Basilan State College: College of Criminal Justice Education

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Basilan State College


Course Code LEA 1 Week/Day Week 3

Course Description Law Enforcement Organization and Duration 1 week
Learning Once this unit has been successfully completed, the student can discuss the evolution of
Outcome/s policing in the Philippines by creating a mind map.
Reference/s Police Organization and Administration – Law Enforcement and Administration 1 by:
Dr. Fernando B. Padduyao
Email account -
Fb account – Fullente Thrinity Lain
Contact # - 09757179756

I – Activation of Prior Knowledge.

Please answer the questions below before heading into this to see how much you know
about this course. Write your answer on the sheets provided

Write the matching letter of your choice.

1. During this period the police force was considered as part of the military system by the
Spanish government.
a. Spanish Period c. Manila Police Department
b. American Occupation d. Japanese Occupation
2. It was organized by virtue of Act No. 183.
a. Spanish Period c. Manila Police Department
b. American Occupation d. Japanese Occupation
3. It was organized for the purpose of carrying out the policies of the Spanish government.
a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publico c. Guadilleros
b. Guardia Civil d. Japanese Occupation
4. It partially relieved the Spanish Peninsular Troops of their works in policing towns.
a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publico c. Guadilleros
b. Guardia Civil d. Japanese Occupation
5. Listed below are the duties of Guardilleros, except:
a. to make patrol and carry mails at times
b. to guard dark and unsafe places
c. to guard the tribunal and prison houses
d. conceiving street signs.

II – Engagement in Relevant Content and Appropriate Learning Activity/Activities.


Evolution of the Philippine Policing System

Before the Spanish crime, there has been already a policing system that was in place in
the Philippines. That was when there were few people and governing then was quite not difficult
unlike now a day that we have complex problems brought by globalization, diverse, population.
In earlier times, most places, in some parts of the country, the function of seeing to it that the

rules and regulations of the community were enforced devolved on the Headman or whoever
heads the tribe. He performs all the job of the offices of what we call now the chief of police,
prosecutor, judge and jail warden.

A. Spanish Period
 The police force as part of the military system by the Spanish government.
 The locally organized police forces, although performing civil duties and seemingly
created for the sole purpose of maintaining peace, were in fact directly commanded by
the maintaining peace, were in fact directly commanded by the colonial military
 Police functions during the Spanish Regime consisted mainly in
o The suppression of brigandage by patrolling unsettle areas
o Enforcement of tax collection, including church venues
o Looking into the work and movement of the people
The Police forces organized during the Spanish Regime:
1. Carabineros de Seguridad Publico (Mounted Police) - 1712
 It was organized by the purpose of carrying out the policies of the Spanish
 It was given the special commission as custodian of the tobacco monopoly.
 It was later known as Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad pulica by virtue of
a Royal Decree on December 20, 1842. Its duties became police-like and
more general including the prosecution of the law breaker, maintenance of
peace, order, and security, and the vigilance on the execution of laws and
ordinances of good government.
 It was subsequently given limited power of discharge specific duties as port,
harbour and river police.
2. Guardrilleros (January 8, 1836)
 A body of rural police organized in each town which composed of 5% of the
able-bodied male inhabitants of each town or province, enlisted to serve for 3
 The duties of the local police were
o To make patrol and carry mails at times
o To guard dark and unsafe places
o To guard the tribunal and prison houses
3. Guardia Civil (February 12, 1852)
 It partially relieved the Spanish Peninsular Troops of their works in policing
 It consisted of a body of Filipino policemen organized originally in each of the
provincial capitals of the central provinces of Luzon under the Alcalde

