals stamens, ovules, nectar McCall & Irwin (2006)
Frequency of interaction Year-round During plant reproduction During plant reproduction McCall & Irwin (2006)
Specialization degree From generalists to specialists From generalists to specialists Most likely generalists Forister et al. (2015);
Waser & Ollerton (2006);
McCall & Irwin (2006);
Caruso et al. (2019)
Selective force On leaves and flowers On flowers On flowers? Loranger et al. (2013);
Schiestl & Johnson (2013);
Caruso et al. (2019)
Latitudinal gradient Specialization towards tropics Specialization towards Unknown Coley & Barone (1996);
temperate areas Kozlov et al. (2015b);
Waser & Ollerton (2006);
Keith & Mitchell-Olds (2017)

interaction networks (Strauss & Irwin, 2004; Lucas-Barbosa, the case for young leaves and flowers or flower parts (McCall &
2016). Unfortunately, morphological flower traits are underrep- Fordyce, 2010). By contrast, the plant apparency hypothesis (PAH,
resented in plant trait databases. A search of the TRY database Feeny, 1976) suggests that variation in secondary chemistry
( (Kattge et al., 2020) retrieved only 22 morpho- investment between and within plants is based on the chance of
logical flower traits; other traits, such as flower rewards, were much encounter by generalist and specialist herbivores. Because flowers
more common (> 3500 entries) than traits relevant for florivore are ephemeral resources and attack levels might be unpredictable
attraction, including flower size (Teixido et al., 2011; McCall & and linked to flower longevity, they might be less apparent and also
Barr, 2012; Gelvez-Z ~iga et al., 2018), floral display (Krupnick
un less defended than their counterparts (leaves) within given individ-
et al., 1999; Oguro & Sakai, 2015), longevity (McCall & Irwin, uals or species (e.g. McCall & Fordyce, 2010). Both theories – ODT
2006; Teixido et al., 2011), secondary metabolites in petals and the PAH – may explain why strict florivores are rare in nature, as
(Jacobsen & Raguso, 2018; Kessler et al., 2019) and in pollen coevolution mediated by secondary chemistry, as commonly
and nectar (Adler, 2000). reported in herbivore–leaf systems, might not occur in florivore–
Changes in plant apparency (Feeny, 1976; Smilanich et al., flower systems (e.g. Keith & Mitchell-Olds, 2017).
2016) involve strategies to reduce damage from herbivores, and Here, we explore overlooked aspects of florivory using a global,
plants may also escape florivory by making flowers less conspicuous. continuously updated, open-access database to address several
Flower size, longevity and arrangement (single vs inflorescences) are issues at the macroevolutionary scale. In particular, we reviewed the
linked with flower appearance and hence may affect florivory levels. evidence for florivory occurrence and addressed its sources of
In deciduous plant systems, leaf herbivores are expected to act as variation using data published in the literature over the past decades;
florivores when leaves are absent or vice versa (M. G. Boaventura and collected field data with a standardized protocol to compare
et al., unpublished). For instance, in tropical deciduous species floral damage between tropical and temperate plants, examine the
(where dry-season blooming occurs in leafless trees) or in temperate effects of plant traits on floral damage, and explore the eco-
ecosystems (where leaves and flowers are often flushed at different evolutionary dynamics of flower–florivore interactions. Finally, we
times throughout spring and summer), natural selection may favor propose a standardized protocol for florivory measurements that
phytophagous animals capable of using both resources (leaves and would provide support to macroecological, biogeographic and
flowers), and extend their foraging opportunities and timings (M. evolutionary approaches to complex plant–animal interactions.
G. Boaventura et al., unpublished). In turn, the optimal defense
theory (ODT, McKey, 1984) is also evoked as a mechanistic
Material and Methods
explanation for the variation in the distribution of chemical defenses
across plant tissues and organs depending on their vulnerability to
Global trends of naturally occurring florivory
attack and fitness value. The ODT is based on two fundamental
assumptions: defenses enhance plant fitness when enemies are Published data was systematically sampled by searching for key
present, and they are costly, decreasing plant fitness when enemies terms (Florivor* OR Florivore* OR “Flower enemy” OR “Flower
are absent. Natural selection is therefore expected to enhance antagonis*” OR “Floral damage” OR “Flower damage”) in the
defense systems with positive benefit–cost ratios, predicting that the title, abstract and keywords of papers published between 1945 and
most valuable plant organs should be constitutively defended, as is 2020 on the Web of Science and Scopus. Studies found were

