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You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to the
correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in your answer/ratio is not
1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs,
often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. A clinical instructor is seen asking her student in the care of
her acutely ill patient. Which of the following physiologic needs is essential?
a. Healthy diet c. Elimination
b. Hydration d. Oxygen
2. Pepper is a 90-year-old widow from Vancouver. She just lost her husband Cay a week ago after being admitted at
ICU due to heart failure. Which of the following is the developmental tasks of an older adult in the family?
a. Cope with loss of energy and privacy
b. Maintain a supportive home base
c. Prepare for retirement
d. Adjust to loss of spouse
3. Surgical hand washing should reduce the release of skin bacteria from the hands of the surgical team for the
duration of the procedure in case of a puncture of the surgical glove releasing bacteria to the surgical wound.
Careful hand-washing and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet which basic human need?
a. Love & belonging c. Self-esteem
b. Physiologic d. Safety & Security

Name:__________________________________ Year Level and Section:_______________ Course:_______________

Direction: Read and answer carefully.

1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often
depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. A clinical instructor is seen asking her student in the care of her acutely
ill patient. Which of the following physiologic needs is essential?
a. Healthy diet c. Elimination
b. Hydration d. Oxygen

2. What is the general definition of a system?

a. developmental stage influence the personality of an individual c. stage where the motivation need for change
b. a system is a set of components that interact to achieve a purpose d. emphasize importance of observing
3. Pepper is a 90-year-old widow from Vancouver. She just lost her husband Cay a week ago after being admitted at the
ICU due to heart failure. Which of the following is the developmental tasks of an older adult in the family?
a. Cope with loss of energy and privacy c. Maintain a supportive home base
b. Prepare for retirement d. Adjust to loss of spouse

4. What are the five parts of a system in order;

a. input,output,process,feedback,boundaries and environment
b. environment, feedback,output,input and boundaries
c. output,boundaries,feedback,input and environment
d. feedback,boundaries,output, environment and input
5. Surgical hand washing should reduce the release of skin bacteria from the hands of the surgical team for the duration of
the procedure in case of a puncture of the surgical glove releasing bacteria to the surgical wound. Careful hand-washing
and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet which basic human need?
a. Love & belonging c. Self-esteem
b. Physiologic d. Safety & Security
4. Nurse Pepper is assigned to care for patients at the COVID ward. Maslow's Hierarchy of basic human needs is
essential when formulating a plan and management of nursing care as it provides a basis for?
a. Establishing priorities of care
b. Making accurate nursing diagnoses
c. Integrating science into nursing care
d. Communicating concerns more concisely
5. Maslow's pyramid of human needs, beginning at the base with physiological needs that must first be satisfied
before higher-level safety needs and then psychological needs become active. You are asked to use the Abraham
Maslow's theory to prioritize the following health needs from most important priority to the least important priority:
a. Disturbed Body Image
b. Altered Breathing Pattern
c. Spiritual Distress
d. Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements
6. It is the condition of being honored, to regard highly such as a highly favorable opinion or judgment.
a. Security
b. Physiological
c. Esteem
d. Self-Actualization
7. This includes the need to grow, to feel fulfilled, to realize one's potential.
a. Security
b. Physiological
c. Esteem
d. Self-Actualization Needs
8. It grows from experiences of punishment.
a. Bad me
b. Good me
c. Anxious me
d. Not me
9. Anxiety provoking experiences may create dissociation from self to form the __________, experiences that are
a. Bad me
b. Good me
c. Anxious me
d. Not me
10. Any behavior that is rewarded, suppress parts that you don't like, display good parts?
a. Bad me c. Anxious me
b. Good me
6. Nurse Pepper is assigned to care for patients at the COVID ward. Maslow's Hierarchy of basic human needs is essential
when formulating a plan and management of nursing care as it provides a basis for?
a. Establishing priorities of care b. Making accurate nursing diagnoses
c. Integrating science into nursing care d. Communicating concerns more concisely
7. General system focus on the ____ aspect of system-subsystem and environment
a. physical c. organization
b. condition d. wholeness
8. Maslow's pyramid of human needs, beginning at the base with physiological needs that must first be satisfied before
higher-level safety needs and then psychological needs become active. You are asked to use the Abraham Maslow's
theory to prioritize the following health needs from most important priority to the least important priority:
a. Disturbed Body Image c. Altered Breathing Pattern
b. Spiritual Distress d. Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements

9. It is the condition of being honored, to regard highly such as a highly favorable opinion or judgment.
a. Security c. Esteem
b. Physiological d. Self-Actualization

10. Founder of General System Theory

a. Erik Erikson c. Albert Bandura
b. Ludwig Von Bertallanfy d. Harry Sullivan
11. This includes the need to grow, to feel fulfilled, to realize one's potential.
a. Security c. Esteem
b. Physiological d. Self-Actualization Needs
12. Define as surrounding or conditions in which something exist or operates.
a. Environment c. Feedback
b. System d. Subsystem
13. Open system focuses on _________
a. Feedback c. wholeness
b. interaction d. physical
14. General System framed in ____
a. 1920 c.1950
b. 1940 d. 1930
15. Traditionally defined as lines
a. Feedback c. Output
b. Input d. Boundaries
16. What is the name of Erik Erickson's development theory?
a. Psycho-social c. Physical
b. Cognitive d. Moral
17. Which is an example of the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?
a. A teenager trying out new fashions and hairstyles
b. A preschooler insisting on picking out her own clothes, no matter how mismatched they are
c. A middle-schooler completing a challenging math assignment
18. What do people face during each psychosocial stage that can serve as a turning point in development?
a. Conflict c. Epiphany
b. Turmoil d. Love
19. The stage that occurs between birth and one year of age is concerned with
a. Initiative vs. Guilt c. Identity vs. Role Confusion
b. Trust vs. Mistrust d. Industry vs. Inferiority
20. If a child struggles to do well in school, what problem might emerge?
a. Struggle with feelings of inferiority c. Begin to mistrust the people around him
b. Develop a poor self-identity d. Reflecting on his life
21. Intimacy vs. Isolation occurs at what stage?
a. infancy c. young adulthood
b. maturity d. older aldulthood
20. According to Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development, which stage describes a child who needs to learn
important academic skills and compare favorably with peers in school to achieve competence?
a. Trust vs Mistrust c. Identity vs Role Confusion
b. Initiative vs Guilt d. Industry vs Inferiority

21. A 38-year-old woman quits her high-paying marketing job to focus on her children and become a school counselor.
What stage would Erikson consider this to be:
a. Identify vs. Role Confusion c. Trust vs Mistrust
b. Industry vs Inferiority d. Generativity vs Stagnation

22. Preschoolers (ages 3-6) go through what stage?

a. Initiative vs Guilt c. Industry vs Inferiority
b. Shame vs Doubt d. Trust vs Mistrust
12. Successful completion of Erickson's 8th stage of psychosocial development results in which of the following virtues?
a. Wisdom c. Hope
b. Fidelity d. Purpose

23. When a child is constantly told by their parents that they cannot do something, this is a negative outcome of which
stage of development?
a. Stage 3 - Initiative vs. Guilt c. Stage 2 - Autonomy vs. Doubt
b. Stage 1 - Trust vs. Mistrust d. Stage 4. Industry v Inferiority

24. A teenager joining a jazz band would be an example of what psychosocial stage?
a. Industry v inferiority c. Identity v confusion
b. Trust v Mistrust d. Initiative v guilt

25. Which is an example of the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?
a. An infant chewing on a teething toy
b. A teenager trying out new fashions and hairstyles
c. A middle-schooler completing a challenging math assignment
d. A preschooler insisting on picking out her own clothes, no matter how mismatched they are