B. American Occupation until World War II broke out

1. Insular Police force (November 30, 1890)
 It was established during the Filipino-American war (1891-1901) upon the
recommendation of the Philippines Commission to the Secretary of War.
2. Insular Constabulary (July 18, 1901)
 It was created by virtue of Act No.175 otherwise known as “An Act
Providing for the Organization and Government of an Insular
 The members were declared peace officers and were authorized and
empowered to prevent and suppress brigandage, unlawful assemblies, riots,
insurrections and other breaches of the peace and violations law.
 They were empowered to make arrests upon reasonable suspicion without
warrant for breaches of the peace or other violations of the law, and were also
empowered and required to execute any lawful warrant of order of arrest

issued against any person or persons for any violation of the law by any Judge
of the First Instance or Justice of the Peace or any other officer authorized by
law to issued a warrant. Prisoners, with or without warrant, shall in all case,
within twenty-four hours of reasonably practicable, be brought before Judge or
Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction over the offense, for examination and
release after bail, if the offense is bailable.
 When in pursuit of criminals Provincial Inspector of one province in charge of
Insular Constabulary is authorized to continue the pursuit beyond the borders
of the province in which he has ordinary jurisdiction, and arrest the offenders.
3. Manila Police Department (MPD) - July 31, 1901
 It was organized by virtue of Act No. 183 of the Philippine Commission.
 Capt. George Curry –a U.S. Army officer appointed by the TAFT
Commission on August 7, 1901 as the first Chief of Police.
 Capt. Columbus Piatt – Last American Chief of Police (COP) OF MPD before
World War II broke out
 Col. Antonio C. Torres – first Filipino COP when MPD became an all
Filipino police organization; declared Manila as an open city when World
War II broke out in 1941; during the World War II, MPD was placed
again under the American control.
 Col. Marcus Ellis Jones – a U.S. Provost Marshall who was named as MPD
Chief of Police just after the Manila Liberation.
 Col. Lamberto T. Javalera – the first Filipino COP of MPD appointed by Pres.
Roxas under the Republic Government.
4. Philippine Constabulary (October 3, 1901)
 Insular Constabulary was to change to Philippine Constabulary by virtue of
Act No. 255.
 Capt. Henry T. Allen – first Chief of the Philippine Constabulary from 1901-
1907 such that he was called as the Father of Constabulary in the Philippines.
 It was mostly manned by Filipinos but offices officers were mostly
 Based on Revised Administrative Code of 1917, specifically Section 825, it
stated that the Philippine Constabulary is a national police institution for
preserving the peace, keeping order and enforcing the law.
 Brig/Gen. Rafel Crame – first Filipino Chief of Police. He served as the PC
Chief from 1917-1927.

C. Japanese Military Police

1. Kempetai
 Japanese Military Police held responsible in maintaining peace and order
in Manila and adjacent urban areas.
 It ruled the urban areas until General Douglas McArthur returned on February
7, 1945.
 The Kempetai was the military police force administered by the Japanese War
Ministry during WWII over the Occupied Territories of Japan. Specially
trained in interrogation methods, its task was to crush all resistance to military
rule and it had power to arrest and extract information from civilians and
military alike.
2. Metropolitan Constabulary
 It was under the bureau of Constabulary.
 It was formerly known as Manila Police Department during the American

D. After the American Occupation in the Philippines

Republic Act No. 4864 (September 18, 1966)
 It was otherwise known as Police Act of 1966.

 This law provided for the creation of the Office of the Police Commission
(POLCOM) which was later called National Police Commission
(NAPOLCOM) under the Office of the President.
 POLCOM was created as a supervisory agency to the PC.
 Its function was to oversee the training and professionalization of the local
police forces.
 Through this law, reformation and professionalization of the police service
gained official recognition.

Criticism of the Police

 Some of the policeman were educationally not qualified; hence, cannot cope successfully
with the criminals.
 Lack of training and if ever trained, there were no sufficient equipment and other
teaching aids used in the training.
 Their territorial jurisdictions were limited and this prevented them from the effective
pursuit of criminals.

Presidential Decree No. 421 (1974)

 Integrated the city/municipal police force, the jail and fire department within the greater
Manila headed by the Commanding General, Philippine Constabulary Metropolitan

Presidential Decree No. 765 (August 8, 1975)

 PD 765 is otherwise known as the Integration Law of 1976.
 The Integrated National Police (INP) was compose of the Philippine Constabulary as the
nucleus, and the integrated police forces (Police, Fire & Jail Services) as components
under the Department of National Defense.
 The INP was responsible for public safety, protection of lives and properties,
enforcement of laws and maintenance of peace and order within the territorial limits of
the Philippines. It was responsible to prevent crimes, effect and arrest of criminal
offenders and provide for their detention and rehabilitation, take necessary measures to
prevent and control fires, investigate the commission of all crimes and offense and bring
the offenders to justice, and take all necessary steps to ensure the public safety.
 The head of the INP was the Chief/Director General, Philippine Constabulary.
 The first to occupy the position as chief, Philippine Constabulary/Director General, INP
is Fidel Valdez Ramos.

