Midterm Language Assessment

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Republic of the Philippines


San Juan, Southern Leyte


Read the text and answer the questions by encircling the letter of the best answer.

1. In preparing classroom tests, which of the following checklist is the last among steps in tests preparation?

A. How are the test scores to be tabulated?

B. Have I prepared a Table of Specifications?
C. How are the test results to be reported?
D. How is the objective item to be scored?

2. Of the following, which is least authentic mode of student performance assessment?

A. Oral performance on communication skills

B. Artistic production in art
C. Paper-pencil vocabulary test
D. Experiment as a scientific method

3. What primary response factor is considered by Essay questions?

A. Wide sampling of ideas

B. Factual information
C. Originality
D. Less time for constructing and scoring

4. What is the criterion-referenced test designed to determine?

A. Performance level on a specific skill

B. Performance on a wide content of coverage
C. Attaining a personal target
D. Performance higher than other members of the group

5. What does a normal curve mean in grade distribution of scores?

A. All have average grades

B. Largest number with high grades and few low grades
C. Large number of more or less average and few receiving low and high grades
D. Largest number receiving low and high scores

6. What can be said of student performance in a negatively skewed class score distribution?

A. Most students performed well

B. All students had average performance
C. Few students performed well
D. Most students performed poorly

7. Which would be the most probable reason if Myra got 59% on July 28, 2013 on a language teacher-made test
and 77% on July 30, 2013 on a test covering the same material?
A. The tests were not relevant.
B. The tests were not valid.
C. The tests were not reliable.
D. The tests were not representative.

8. Mr. Y wants to measure his students’ ability against the learning objectives of a specific language course. Which
of the following tests should he give?

A. Norm-referenced test
B. Criterion-referenced test
C. Discrete-point test
D. Assessment test

9. Which would be the possible reason if the correlations of a language test are generally significant to the highest
level (99%), except for the listening test?

A. The listening test does not differentiate between the most able and the least able takers.
B. The listening test is not valid.
C. The listening test is not reliable.
D. The listening test is not consistent with the other parts of the test.

10. Which kind of language test should Mr. X give if he wanted to measure the students’ ability in language
regardless of any training they may have had in that language?

A. Achievement Test
B. Placement Test
C. Diagnostic Test
D. Proficiency Test

11. Ms. M prepared a cloze test that is concerned primarily with meaning and the total communicative effect of
discourse. She made sure that the test involved functional language but not the use of functional language. Which
approach did Ms. Rio consider in constructing her test?

A. Communicative Approach
B. Integrative Approach
C. Structuralist Approach
D. Essay-Translation Approach

12. Which domain of learning as identified in Bloom’s Revised Cognitive Taxonomy is addressed if a teacher
prepares a language task that focuses on recognizing the connotative meanings of words, correctly processing
dictation, and making inferences.

A. Comprehension
B. Knowledge
C. Analysis
D. Synthesis

13. The Grade 7 teachers in school A are evaluating the language tests prepared by the Grade 7 teachers in School
B. Specifically, the teachers are evaluating the utility, equity, and appropriateness of the assessment techniques
used. In which evaluation phase are the teachers?

A. Reflection
B. Preparation
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation
14. Ms. Siagto asked her students to retrace the chronological order in which the enumerated events took place by
assigning numbers. Which task did Ms. Siagto ask her students to do?

A. Matching
B. Single Response
C. Multiple Response
D. Sequencing

15. Which test task would the students do if they were asked to fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun?

A. C-Cloze
B. Cloze
C. Text Numeric
D. Hot spot

16. A group of teachers is designing an achievement test. Specifically, they are looking closely at the test and are
deciding which questions will be omitted and which items need further clarification. Which stage are the teachers

A. Writing a draft
B. Collecting testing material
C. Evaluating the draft version
D. Rewriting the draft version

17. Ms. Wakat wants to measure the reorganization skills of her students. Which should she ask her students to do?

A. Write a two-paragraph summary of the plot of the story.

B. Predict what is in store for the protagonist.
C. Cite incidents in the story that show the stained relationship between the protagonist and her husband.
D. Draw what is in store for the protagonist.