26. What are Lewin's 3 stages of change?

a. change, unfreeze, refreeze c. Unfreeze, Refreeze, Change
b. Refreeze, Change, Unfreeze d. Unfreeze, change, refreeze
27. This is the theory provides structure for identifying and understanding motivation behind individuals response to
change and for improving behavior during change
a. Interpersonal Theory c. Change Theory
b. Social Learning Theory d. Theory of Personality Development
28. The process which involves finding a method of making it possible for people to let go of an old pattern that was, in
some way, counterproductive.
a. Moving c. Refreezing
b. Unfreezing d. Restraining force
29. Force that push in a direction that causes change to occur.
a. Restraining force c. Moving/Change
b. Driving force d. Unfreezing
30. Final stage where changes that have been initiated become integrated, established and estabilized.
a. Moving/ Change c. Equilibrium
b. Unfreezing d. Refreezing
31. State of being where driving forces equal restraining forces and no change occurs,
a. Unfreezing c. Equilibrium
b. Refreezing d. Moving/Change
32. Cause a shift in the equilibrium which opposes change
a. Restraining force c. Refreezing
b. Moving/Change d. Unfreezing
33. 1. Who is the proponent of Interpersonal Theory of Personality?
a. Harry Stack Sullivan c. Melanie Klein
b. Rollo May d. Erich Fromm
34. Based on the Interpersonal Theory of Personality, what is the basis of the child’s bad-mother personification? His
experiences with a mother:
a. whose nipple doesn’t satisfy his hunger needs c. who keeps on abusing him
b. who is distant and seldom has time for him d. who has given him away for adoption
35. In this theory of personality, what is the theme of the interpersonal process during late adolescence?
a. Living with Peers c. Intimacy and Lust
b. Intimacy d. Fusion of Intimacy and Lust
36. When the infants’ needs are satisfied by the mothers, what kind of feelings will be developed?
a. malevolence c. tenderness
b. intimacy d. trust
37. As a mark of the child’s unhealthy personality, which of the following would be triggered when his needs for
interpersonal relations become unsatisfactory?
a. malevolence c. mistrust
b. emotional distance d. aloneness and loneliness
37. Which of the following emotional states is considered by Sullivan as the chief disruptive force in interpersonal
(a) anxiety (c). anger (b) fear (d). guilt
38. At what level of cognition does the child communicate accurately, logically, and rationally?
(a) Syntaxic level (c). Parataxic level
(b) Synthetic level (d). Prototaxic level
39. Which of the three major dynamisms is marked by a close personal relationship between two people of equal status?
(a) malevolence (c). mutuality
(b) lust (d). intimacy
40. What emotional state is considered as the chief disruptive force blocking the development of healthy interpersonal
(a) anxiety (c) depression
(b) anger (d) self-alienation
41. How many main stages of moral development are there?
a. 7 c. 3
b. 5 d. 1
42. How many levels of moral development are there in each stage?
a. 6 c. 8
b. 2 d. 4
43. In this stage, children are good so that they can be seen as good to other people.  
a. Post Conventional b. Preconventional/Premoral c. Conventional
44. If a child is good because they do not want to avoid punishment, which stage are the students in?
a. Post Coventional b. Preconvential/Pre-,moral c. Conventional
45. In this stage, individ ual judgment is based on individual rights and justice for the greater good.  
a. Post-Conventional b. Preconventional or premoral c. Conventional
46. In this stage, the child is aware of wider rules of society.  At this point, a student is good because of what society says.
a. Post-Conventional b. Conventional c. Preconventional/Premoral
47. A child at this stage children begin to understand that different individuals have different view points.  In other words,
they may understand that what "dad" thinks is right may be different from what his/her teacher may think is right
a. post-conventional b. Conventional c. Pre-conventional/pre-moral
48. People at this stage develop their own set of moral guidelines that may or not fit into the law. Things like human
rights, justice, and equality are most important even if they have to go against society and have to face consequences.
a. Post-Conventional b. Pre-Conventional/Pre-moral c. Conventional
49. _____________ is the bottom rock foundation that empowers leadership in nursing.
a. Servant-Leadership Spiritually b. Self-Mastery c. Special-Nursing Expertise
50. _____________ demonstrated by a vibrant Care Complex possed to a certain degree by all who have been through
formal studies in a care giving profession such as nursing.
a. Servant-Leadership Spiritually b. Self-Mastery c. Special-Nursing Expertise
51. ____________ conglomeration of personal maternal care activities during infancy & childhood together with an
illusive culture care content, peculiar to Filipino people.
a. Professionalized Care b. Dynamic Care Complex c. Termed Core Care
52. Cornerstone of nursing leadership
a. Dynamic Care Complex b. Specialist Level of Practice c. Professionalized Care
53. Creating new world out of the chaos looks to research as a tool. Spiritually of a servant-leader after person of Jesus
Christ. Occurs within a filipino nursing context with all its cultural values and mores
a. Specialist Level of Practice b. Expertise c. Dynamic Care Complex
54. Guarantees students formation as a nursing leaders in the art of caping, only artist from second nature can teach first
lesson learned by nursing student
a. Professionalized Care b. Transformative Teaching c. Expertise
55. Shaping of deliberate understanding of persons guided by the revelations of technology.
a. Technological Knowing b. Designing c. Participative Engaging
56. Promotes the opportunity for simultaneous practice of shared activities that are crucial to knowing persons.
a. Designing b. Technological Knowing c. Participative Engaging
57. Multidimensional process of knowing persons in which both the nurse and the one nursed co create a mutually
fulfilling care process from which the nurse can design responses to the patient’s desire for quality human care
a. Technological Knowing b. Participative Engaging c. Designing
58. The process of nursing in knowing person is guided by technological knowing in which persons are appreciated by
participants in care rather than the object of care.
a. Designing b. Knowing c. Verifying Knowledge
59. The continuous circular process demonstrate the ever changing dynamic nature of knowing in nursing.
a. Verifying Knowledge b. Knowing c. Designing
60. _________ inevitable change in one’s life
a. Retirement b. Role Discontinuity c. Retiree
61. _________ is a interruption in the line of status enjoyed or performed
a. Retirement b. Role Discontinuity c. Retiree
61. Period between near retirement and post-retirement years.
a. Retirement b. Role Discontinuity c. Change of life
62. Individual who has left the position occupied for the past years of procedure because he/she reached prescribe
retirement age.
a. Retiree b. Change of Life c. Role Discontinuity
63. She is a former president of The Association of the Philippine Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN) and Dean of University
of the East ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, INC (UERMMMC) College of Nursing.
a. Carmelita Divinagracia c. Carolina Agravante
b. Letty G. Kuan d. Rozanno Locsin
64. Three (3) Physiologic Outcome
a. Vital signs, chest pain and hemogoblin
b. physical, intellectual, and emotional
c. health, intervention and wellness
65. Clinical measurements, specifically pulse rate, temperature, respiration rate and blood pressure, that indicate the state
of patients essential body functions.
a. Chest Pain c. Hemogoblin
b. Vital Sign d. Emotional
66. What is the blood count of the patient
a. Chest Pain c. Hemogoblin
b. Vital Sign d. Emotional
67. Relating to your ability to think and understanding things, especially complicated ideas.
a. Physical c. Intellectual
b. Spiritual d. Emotional
68. Becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life
a. Welllness c. Health
b. Intervention d. Person
69. Action taken to improve a situation, especially a medical disorder
a. Welllness c. Health
b. Intervention d. Person
70. She came and become a Instructor at University of the Philippines College of Nursing in 1979 and nd Later on she
became a Dean of College of Nursing in UP Manila from 1966 – 2002
a. Carmelita Divinagracia c. Carolina Agravante
b. Cecilia Laurente d. Rozanno Locsin
71. A mental state of fear or nervousness about what might happen
a. Anxiety c. Denial
b. Presence d. Depression
72. Person to person contact between the client and the nurses.
a. Anxiety c. Denial
b. Presence d. Depression
73. Development in the time though mutual trust between the nurse and the patient
a. Experience c. Presence
b. Stimulation d. Concern
74. She is awarded PRC Professional of the Year 2019.
a. Carmelita Divinagracia c. Carmencita Abaquin
b. Cecilia Laurente d. Rozanno Locsin
75. Nursing interventions provided to address the multi-dimensional problems of cancer patients that can be given in any
setting where patients choose to be confined. This program emphasizes a holistic approach to nursing care.
a. Prepare ME c. Prayer
b. Dimension d. Mediation

