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I. Objectives:
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of different listening
strategies to comprehend texts.

B. Performance Standards: The learner uses information from texts viewed or listened to
in preparing logs and journals.

C. Learning Competency and Code: At the end of 50 minutes, 75% of the learners are
expected to activate prior knowledge based on the stories to be heard. (EN3LC-Ia-j-2)

Quarter: 1__ Week: 1__ Day: 2__ Date ____________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Activating prior knowledge based on the stories heard.
Integration: Creativity, resourcefulness, patience & perseverance
(Learning Area): MAPEH, Science, ESP
Strategies: Explicit Instruction, Integrating HOTS questions, collaborative learning
group activity
III. Learning Resources
Materials: Pictures, word cards
References: Learner’s Materials: pp. 2-3, Activity 1&2
Teacher’s Guide, p32,
K to12 CG p. 36 of 170
IV. Procedures:
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson:
Unlocking/Vocabulary & Concept Development
Show pictures of the following words below and discuss/elicit questions from the
pupils to find the meaning of each by asking questions.
(crow, beak, pitcher, narrow, thirsty, water)
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson:
Ask the Motivation Question
What do you do when you feel thirsty?
Post a word card with the word thirsty on it on the board. Have the children think of
words that come to their mind when they hear the word thirsty. Write their answers as
strands around the word, as shown in the figure below.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson:
Say: Today, I will read a story about a thirsty crow. Find out what he did to drink
Read the story aloud. Stop at indicated point, to ask the children what
they think will happen next in the story.

The Crow and the Pitcher

Adapted from Aesop by Dinah C. Bonao

On a hot summer day, a thirsty crow looked for water to drink. “It’s hot! I am thirsty!”
said the crow. “I need to find water.”
The crow flew from one please to another looking for water to drink. He finally found a
pitcher near a well. But there was only a little water in the pitcher.
He tried to drink from the pitcher but no matter how much he tried, he could not reach the
“My beak is too big. The pitcher’s neck is very narrow. How will I get the water?” he
Then an idea came to the crow. He picked up some small stones. He dropped them into
the pitcher one by one.
“One, two, and three…” Plop, plip, plop. Little by little, the water rose in the pitcher.
Four, five, six…” Plop, plip, plop. The water rose some more. Soon the crow could reach
the water.
Now, I can drink!” said the crow. “Ah! It’s cold and good!”

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1:

Ask the following questions:
1. At the beginning of the story, what did the thirsty crow do?
2. Where did he find water?
3. Could he drink right away? Why not?
4. How do you think the crow felt when he could not drink?
5. What did the crow do then?
6. If you were the crow what would you do?
7. What happened when he dropped stones into the pitcher?
8. How did the crow feel in the end? Why?
9. Do you think he is a smart crow? Why?

E. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills:

In what way can you be smart like a crow?
Group the pupils into four and let them perform a dramatization of a situation
they had been showing them being smart like the crow.

F. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson:

What character trait is shown by the character in the story/? Do you think one
must possess such trait to be able to succeed in doing a certain task/? Why?

G. Evaluating Learning:
I. Answer the following questions.
a. What did the crow do to drink water?
b. What character trait of the crow helps him solve his problem?
II. Draw the part of the story you liked best, then write a sentence about you

H. Assignment / Enrichment
Write 2-3 sentences to answer the questions

Where did you get water in your house? How can you conserve water?

V. Remarks:

VI. Reflection:
A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

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