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individually examined following the Preferred Reporting Items for plants in Mexico, Brazil, and Scotland using a standardized
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines protocol for data sampling and flower measurements. Given that
(Page et al., 2021) for database construction and transparency. field data on florivory levels (percentage of corolla damage) is rare,
We also surveyed the references from recent reviews (Gonzalez- we included as many species as possible to increase our general-
Browne et al., 2016; Caruso et al., 2019; Moreira et al., 2019) and ization capacity. Up to 20 adult individuals of each plant species
extracted data on floral damage, defined as any kind of damage to were randomly selected, marked, and georeferenced in the field.
any floral part, including petals, sepals and sexual organs. It was not The canopy of every selected individual was sampled in order to
always possible to separate damage within the reproductive haphazardly collect c. 25 flowers, regardless of signs of damage by
structures, so the damage to stamens, pistils and ovules was florivores (Fig. S2). For plant species with inflorescences, five
collectively labelled as damage to reproductive parts. inflorescences were sampled per individual, and all flowers were
We classified studies according to the following criteria: region examined for petal or sepal damage in the laboratory. Due to the
(temperate or tropical), country, season of the year in which data ephemeral nature of flowers, and the logistics of digitizing fresh
were collected, plant family, and species. We retrieved the following flowers in the field, we focused our study of floral damage on petals
floral traits: symmetry (zygomorphic or actinomorphic), corolla and sepals (or tepals), and direct damage to sexual organs was not
size, color, and flower number and arrangement (solitary or evaluated in these sampled flowers.
inflorescence). In our database flower color is reported as perceived Flower petals and/or sepals were digitized for the 36 plant species
by human eyes, but we acknowledge that ideally color categories sampled (Table S2), and florivory was estimated according to
should be addressed from the perspective of animals that use flowers damage classes by a single researcher using digital images, a method
as resources, as has been done for honey bees (Waser et al., 1996). commonly used for herbivory studies (Dirzo & Dominguez,
Florivores were classified according to their order, guild (chewers, 1995). Classes of removed floral area were assigned as follows: (0)
suckers, parasites and pollen feeders), and broad taxonomic group intact flower, (1) 0.01 to 1% of floral area removed by florivores, (2)
(birds, mammals, insects, other invertebrates, and several other between 1 and 5%, (3) between 5 and 25%, (4) between 25 and
groups). Lastly, floral damage was classified according to the 50%, (5) between 50 and 75% and (6) between 75 and 100% of
response variable used as a proxy for florivory: frequency of attack floral area removed. A damage index was calculated for each
on flowers or flower parts, and percentage of floral area removed individual as IFD = Σ ni(i)/N, where IFD is the index of flower
((corolla damage divided by total corolla area) 9 100). Data damage, ni is the number of flowers in category i, and N is the total
recorded as presence or absence of florivory were not included in number of flowers collected per individual. For 14 of those species
our dataset, as our main goal was to provide quantitative estimates (Table S3), florivory levels were also precisely measured by
of florivory levels in natural plant populations. When published evaluating the ratio of petal area removed by florivores to the total
studies recorded different florivory measurements, different plant corolla or calix area. Each flower (n = 3025) was digitized with a
species and/or different locations, each record was considered as an numeric scale and images were processed using the IMAGEJ software
outcome (Table S1). Our database is available at Figshare (https:// (Schneider et al., 2012) after calibrating each image to 0.01 mm. We used PGLS models to evaluate the effects of region, floral and
Florivory levels from published studies are reported separately in plant traits on the variation of florivory levels among related plant
the database for each response variable (frequency of flower attack species. First, we fitted phylogenetic generalised linear mixed
and percentage of flower area removed by florivores), but only model, where the response variable was the mean level of floral
frequency of flower attack had enough replicates to allow statistical damage, and region, flower traits, and plant growth form were
analysis using phylogenetic generalized least square (PGLS) treated as explanatory factors. We assumed a Brownian motion
models. We tested for differences in florivory between regions, model of trait evolution, and all PGLS analyses were conducted
florivore guilds and floral traits, accounting for phylogenetic following the details mentioned above (Fig. S3).
relatedness among species and adjusting the expected covariance
under a multivariate Brownian motion model (Felsenstein, 1985;
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of herbivory and florivory
Martins & Hansen, 1997). In this model we fitted frequency of
flower attack as the response variable, and as fixed effects we To illustrate the spatiotemporal complexity of florivory, we used
included region, flower symmetry, number, and color, florivore standardized data from four sympatric, congeneric trees with
broad taxonomic group and florivore guilds. Plant species was leafless blooming during the dry season (Bignoniaceae). Four
included as a random effect to account for nonindependence deciduous species with different blooming lengths (Handroanthus
among data. The phylogeny tree for the 98 plant species (Fig. S1) heptaphyllus (Mart.) Mattos, Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex
was constructed using the package PHYTOOLS (Revell, 2012) in R DC.) Mattos, Handroanthus ochraceus (Cham.) Mattos, and
studio (R Core Team, 2019) and analyses were done using the NLME Tabebuia roseo-alba (Cham.) Sandwith) were examined to evaluate
(Pinheiro et al., 2018), LME and LME4 packages (Bates et al., 2015). florivory and herbivory levels, and the community of insects
associated with flowers or leaves. Deciduousness promotes spa-
tiotemporal separation of the type of resource available to insects, as
Field data - florivory levels and trait-mediated florivory
either leaves (during summer and spring) or flowers (during fall and
To supplement the database using standardized data on florivory winter). In 2017, we monitored flower phenology from beginning
levels under natural conditions, we sampled flower damage from 36 to end of blooming by recording the number of days individual

