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Bahasa Inggris_Meeting 5

Safina Rahma Shaufani (07)

Part A. Vocabulary. Filling in the blanks by matching the word.

1. He transformed the business from a (c. Start-up) into one of the a. Revolutionary
world's biggest mobile phone companies.
2. If we can do this, we can do anything we want with regard to goods b. Vision
that are to be shipped in interstate (e. commerce)
3. The 20th century brought about (a. Revolutionary ) c. Start-up
changes in our lifestyles.
4. The company management had the (b. Vision) to d. Inventors
give its employees a share of the profits.
5. The (d. Inventors) may compare his or her invention to others, e. commerce
historically or contemporaneously, in explicit public statements.

Part B. Listening. Watch the video about Jeff Bezos and mark the following statements are
1. Jeff Bezos worked in KFC when he was a teen. (FALSE)
2. He resigned from his position as a vice president to pursue his dream. (TRUE)
3. He created a revolutionary business in ways people purchasing goods and services.
4. Amazon was named after the world’s narrowest river. (FALSE)
5. Amazon was created to make life easier. (TRUE)
After you watch the video of How Amazon was Started, write three things you have learned
from it.
1. Jeff Bezos never give up to start something better.
2. Creating 3 business principles that promise companies with consumers.
3. Jeff Bezos goal is to produce services that can make life easier.

Part C. Reading. Read the passage.

Apple Computers, Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976, by
college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who
brought to the new company a vision of changing the
way people viewed computers. Jobs and Wozniak
wanted to make computers small enough for people to
have them in their homes or offices. Simply put, they
wanted a computer that was user-friendly.
Jobs and Wozniak started out building the Apple I in
Jobs' garage and sold them without a monitor, keyboard,
Bahasa Inggris_Meeting 5

or casing (which they decided to add on in 1977). Over the course of a few years, Apple's market
share suffered slowly after its peak in 1990 and by 1996, experts believed the company to be
doomed. Jobs, then decided to make some changes around Apple. He forged an alliance with
Microsoft to create a Mac version of its popular office software. Not long after this decision was
the turning point for the company. Jobs revamped the computers and introduced the iBook (a
personal laptop) followed by iPod, an mp3 player, which became market leader.
The iPhone, a touch screen cellular phone, introduced in 2007 was one of the world's most
successful products and the company has released several new versions since. Other popular
products include iPad tablet and Apple Watch. Most recently Apple has expanded its services
segments with its credit card (Apple Card), Apple News for news, Apple Arcade for games and
the Apple TV+ for streaming original content produced by Apple. The popularity of iPhones
made Apple the first company valued at one trillion dollars in 2018 and two years later it
doubled that figure.
After reading the history of Apple.Inc above, answer these following questions.
1. Why did Jobs invent a user-friendly computer?
Because Jobs wanted to make computers small enough for people to have them in their
homes or offices.
2. How did Jobs save the company?
Jobs, decided to make some changes around Apple. He forged an alliance with Microsoft
to create a Mac version of its popular office software.
3. After reading the history of Apple.Inc, what can you learn from it?
School background is not a barrier in forming a success that produces many benefits for

Part D. Writing. Please describe what kind of company you will make in the future, what is the
name, write a history/story behind it in 6-10 sentences.

In my life, I have decided that I must be successful. And my goal is to become an entrepreneur in
the field of Muslim clothing give the name Fani Calanda Hijab. My purpose is invites Muslims
to emigrate and draw closer to Allah. I want to see my parents proud that I am a reliable child. I
will try to be a good person, generous, and always help people in trouble.
For that starting today I always work hard. I have to learn to complete my tasks. I also have to try
to improve my personality so that it gets better day by day.
There are no bigger hopes and dreams than to make my parents happy. All this time they have
worked hard to support me. They wanted me to continue my education to the highest level. And
expect myself to be a successful child in the future.To realize these dreams and hopes, not only
they have to work hard. Precisely the main key is in me. I can't waste that time for nothing. I
have to study hard no matter what the conditions are.

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