18. Mark aims to make a language test that tends to have the highest reliability. Which type of exam should he

A. Cloze Test
B Multiple Choice
C. True or False
D. Matching Type

19. John wants to assess Myra’s conversational ability in English, so he gave her a list of words to read. The
assessment would yield to _______________.

A. an invalid result
B. a valid result
C. a reliable result
D. an unreliable result

20. Which proficiency assessment interpretation did Matthew use when he remarked the Aldine got 80 out of 100
and that she is in the top 20%?

A. Criterion-referenced interpretation
B. Placement test interpretation
C. Selection test interpretation
D. Norm-referenced interpretation
21. Shane wants to assess the speaking ability of her students. She first specified the components of the speaking
ability she wants to assess. Which of the following did Shane make?

A. Performance criteria
B. Profile definition
C. Construct definition
D. Ability criteria

22. Igor asked his students to choose the letter of the appropriate preposition to complete the sentence. Igor gave a

A. criterion-reference test
B. discrete point test
C. norm-referenced test
D. integrative test

23. Five English teachers assessed literary comprehension one section of students. The assessment of the five
teachers yielded fairly close. The assessment is _______________.

A. valid
B. reliable
C. convergently valid
D. equally difficult

24. In the test prepared by Mica, Mr. Kin commented that she overemphasized on knowledge outcomes. What
might have Mica forgotten to do?

A. Predictive validity testing

B. Table of Specifications
C. Constructive validity testing
D. Difficulty distribution

25. Teacher Carylle collected samples of classroom tests and writings of her students to monitor her students’
writing performance. Teacher Carylle used _______________.

A. non-formal
B. achievement
C. summative
D. portfolio

26. Homer assigned number values to the various criteria he listed to assess his students’ reading performance.
Which assessment tool did Homer prepare?

A. Checklist
B. Rubric
C. Rating scale
D. Observation sheet

27. Which cognitive level does the instruction “Write the meaning of the underlined words according to how they
are used in the sentence” address?

A. Application
B. Analysis
C. Evaluation
D. Synthesis

28. Which among the following is NOT a criterion of a good test?

A. Reliability
B. Authenticity
C. Relativity
D. Balance

29. Darwin had his teste validated and the results indicate that there is a high correlation between the test scores
and the test scores in a different test measuring the same construct, irrespective of method. Which validity does
the result satisfy?

A. Criterion-related validity
B. Convergent validity
C. Construct validity
D. Concurrent validity

30. Which qualitative analysis should Teacher Arkin use if he wants to examine the test tasks and to determine the
extent to which they are correspondents to the test goal?

A. Conversational Analysis
B. Discourse Analysis
C. Test Language Analysis
D. Task Characteristics

31. Margaux distributed his test among a group of representative end users in the same settings and circumstances
as the live test. Which task did Margaux do?

A. Formatting
B. Revising
C. Piloting
D. Assessing

32. In language tests, which of the following can merely serve as an indicator of reliability?

A. Descriptive statistics
B. Item reliability
C. Correlation
D. T-test

33. Which approach should Teacher Mina use if she aims to gain insight into the thinking processes and opinions of
the test taker?

A. Verbal reports
B. Diary studies
C. Reflection
D. Survey questions

34. Mr. M aims to develop students’ abilities to assume more responsibility to identify where they believe they
have been successful and where they believe they need assistance. Which of the following did Mr. M ask his
students to do?

A. Peer Assessment
B. Reflective Assessment
C. Self-assessment
D. Teacher Consultation Assessment

35. Glenda conducted an interview with five of her language students in order to substantiate her assessment
findings. She asked fixed series of questions without deviating from them. Which type of interview did Glenda

A. One-on-one
B. Group
C. Structured
D. Semi-structured

36. Which of the following should Lance do if he would like to gather information in order to gauge and understand
a learner’s knowledge of the language and his ability to use that knowledge?

