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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.0. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed esson Plan (DLP) Format

DLP O: Learning Area: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration:

Muric Grade ficst 4hour

Learning8 | Dooribas mo mugieal den tnts of veleced voca Mu HRD-Ib-f-S
Tompetency/ies: and inshMmental muso of aroque S
CurriculumGuide)Relatst doroque nusfo to othtr ort form and hsry Hu HRB-fo*$
oken from the
KeyConcepts Musio i a potent too| of com unication nd dedotion derpitt
Understandings to be having comple ttchn quts and sills (nvolved
1. Learning Objectives
A. Knowledge 6xplain tho musicdl chorachtrishcs of earoque Mutio (Nau ern)

B. Skills Demons ratt no disfer ent tentn of musio ar opph n rqe

Dicxnguish Jtnents of mun în aroque Perioc
Compart Boroque Munt to ik histocia and arhs ho acka aund
C. Attitude Hancels *The Meatiah "
Diuplay con idence in vinging

D. Valuees ho faith and devohom thndgh a nusica perfo rmance


3. Learning Resources
Muic ArtsLeamers Maknal for orade 4, fdwer fojnt prten
tohion, audid-visual pru entahions, Menh meter

4. Procedure
4.1 Introductory We Art sailin9"
Activity The ttache wil play dfecen} yongs. The udent
wll iden tit whích coun each Sono bdmgs.

4.2 Activity Spot tne ArhStho lenents

Thu ttachtr wl how thee retr of
pichurs howíng the
Poaroqut and Contemporary penod's pain hogs, vcaulp urv, and
architchur. Th +eaoher
will lt m Studente obserue and will
ON the olowin quas hons
How does each set of pichnrus difftr fròrm ach othr
what do u mink hoge artworks art made .
.Ho wil you descn'DG Hu of nament ahon of Hhe orprES,
4.3 Analysis
Listoning Achvit
ftachr wil py an audio clip of me fhr movemen
pring by Vivaldi and let tho mdent focus 00 the
and dharacerishcs of the piea the kadhr hen wi|
J en
at the ollowing qu&tiens
Bastd vn what you havt heard, how manyY instruments art ploi
o il you deorite the nudicality of the piec
Arc thert any imilari tieu octueun the artworks being preentd
tarlier and the musiu you jut heard Jushyour anwer
4.4 Abstraction
opinion Mattrs
The ttachtr ill rhow anc Oudiu- vísual olip for the vd ests to watoh
and liqen. The ttachir le the vtudns focus on me musica
oy fachelbe.
Aements of he piece, nhhd Conon usng
Meniineks the udunt will har huir opinions nd présent
heir ideal by ping the lemenh ef muit thej could idan Nfy|
#Me picce. The tacher will then add informahon arout tme

ad is rtlahion to ik niator and acs.


4.5 Application
True or false "
The tacher will givt thrtw taBtments about the berdqut
pericd mui. the vtudens wdishngdish îf he Vtaknen
art tut or false.

LThe tem Paroque mans diamond of iegular vhaps. (falc)

Mel oditd in Me Boiroque musd sound elaborak and
ornanen ta (Trut)
. Meodiet ort 0o easy sing or
remenber, Grue)

4.6 Assessment
Chorcal inaing
The tacher will alsign ringing part of he
b pea Hcagiah "
Htanael aprropriat and vuitable for the udentí voicas. *The
Messiah" comparec) vj tonde for trats he orradvts of
if. Tht Vhudents il bl given timu to
uhudy and
the assiqntd parts df me plect ond t hem takeprachi
of thum ding ing it witm a vidtos
1-minu Hme rame. Tht tud ent
will upload muir vtdAos onHho
googl du fokter link povide
b t tachr. Pltast te he attacnta
ubns in tht apptndiud
4.7 Assignment
Restarch aout th ditfuent gencs the of baroqut mutio
and ma a table ir he

and musicd tlemen

tplanahon, characrish cs,
of eoach qenre. Pltase See *he
otoched format n te
The vtudnts wil submit htir answerS in tht MAPEA
castrom 0n
duy ', Hel, 0:00 P.M
lesson plan to the following day
1. Remarks ndicate below special including but not limited to continuation of
lesson to the following day, in cases of class suspension,
in case ofre-teaching or lack of time, transfer of
of tne
to scheduling and loading problems
previous meeting was not carried due
ne esson plan of
eacher; therefore, the same lesson plan will he used for tesay

thiS Week.
teacher. Think about your student's progress
2. Reflections Ect your teaching
on and assess yourself as a
what help your
the students learn? ldentify
what works? Whot else needs to be done to help you can dsk them
meet them,
nstructional supervisors con providefor you so when you
A. No. of learners wh0 earned
questions.indicuieveiow wiciever is/ureuppropriutë.
RO% in the

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

C Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my learning
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with

Prepared by:
Name: GyZE AuEN MARIE C B0RDADOR School: App ying t TAAMBAN
Position/Designation: (FcODHRY CHADL TNGR 1 Division: (u a N NATj0wALHal CHoo
Contact Number: (n471T19790 Email address:
Bibliography Leorner's Moknal for Musiu and Arts: Mulu
r Pepadment of fdu cahd0
Appendices: (attach all materials that will be used) .
fowe Point Pruentahon
Rubrics For the Stl r formanw Tut
Forrnaj for tme artignment

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