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plants had open flowers in 60 individual trees (H. heptaphyllus

(n = 17), H. chrysotrichus (n = 15), H. ochraceus (n = 15), T. roseo-
alba (n = 13)) in southeastern Brazil (lat. 21°080 0900 S, long.
Global trends of naturally occurring florivory
44°150 43″W). We also collected insects associated with either
leaves (in the wet season of 2017) or flowers (in the dry season of Eighty studies on florivory were published between 1976 and 2019,
2017) using an entomological umbrella (Gullan & Craston, 2017) generating 458 independent comparisons regarding flower damage
and a trimmer with a telescopic handle attached to an entomolog- for 144 plant species from 47 families, in both temperate and
ical net. We beat the canopy of each individual tree five times with tropical areas (Fig. S4). Flower damage was inflicted by animals
the entomological umbrella, and all insects that fell into the trap from different lineages (Figs S5, S6).
were collected. We also inspected each plant for 10 min, collecting Florivory was widespread among plant lineages (Fig. 1) and
insects from it with tweezers. All captured insects were identified to levels of attack are variable at both plant and flower scales.
the lowest possible taxonomic group and the resource used (leaves Frequency of flower attack was the most common response variable
or flowers) was recorded. Simultaneously, 20 leaves and five used to estimate florivory (85% of cases), with values ranging from
inflorescences were collected from each plant. Herbivory and 0.2% to 97%. Frequency of flower attack was significantly higher in
florivory levels were calculated for each individual plant as mean the tropics (F1,293 = 8.35, P = 0.004), in single flowers compared to
percentages of floral or leaf area removed, using leaves or flowers as inflorescences (F1,294 = 4.076, P = 0.007), for flowers attacked by
replicates for each individual plant, and correcting for leaf or flower chewers compared to other guilds, and for mammals and birds
size. Leaf or flower area removed was calculated using digital images compared to insects and other invertebrates (F7,293 = 9.371,
processed with IMAGEJ after calibrating each image to 0.01 mm P < 0.0001) (Fig. 2). Neither flower color nor flower symmetry
(Mendes et al., 2021). influenced levels of florivore attack. We did not detect a significant
Because these four plant species are phylogenetically related, we phylogenetic signal for any of the variables evaluated to modulate
also applied PGLS models to test for differences in insect florivore attack (Table S4).
communities, and the herbivory and florivory levels among species. The percentage of floral area removed was measured in 15% of
The response variables were the level of floral damage, the level of florivory studies. The average value of floral area removed by
leaf damage and species richness of florivores or herbivores, whereas florivores in attacked flowers was 7.21% (1.53 SE, n = 66). The
plant species and number of days plants were blooming were phylogenetic distribution of florivory indicates that flower damage
included as explanatory factors. Phylogenetic relatedness was is widespread and variable across angiosperm lineages (Fig. 1) but is
calculated using the PHYTOOLS package (Revell, 2012) and included two times higher in the tropics than in temperate regions
in the model as a random variable assuming a Brownian covariance (10.1%  2.3 SE for tropical flowers vs 4.56% 0.97 SE for
correlation. All analyses were conducted using the NMLE and LME4 temperate flowers; F1,18 = 4.71, P = 0.003). No significant effect
packages in R. Goodness of model fit was tested using a maximum on the levels of damage to flowers was found for flower symmetry,
likelihood (ML) approach with link and variance functions. flower number or florivore guild. Our assessment of the distribu-
tion of floral damage clearly indicates that florivory is not
homogeneously distributed across lineages, ecosystems or func-
A standardized protocol for measuring florivory
tional groups despite the phylogenetic and biogeographic biases
Standardized measures of florivory are needed to allow us to address (Fig. S4), opening new research avenues for the evolutionary
and discuss the effects of florivory on plant fitness and to test ecology of florivory.
predictions of flower-florivore interactions at the macroevolution-
ary scale, as has been done at length for herbivores (Dyer et al.,
Field data – florivory levels and trait-mediated florivory
2007; Turcotte et al., 2014; Kozlov et al., 2015a,b; Zhang et al.,
2016; Galman et al., 2018). The available data are insufficient for Most of our field sampling was conducted for species blooming in
rigorous test predictions at large scales and inclusion in meta- spring (28.9%) and summer (31.4%), with actinomorphic
analytic frameworks. Having standardized measurements of flowers (59.4%), arranged into inflorescences (87%). Almost
florivory and flower traits will allow us to run analyses at the one third of the species evaluated had yellow flowers (31.1%), and
macroecological scale, and to further identify, for example, the the next most common colors were purple (25.6%) and white
functional significance of flower defensive traits. The results of our (15.7%; Table S2).
review of published data (see Table S1) indicate that frequency of Our field data showed that, on average, a quarter of all flowers per
flower attack is the most common variable used to quantity individual experience florivory (frequency of occurrence of dam-
florivory. The results of our field study (see Fig. S9) show that it is aged flowers: 24.3  1.1% SE). Florivory levels in tropical plants
not always possible to assess levels of florivory using the same were consistently reported as being twice as high (Fig. 3). Flower
methods used to evaluate leaf herbivory, such as categorical symmetry, color and growth form did not significantly influence
measurements of floral area removed. Therefore, we propose a the levels of floral damage in these 36 plant species. Florivory levels
standardized protocol that includes easy-to-measure steps that can estimated via the IFD showed an average value of flower area
be applied to species with different floral traits (Methods S1), and a removal of 1.65 ( 0.05 SE), which is equivalent to having up to
method to precisely quantify the amount of corolla area removed 5% of the total petal area consumed by florivores (Methods S1).
due to florivore damage. Based on precise estimates of the floral area removed by florivores