76. This includes therapeutic communication, active listening, and touch.

a. Reminisce Therapy c. Presence
b. Mediation d. Prayer
77. Recalls past experiences, feelings, and thoughts to facilitate adaptation to present circumstances.
a. Reminisce Therapy c. Presence
b. Mediation d. Prayer
78. Connection to a spiritual being without regard to religion.
a. Reminisce Therapy c. Presence
b. Mediation d. Prayer
79. Techniques to encourage and elicit relaxation for the purpose of decreasing undesirable signs and symptoms such as
pain, muscle tension, and anxiety.
a. Reminisce Therapy c. Relaxation-Breathing
b. Mediation d. Prayer
80. ________ is a principle of liberating the self and others from the limits of human-space-time realities.
a. Emancipation c. Equitability
b. Energy d. Human Transcendence
81. _______ is continuously moving from “subatomic particles to the biosphere, including the planet
Earth, all forming a whole”
a. Emancipation c. Equitability
b. Energy d. Human Transcendence
82. _______ is a principle of justice and fairness in human caring across healthcare systems.
a. Emancipation c. Equitability
b. Energy d. Human Transcendence
83. ________ indicates personal growth of persons and professional growth among
a. Emancipation c. Equitability
b. Energy d. Human Transcendence

84. _______________ is a principle of human interconnectedness of energy.

a. Interconnectivity c. Energy
b. Equitability d. Space
85. _______________ actors could mean internal and external environmental limitations.
a. Interconnectivity c. Energy
b. Equitability d. Space

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