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Lesson Title: First Conditional

Level: Intermediate


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Understand the meaning and use of the first conditional

2. Use the first conditional in speaking and writing

3. Identify the difference between the first conditional and other conditional forms


 A computer or other device with internet access

 An interactive whiteboard or projector

 Handouts with exercises and examples of the first conditional

 Online resources (such as videos, games, and quizzes) related to the first conditional

Warm-up (5-10 minutes):

Start the lesson by asking students to brainstorm a list of situations where they might use
conditional sentences. Write their answers on the board. Then, ask students to discuss in pairs
or small groups what they think the first conditional means and when they might use it. After a
few minutes, ask a few students to share their answers with the class.

Presentation (10-15 minutes):

Introduce the first conditional using examples and explanations on the interactive whiteboard.
Make sure to highlight the following points:

 The first conditional is used to talk about real or possible situations in the present or

 The first conditional follows the structure "if + present simple, will + base verb."

 The first conditional can be used to make predictions, give warnings, give advice, make
offers, and make promises.

Use examples to illustrate each of these points, and encourage students to ask questions if
they need clarification.

Practice (20-25 minutes):

Next, give students handouts with exercises related to the first conditional. These could

 Fill-in-the-blank sentences

 Sentence transformations

 Writing prompts
Allow students to work on the exercises independently or in pairs, and encourage them to use
online resources to check their answers.

Production (15-20 minutes):

Finally, give students a chance to use the first conditional in their own speaking or writing. This
could include:

 Role-playing scenarios

 Writing a short story or dialogue

 Discussing hypothetical situations

Encourage students to be creative and to use the first conditional in a variety of ways.

Review (5-10 minutes):

Wrap up the lesson by reviewing the key points of the first conditional and asking students to
share any questions or comments they have. This could be done through a class discussion or a
quick quiz.

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