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Fig. 1 The phylogenetic distribution of floral damage in the global florivory database mapped onto the phylogeny of 144 angiosperms. The phylogeny
was reconstructed using the database of Qian & Jin (2016). See Supporting Information Table S3 for detailed species name, family, and florivory level

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Fig. 2 Comparison of florivory levels (measured as frequency of flower attack) according to (a) region, (b) flower color, (c) florivore guild, (d) flower
arrangement, (e) florivore group, and (f) flower symmetry for 98 plant species. Data were extracted from studies published between 1945–2020. The line
indicates the mean and the error bars denote SD. For more details see Supporting Information Table S1.

using digital images of each flower (n = 14 woody species, 3025 measures of florivory across biogeographic regions and plant
flowers measured), the floral area lost was 7.6% ( 0.21 SE) and lineages, which will improve representativeness in our continu-
this pattern was not influenced by plant phylogeny (Table S5). ously updated database. We provide data for > 13 500 flowers in
36 plant species from 17 families across sites spanning over 38
degrees of latitude.
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of herbivory and florivory
Florivory levels did not significantly vary among the four species of
Bignoniaceae (Fig. S7), but herbivory and florivory were positively
correlated within each species, indicating that plants that were more
Biogeography of flower–florivore interactions
attacked by herbivores were also more attacked by florivores.
Interspecific levels of herbivory varied between 2.6% ( 0.2) to Our global survey using both published and standardized field
5.95% ( 1.02; Fig. S7), and flower area removed ranged from data collection suggests that florivory is more common than
4.29% ( 1.13) to 7.3% ( 1.87). A total of 78 species of florivore previously conceived (see also Xiao et al., 2021), and provides
and 99 species of herbivore were sampled in these host plants, and novel insights into the biogeographical, phylogenetic and
similarity between herbivore and florivore communities was low ecological distribution of floral tissue consumption by florivores,
(Fig. S8). However, there was no relationship between richness of both at the plant and flower scales. Our results for published
florivores or herbivores and the degree of damage to flowers data show that patterns of damage to flowers were influenced by
(F1,58 = 1.76, P = 0.190) or leaves (F1,58 = 2.206, P = 0.143). the florivore guild, flower arrangement and florivory metric used.
Longer blooming periods of flowers, however, were positively We found higher levels of florivory on tropical plants, mainly
correlated (r = 0.543) with a greater diversity of florivores due to petal-chewing caterpillars, but a higher frequency of
(F1,58 = 24.29, P < 0.001; Fig. S8). flower attack was observed when florivores were birds and
mammals and flowers were singly arranged. The higher intensity
of florivory in tropical plants – observed in the published data
A standardized protocol for measuring florivory
and also in our field sampled species – suggests a potentially
In brief, our protocol called for field sampling of 20 fresh flowers higher impact of floral damage on plant performance in the
from at least five individuals of five different species from natural tropics and sheds light onto the long-standing discussion of
areas. Flowers should be digitized with a scale for reference and latitudinal gradients in insect–plant interactions (Forister et al.,
measured on image processing software to precisely measure floral 2015; Roslin et al., 2017). Surprisingly, data gathered from the
area removed (i.e. the ratio between flower tissue removed and published literature and our field sampling both show that global
total flower tissue area). Flower traits should be registered along florivory levels are almost twice as high as reported global
with data from each location. This protocol is already in use herbivory levels (Kozlov et al., 2015a), with a larger impact on
(Mendes et al., 2021) and is intended to facilitate the sampling of tropical plants than temperate ones. Tropical species might

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Fig. 3 Florivory levels (percentage of floral

area removed), as measured by the index of
floral damage (IFD), for the 36 sampled plant
species according to (a) region, (b) growth
form, (c) flower color and (d) flower
symmetry. Plants and flowers were sampled in
the field using a standardized protocol
(detailed in Supporting Information Methods
