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Pause for a moment and consider a typical day in your, then answer the following;

1. Can you think of personal change that you had to go through? Have you encountered any
resistance to this change? What were the reasons?
- In my opinion, change in almost any aspect of a company’s operation can be met with
resistance, and different cultures can have different reactions to both the change and the
means to promote the change. To better facilitate necessary changes, several steps can be
taken that have been proved to lower the anxiety of employees and ease the
transformation process. Often, the simple act of including employees in the change process
can drastically reduce opposition to new methods. In some organizations, this level of
inclusion is not possible, and instead organizations can recruit a small number of opinion
leaders to promote the benefits of coming changes.

2. If you were in a group, how would you deal with your group mates who are resisting change of
your performance because their habits are threatened?
- In my opinion, if I’m a group i can reduce employee resistance by simply communicating
more frequently so that the misunderstandings between both sides of the employees and
the management may be reduced. We are using an application that helps us communicate
more effectively.
3. How would you deal with your group mates if they are resisting because of fear of failure?
- For me, Learn to teach yourself that failing is okay. That failing is just a part of life.

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