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Activity 1:

★ Watch this video: This video will teach us about

different types of balls and how they are used. Pay attention to the shapes, sizes, and
colors of the balls.

Activity 2:
★ Let's play a fun game of ball toss with a partner or family member. You can use any
type of ball you have at home or at school. Toss the ball back and forth, and try to
catch it without dropping it. How many times can you catch the ball in a row?

Activity 3:
★ Did you know that you can make your own ball using simple materials like paper, tape,
and scissors? You can make a soccer ball, basketball, or any other type of ball that
you like.

➔ Follow these instructions:

1. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half diagonally to make a triangle.

2. Fold the bottom corner of the triangle up to the top corner.

3. Fold the left and right corners of the triangle towards the center crease,
forming a diamond shape.

4. Fold the top corner of the diamond down to the bottom corner, tucking it
under the flaps on either side.

5. Fold the left and right corners of the diamond towards the center crease,
forming a square shape.

6. Fold the top and bottom corners of the square towards the center
crease, forming a smaller square.

7. Open up the flaps on either side of the smaller square and flatten it into
a hexagon shape.

8. Tape the flaps together to secure the ball shape.

Activity 4:
★ Draw and color your favorite type of ball. Use crayons, markers, or colored pencils to
make your drawing colorful and fun. Then, share your drawing with your class and tell
them why you like that type of ball.

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