S1). Classes of removed floral area were
assigned as follows: (0) intact flower, (1) 0.01
to 1% of floral area damage, (2) between 1
and 5%, (3) between 5 and 25%, (4) between
25 and 50%, (5) between 50 and 75% and (6)
between 75 and 100% of flower area damage.
The line indicates the mean and the error bars
denote SD.

accumulate more specialized communities of herbivores, flori- removed with the aid of digital images and precise measurements of
vores and also natural enemies of both guilds (Basset et al., petal loss, corrected by flower size, will contribute to a deeper
2012), and higher levels of florivory on tropical plants might understanding of the effects of flower antagonists on plants and will
indicate higher specialization of, for example, Lepidoptera larvae fill the gap we have identified in the published literature.
on this particular resource. Caterpillars are amongst the most
common chewing herbivores in the tropics (Rinker & Lowman,
The impacts of florivory on plant fitness
2004), and we suggest that some species might be specialized in
flowers, as is the case of several species occurring in Asteraceae Direct effects of florivory on plant fitness and subsequent
flower heads (Oguro & Sakai, 2014; Nobre et al., 2016). evolutionary consequences should be accurately evaluated to
Florivory is inconsistently reported in the literature, but provide a clearer picture of its effects beyond exclusively reporting
frequency of damaged flowers in plants or plant populations was the reduced pollinator attractiveness of damaged flowers (Gelvez-
the most commonly used metric, followed by the level of florivory Z ~iga et al., 2018). Previous studies of background leaf herbivory
on flowers or flower parts, measured as percentage of area removed have suggested that a low intensity leaf removal of only 1% might be
by florivores. Each metric provides different information on enough to impact plant fitness (Kozlov & Zvereva, 2017). Our
florivory levels, including either prevalence of damage or damage results indicate that flowers lose around 8% of floral tissue due to
level, and they are therefore are noncomparable measurements of florivory (Table S3), with damage levels reaching up to 32% for
florivory. By contrast, sophisticated and widely accepted methods some tropical species (Fig. 1). There are theoretical reasons to
and metrics are used to estimate herbivory levels on plants (e.g. assume that the effects of florivory on plant fitness differ from the
Machado et al., 2016; Getman-Pickering et al., 2020). The IFD, effects of herbivory in at least three ways. First, florivores may
which is analogous to the IHD (index of herbivory damage – the directly impact fitness if they consume and/or damage reproductive
most widespread method of quickly evaluating levels of leaf structures. Second, florivores are more likely than herbivores to
herbivory in the field) seems to flatten and obscure the estimates of have indirect effects on plant fitness of greater magnitude than those
flower area removed by florivores. Data from our field sampling caused by herbivores, through instantaneous and long-term effects
provide empirical evidence of this, showing that flowers classed in on flower attractiveness to pollinators and pollinator behavior, with
the same IFD category in reality had very different degrees of cascading effects on pollen removal, transfer, and deposition.
damage when measured quantitatively through image processing Third, the net impacts of florivores on plant fitness are likely to
(Fig. S9). This result strongly suggests the need for switching from exceed in magnitude those of herbivores because flowers tend to be
semi-quantitative to quantitative measures to allow the identifica- more costly to produce (Teixido & Valladares, 2014), more
tion of thresholds of tissue loss that can be tolerated without ephemeral (Roddy et al., 2019), and less abundant than leaves.
hindering plant fitness, as done in parallel of studies on leaf– Despite the lack of quantitative comparisons on production costs
herbivore interactions (Kozlov & Zvereva, 2017). Flower mor- for flowers and leaves, the costs associated with producing flowers
phology and structure strongly differ from the usually flat-shaped are expected to be higher than those associated with leaf
leaves, posing additional challenges to estimating florivory levels, production, owing to the drain on resources associated with
and impairing quick assessment of florivory in the field as proposed energetically expensive ovules, nectar, pollen, and pigments
by the IFD. Our results indicate that the quantification of floral area (Roddy et al., 2021).