Presidential Decree no. 1184 (August 26, 1977) – It is otherwise known as “The Integrated
National Police Personnel Professionalization Act of 1977”.
 Police Strength. The strength of the policemen in a city or municipality shall depend on
the state of peace and order, population density and general needs of the service, but the
minimum shall be at least one policeman for every one thousand inhabitants.

R.A. 6975 – it is otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government
(DILG) Act of 1990. It created the PNP, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP),
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)

PNP Powers and Functions.

 Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection of lives and properties.
 Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public safety.
 Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of criminal offenders, bring offenders to
justice and assist in their prosecution.

 Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and seizures in accordance with the
Constitution and Pertinent laws.
 Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is prescribed by law, informing
the person, so detained of all his rights under the Constitution.
 Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and explosives in accordance with law.
 Supervise and control the training and operations of security agencies licenses to operate
security agencies, and to security guards and private detectives, for the practice of their
 Perform such other duties and exercise all other functions as maybe provided by law.

R.A. 8551 – it is known as the PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998. It is known as the
PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998. It relived the DILG and the PNP of the primary
responsibility on matters involving the suppression of insurgency and other serious threats to
national security, except when the President calls on them to support the AFP in combat

R.A. 9708 (August 12, 2009) - an Act extending for five (5) years the reglementary period for
complying with the minimum educational qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting
the promotion system.


After you read and internalize the content on this unit you may start doing the activities

ACTIVITY 1: Make a summary on what you have learned from the evolution of the Philippine policing system by
completing the mind map. Connect the boxes by drawing lines linking each concept. You may add boxes if

Refer to answer sheet for your answer.


Answer the multiple choice questions below to see how much you have learned on this unit.

Select the answer from the four choices lettered A, B, C and D. If none of the options is
correct, write E.

1. This a body of rural police organized in each town which composed of 5% of the able-bodied
male inhabitants of each town or province, enlisted to serve for 3 years.
a. Carabeneros de Seguridad c. Guardia Civil
b. Guardilleros d. Japanese Occupation
2. This was the military force administered by the Japanese War Ministry during WWII over the
Occupied Territories of japan..
a. Carabeeros de Seguridad c. Guardia Civil
b. Guardilleros d. Kempetai

3. The US Army officer appointed by the TAFT Commission on August 7, 1901 as the first
Chief of Police.
a. Capt. George Carry c. Col. Antonio C. Torres
b. Capt. Henry T. Allen d. Brig./Gen. Rafael Crame
4. The first Chief of the Philippine Constabulary from 1901-1907.
a. Capt. George Carry c. Col. Antonio C. Torres
b. Capt. Henry T. Allen d. Brig./Gen. Rafael Crame
5. The first Filipino Chief of Police.
a. Capt. George Carry c. Col. Antonio C. Torres
b. Capt. Henry T. Allen d. Brig./Gen. Rafael Crame
6. The first Filipino COP when MPD became all Filipino police organization.
a. Capt. George Carry c. Col. Antonio C. Torres
b. Capt. Henry T. Allen d. Brig./Gen. Rafael Crame
7. It was otherwise known as Police Act of 1966.
a. RA no. 4864 b. RA no.6975 c. RA no. 8551 d. PD no. 765
8. It was otherwise known as the Integration Law 1976.
. RA no. 4864 b. RA no.6975 c. RA no. 8551 d. PD no. 765
9. During this period the police force was considered as part of the military system by the
Spanish government.
a. Spanish Period c. Manila Police Department
b. American Occupation d. Japanese Occupation
10. It was organized by virtue of Act No. 183.
a. Spanish Period c. Manila Police Department
b. American Occupation d. Japanese Occupation


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