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Topic – Gender, sex and sexuality.

Do you consider yourself as feminist? What does such label mean in XXI
century? Given the different social situations of women in developed and
developing countries, how realistic is the idea of a global feminism?

First of all I’d like to start everything with the meaning of feminism. Nowadays lot of people has
a vague understanding of feminism and it differs in every country. The blanket statement would
be “men and woman are equal” which is a really foolish and unsuitable description. After some
research I got more confused by what is feminism for real. From what I learned and understood
feminism is a concept which resolves around woman having equal rights and opportunities as
men and to be equal to them on political, social and economic grounds.

Do you consider yourself as feminist?

I consider myself as feminist but I can’t call myself one and the only reason for this is the
people’s vague understanding of this term and part of feminists who are labeled as radical
feminists. A lot of woman use this term wrong way. Sometimes they will let other think they are
victims of unfairness and I DO despise this kind of people. I am up for equality and for “every
gender” to have equal opportunities and rights. I can support “true” feminists who don’t exploit
from this movement and stay true to this definition. Jordan Petersons words - "There are
biological differences between men and women that express themselves in temperament and
in occupational choice and any attempt to enforce equality of outcome is unwarranted and ill-
advised as a consequence." Woman can’t be equal of man and man can’t be equal to woman.
We need equality but we don’t need exploiters such as radical feminists.

What does such label mean in XXI century?

Mostly blindly say “woman and man are equal”. But as media tends so show only bad sides of
everything people think that most of feminists are exploiters who think that they are always
victims which is partly true, but we have women who fairly fight for their rights.

Given the different social situations of women in developed and developing

countries, how realistic is the idea of a global feminism?
We should get this straight – global feminism seems impossible. Feminism can be considered
only in developed countries and in once who can “afford it”. How can you mention feminism in
Saudi Arabia? We have many complexities regarding such topics. History, religion and progress
and many other things can determine if feminism can be considered.

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