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Table 2 Floral traits suggested to have effects on florivory levels on plants.

Trait-based flower–florivore interactions
Flower trait Putative effects on florivory
Besides regional and latitudinal variation in florivory levels, another
promising research avenue is the examination of flower functional Flower colour Floral pigments are often linked to biosynthetic
traits that influence flower damage, either via attraction or pathways of metabolites that can have defensive
repulsion of florivores (Table 2). Species floral traits and time of properties and also support the idea that florivores,
flowering have been suggested as major drivers of pollinator like pollinators, can use flower color as a cue for
locating resources.
attraction (Albor et al., 2020), but despite some recent efforts (e.g. Flower longevity Longer-lived flowers often experience higher levels of
Paterno et al., 2020) flower traits are rarely sampled in global plant florivory, except when they are better protected by
trait databases and have rarely been linked to florivory levels either constitutive or induced defenses. The
experienced by plants. Our results show that some flower and plant relationships between defenses and flower longevity
traits influenced the frequency of attack on flowers but also the in terms of costs and resource allocation remain poorly
levels of florivory experienced by plants. Flower size Smaller flowers might escape florivory due to their
Flowers tend to be the most diversely pigmented plant structures, lower apparency relative to larger flowers, which are
displaying a wide range and combination of colors both between conspicuous and attractive to both pollinators and
and within species (Willmer, 2011). Although plant pigments have florivores. Although some data support a negative
generally been interpreted as a means of attracting mutualists, they relationship between flower size and floral damage,
data from tropical plants are still lacking.
are often linked to biosynthetic pathways of metabolites that can Flower The number of open flowers and the arrangement of
have defensive properties, supporting the idea that florivores can arrangement / flowers (single flowers or inflorescences) can
use flower color as a cue to locate flowers and also for flower number potentially make flowers more or less conspicuous to
consumption. Surprisingly, in our current analyses, flower color florivores, and levels of florivory may increase with
did not influence the levels of petal damage in either the published increased floral displays.
Floral symmetry Floral symmetry has been widely studied in terms of
data or the sampled field data, even though floral color has been pollinator attraction and repulsion, but is still unclear
shown to drive the foraging decisions of several pollinators (Reverte whether floral symmetry (actinomorphic or
et al., 2016), and florivores have been flagged as potential drivers of zygomorphic) influences levels of damage by floral
flower color polymorphisms (McCall et al., 2013). In species with enemies.
flower color polymorphism where florivory has been assessed, Floral phenology Plants can delay or advance flowering phenology to
reduce overlapping with periods of abundance of
florivores prefer certain color morphs over others (McCall et al., florivores. It is not clear, however, whether this
2013). However, the evidence is still scarce and is based on single strategy would be effective against generalist
study cases in experimental settings. Given the limited data on both florivores.
florivory levels and floral traits, we do wonder to what extent the Floral scent Flowers that produce volatile organic compounds used
lack of effect found in our database is a reflection of the inability of as cues by florivores for oviposition and/or feeding
might suffer higher floral damage. On the other hand,
the current dataset to describe a highly variable and complex floral scents might be used by natural enemies of
process, rather than constituting a general biological pattern. florivores, thereby reducing florivory levels.
Documenting flower color and florivory levels in wider censuses, Plant growth form Plant growth form can make flowers more or less
along with experiments testing florivore preferences in controlled apparent to florivores, so that herbs, shrubs or lianas
experimental settings, would help to build a broader picture of the may experience lower levels of florivory compared to
trees, where flowers might be less accessible. This
role of florivores in shaping flower color. functional trait has already been extensively studied
Flowers arranged into inflorescences experienced overall lower for leaf herbivory, but studies that have investigated
florivory than single flowers, and these results are consistent with its relationship with florivory remain scarce.
the hypothesis that escape may be a mechanism to reduce florivory
levels, as documented for herbivory. This finding highlights the fact
that herbivores and florivores exhibit similar patterns of resource Flower size is another floral trait that influences mutualistic and
usage. The plant apparency hypothesis (PAH; Feeny, 1976) antagonistic interactions. Larger-flowered species (or populations
suggests that conspicuous plants, such as trees, are ‘bound to be within species) may be attacked more frequently, following the
found’ (Smilanich et al., 2016) and have evolved higher concen- PAH (Feeny, 1976), although this may only be true in certain
trations of chemical and/or physical defenses against herbivores due ecological and/or phylogenetic contexts. Thus, if populations with
to greater tissue longevity and exposure. We suggest that the PAH larger flowers suffer greater florivory levels, florivores may
might also apply to flowers that are less conspicuous when singly ultimately act as a selective pressure to reduce flower size (McCall
arranged and therefore less ‘bound to be found’ by florivores, & Irwin, 2006; Teixido et al., 2011). Flower size, however, was not
compared to those bundled in dense resource patches, as is the case commonly or precisely reported in the published studies compiled
for inflorescences. The evaluation of the frequency of attack in in our database, appearing in less than a quarter of the studies that
flowers arranged into inflorescences and the levels of florivory described flowers consumed by florivores.
experienced by single flowers within an inflorescence will help us to An understanding of the effects of flower color, arrangement,
improve our understanding of how flower arrangement, time of size, and flower secondary compounds on both herbivores and
blooming, and longevity influence florivore choice. florivores is crucial to evaluate the role of generalist plant consumers

