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“Everyone human has three basic needs, those are food, cloth and shelter”
(White, 2022). It has been for centuries that man would need these three bases in order
to survive in this world. However, in the modern era, education has joined this list as a
fundamental human right to raise people out of poverty. It follows the fact that the
classroom is a community in which there are loads of norms that members must comply
with (Dewey, as cited in “National Seminar on ‘School as a miniature society’,” n.d.). To
maintain this miniature society, numerous questions regarding equality have been
proposed by educationists and the government. Personally, at the initial stage of
education, equality is obligatory because of its influences on self-growth as well as
societal growth.

Having opportunities to studying in an equal environment equips students with

appropriate attitudes and requisite skills required to thrive throughout their lives. Without
receiving any privilege from wealthy parents, kids would be much more independent
when they grow up. For example, instead of taking money from families, they would
step out of their comfort zones and find themselves a part-time job that helps to support
their own needs. Self-reliant men tend to place them at the same position as others and,
as the result, no longer judge people by their family and racial backgrounds. Moreover,
to poor children, equal educational opportunities are lights at the end of the tunnel.
Equality broadens their future paths and reduces existed insecurity accumulated during
their tragic childhoods.

Another important point of educational equality is that it builds up a civilized

generation. Children who are treated fairly would get married one day and have children
afterwards. Because parents have been exposed in harmonious environment, there is
great possibility that they would pass down positive notions to their descendants.
Unarguably, achieving fair education for all is challenging, but it is worth trying.
Education is not simply school attendance and knowledge that the young gain today. It
is the key factor that drives their employability, productivity and well-being in the years
to come. Every individual contributes a tremendous part in communities’ development
and nations thrive. As Darius has said, “if each person in a society improves itself by
1%, society as a whole should have an improvement in the quality of life of 1%”
(Foroux, as cited in “How personal development could lead to society improvement,”
n.d.). Obviously, equality in classroom promotes not only self-growth but also societal

Opponents might argue that equality is not always beneficial. Equality is not the
only solution for society’s issues. Therefore, constantly focusing on a particular group of
students soon leads to inequality and striving to equality is pointless because it can
never be achieved. Admittedly, critics have a valid point about the reality that only
equality is not enough for sustainable development. However, the most prominent point
is equality in opportunities, which means that everyone has the same start. Government
does not simply give out financial aids or distribute money. The poor would never be
richer than you if they did not put any effort into studying and working. Educationists
have had many more advanced measures to improve the quality of education such as
maintaining infrastructure, enhancing the quality of teachers and promoting extra-
curricular activities. After all, I do believe that real equality, which ensures individual’s
equivalent access to opportunities, is neccessary and possible in modern times.

In conclusion, school is a convenient place to educate children about equality.

More specifically, equality should begin in classroom. Small actions really could make
big differences. Having been aware of equality would be a solid foundation for people to
explore and develop their communities. In other words, equal educational chances will
broaden the search for talents among all citizens of a country.

National Seminar on ‘School as a Miniature Society’ – Partap College of Education.
Ruiz, L. (2020). How personal development could lead to a society improvement.
White, S. (2022, February 3). Equality in Education | Why It Is Required?

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