A. Evaluation
B. Assessment
C. Testing
D. Measurement

37. An achievement test is generally most useful if it is ____________.

A. valid
B. reliable
C. objective
D. easy to administer

38. To find out whether or not the students have learned the techniques of acting the role of a very miserable
person, the language teacher should use the ___________ test.

A. placement
B. psychomotor
C. objective
D. performance

39. Which is the best use of the result of a test?

A. To give monthly grades

B. To determine where the child is
C. To determine promotion
D. To rate the teacher

40. A person’s ability to learn in a particular subject or field is measured by a/an __________ test.

A. aptitude
B. performance
C. placement
D. psychomotor

41. What is the greatest single purpose for giving grades to a student in the school?

A. To consider intelligence
B. To consider potential achievements
C. To consider present educational status
D. To determine retention or promotion
42. Which would be most effective way of measuring the ability to classify?

A. Essay test
B. Matching type test
C. True or false test
D. Fill-in-the-blank test

43. Which type of test lends itself best to the testing of knowledge of simple facts?

A. Essay test
B. Alternative answer test
C. Multiple choice or true-false type
D. Matching or completion type

44. When the aim is to determine where the strengths and weaknesses of the students lie before the teaching of a
new lesson is done, what test must be given?

A. Unit
B. Achievement
C. Diagnostic
D. Summative

45. Which test is given to determine specific aspect of achievement on skills to provide the needed remedial help to
the learner?

A. Daily test
B. Achievement test
C. Diagnostic test
D. Periodic test

46. Which test is given to get a representative sampling of the general area of accomplishment made on certain
field of learning taught and learned?

A. Survey test
B. Diagnostic
C. Aptitude test
D. Achievement

47. Which type of objective test is best for evaluating mastery of facts and information?

A. Multiple-response
B. True-false
C. Completion type
D. Essay

48. Which test is given to pupils at the beginning of each instruction to find out if they have the necessary
background for learning the unit?

A. Entry test
B. Pretest
C. Formative test
D. Diagnostic test

49. Which type of validity indicates the content of the subject area?
A. Concurrent
B. Construct
C. Face
D. Predictive

50. Readiness pretests given at the beginning of an instructional unit is a _________.

A. summative test
B. formative test
C. placement test
D. diagnostic test

Test II. Choices are given including the correct answer (highlighted in yellow). Construct a question based from the
level of intellectual skill required (refer to Bloom’s Revised Cognitive Taxonomy) and the correct answer. Write
your answer on the space provided after the number.

1. Remembering
a. Assessment b. Testing c. Measurement d. Evaluation

2. Applying
a. Assessment b. Testing c. Measurement d. Evaluation

a. Assessment b. Testing c. Measurement d. Evaluation

4. Remembering
a. Assessment b. Testing c. Measurement d. Evaluation

5. Analyzing
a. Assessment for Learning b. Assessment as Learning c. Assessment of Learning

6. Understanding
a. Assessment for Learning b. Assessment as Learning c. Assessment of Learning

7. Applying
a. Assessment for Learning b. Assessment as Learning c. Assessment of Learning

8. Remembering
a. In Learning b. In Teaching c. In Research

9. Understanding
a. In Learning b. In Teaching c. In Research

10. Applying
a. In Learning b. In Teaching c. In Research

11. Remembering
a. Diagnostic b. Formative c. Summative

12. Understanding
a. Diagnostic b. Formative c. Summative

13. Evaluating
a. Diagnostic b. Formative c. Summative

14. Remembering
a. Proficiency b. Achievement c. Placement

15. Evaluating
a. Proficiency b. Achievement c. Placement

16. Analyzing
a. Proficiency b. Achievement c. Placement

17. Understanding

a. Essay-translation Approach c. The Integrative Approach

b. Structuralist Approach d. The Communicative Approach

18. Analyzing

a. Essay-translation Approach c. The Integrative Approach

b. Structuralist Approach d. The Communicative Approach

19. Remembering

a. Essay-translation Approach c. The Integrative Approach

b. Structuralist Approach d. The Communicative Approach

20. Evaluating

a. Essay-translation Approach c. The Integrative Approach

b. Structuralist Approach d. The Communicative Approach

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