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and their effects as drivers of selection and flower evolution. Here, like florivory, have been overlooked or evaluated outside of the
we provide a first list of general florivore-related flower traits context of antagonistic interactions. This knowledge gap prevents
(Table 2) hoping it will inspire the collection and inclusion of such us from obtaining a better understanding of the multi-layered
data in global databases in order to facilitate florivory research in the interaction networks (Genini et al., 2010; Pilosof et al., 2017),
near future. Overall, if one wishes to understand the effects of hinders the development of practical measures for mitigating the
multiple and simultaneous forces on floral attraction to both economic losses associated with flower destruction by animals
florivores and pollinators, then floral traits should also be included (Kelley et al., 2001), and, because of the inherent importance of
in such studies. Moreover, patterns of co-variance between floral flowers in plant fitness, makes it more difficult to achieve a
traits and florivory across multiple species using phylogenetic comprehensive understanding of plant evolution (Chalker-Scott,
comparative approaches – as employed here – are required for a 1999; Tanaka & Brugliera, 2007).
better understanding of the evolution of plant–florivore interac- We revisited florivory, assessing global levels of floral damage,
tions. reviewing the identity of florivores, and a producing the first list of
pivotal florivore-related flower traits that influence floral damage,
and we hope that these efforts will inspire further sampling and the
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of flower-florivore interactions
incorporation of these key elements into global databases. In
For almost 90% of the animal-pollinated flowering plants addition, we hope that our protocol for standardized measurements
(Ollerton et al., 2011), complex, multispecies interactions with of florivory, coupled with the examination of flower traits that
floral enemies and herbivores often result in conflicting selection on mediate the incidence and degree of damage to flowers, will allow
plant traits (Jacobsen & Raguso, 2018) including floral display, the generation of robust, realistic and comparable estimates of the
phenology, flower size, color, morphology, nectar quality and amount of floral tissue removed by florivores and the corresponding
fragrance (Galen, 1999b; Caruso et al., 2010; Agren et al., 2013; impacts on plant fitness.
Ramos & Schiestl, 2019). Our empirical data are in line with those
of previous studies indicating that leaf herbivores might feed on
flowers of the same plant species (e.g. McCall, 2008, 2018). Our
field data, for which we used four related Bignoniaceae species as a The findings of this study help to improve our understanding of the
study system, showed correlated levels of florivory and herbivory role of floral antagonisms in plant fitness (McCall, 2008) and the
within species, but low similarity in the communities of insect implications for flower form and function (Roddy et al., 2021).
florivores and herbivores (Fig. S8). Ants were important compo- Multiple ecological factors driving plant fitness and flower traits
nents of both communities, acting as florivores in leafless plants, shape ecological communities and macroevolutionary patterns. A
and as predators of herbivores when plants were flushing new leaves broad understanding of these factors should extend beyond the role
and associated herbivores were abundant. Although greater of pollinators and include florivores as a major component of the
florivore richness did not translate into higher levels of florivory ecology of angiosperms and a major driver of their evolution.
for these plant species, florivores were more diverse and abundant in Insects are critical components of communities and ecosystems,
plants with longer blooming periods. Florivory was two-fold providing important ecosystem services such as pollination and
higher than herbivory for species with the shortest blooming decomposition (Elizalde et al., 2020). Many insect taxa act as both
periods (5–7 d). The highest similarity between florivore and pollinators and florivores, but the consequences of their global
herbivore communities was also found for the species that had the population declines (van Klink et al., 2020) for flower trait
longest blooming periods (c. 30 d), indicating that plant phenol- evolution remain largely unexplored. The incorporation of flori-
ogy, flower apparency and phenophase duration may also modulate vores into complex multi-layered interaction networks on both
the levels of flower damage (Albor et al., 2020). Temporal natural and modified landscapes will provide a more realistic
segregation of flowers and leaves in these deciduous-blooming picture of their role in shaping plant traits, plant demography,
species might be driving the dissimilarity of insects via differences in community assembly and macroevolutionary patterns (see Burin
resource availability, but we suggest that the determination of insect et al., 2021; Xiao et al., 2021). We look forward to a time when
identity and resource use over time could prove crucial to our knowledge of florivory is comparable to that of herbivory and
understanding of florivore–plant interactions and should be pollination, so we can have a broader and more realistic
investigated in future studies. understanding of the relative role of phytophagous animals in
The impacts of florivory on plants must be addressed beyond the shaping plant traits.
effects of floral damage on pollinator attraction, and we suggest that
florivory should be considered as a ‘standalone’ interaction in
studies involving flowers and animals. It has the potential to directly
and indirectly influence plant fitness via the direct consumption of We thank UFMG, UFSJ, CSEC, PPG-ECMVS and CAPES
costly tissues, through impacts on plant attractiveness to pollinators (Financial code 001) for continuous support. TC and FAOS
(e.g. abundance, number and duration of visits), and by altering received grants from CNPq (313007/2020-9) and FAPEMIG. We
both fruit and seed production (Moreira et al., 2019). As most thank D. Negreiros for assistance with Fig. 1, and B. Soares for
research has focused on positive (mutualistic) animal–flower assistance with PGLS analyses. Data collection by NV was funded
interactions, negative interactions between animals and flowers, by a Davis Trust, Edinburgh University research grant. This study

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Table S1 Global database of florivory.
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standardized protocol.
Supporting Information
Table S3 Plant species collected for this study with a standardized
Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the protocol, and florivory levels measured using IMAGEJ.
Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
Table S4 Results of phylogenetic generalized least square models
Fig. S1 Phylogenetic tree for 98 plant species for which florivory for the variation in florivory levels according to several explanatory
had been reported in previously published studies in terms of variables for published studies of 98 plant species.
frequency of flower attack.
Table S5 Results of phylogenetic generalized least square models
Fig. S2 Floral enemies on tropical plant species. for the variation in florivory levels according to several explanatory
variables for sampled data for 36 plant species.
Fig. S3 Phylogenetic tree for the 36 plant species collected using a
standardized protocol. Please note: Wiley Blackwell are not responsible for the content or
functionality of any Supporting Information supplied by the
Fig. S4 Distribution and number of florivory studies in the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be
florivory global database per country as a heat map in hues of blue. directed to the New Phytologist Central Office.

New Phytologist (2022) 233: 132–144 Ó 2021 The Authors New Phytologist Ó 2021 New Phytologist Foundation

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