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UNIT 3- Task 1.

English 10 8T

Traditional tourism vs the Ecotourism .

I Read the next article and make a list of adjectives that describe traditional tourism and other that
describes ecotourism.

What is traditional Tourism?

Tourism can be described simply as “people traveling to and staying in

places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive
year for leisure, business and other purposes” (the World Tourism

Organization). Tourism can be categorized as domestic, inbound and

outbound. Domestic tourism refers to residents of a country traveling
within that country. Inbound tourism refers to non-residents traveling in
the given country whereas outbound tourism refers to residents of a country traveling in another

Tourism is a vital source of income for many countries and regions. It also supports the local economy
by creating a demand for local goods and services. Various service industries such as transportation
services (taxis, buses, airlines, etc.), hospitality services that provide accommodation (hotels, resorts)
and entertainment venues such as amusement parks, clubs, casinos, shopping malls, etc. benefit from

Tourism can also be classified into various categories such as sustainable tourism, mass
tourism, nature tourism, eco-tourism, educational tourism, etc. Tourism has both advantages and
disadvantages. In terms of advantages, it can create new employments, develop infrastructure of a
local area, and boost the economy of a country. But at the same time, it can cause environmental
damage and pollute the local culture.

What is Ecotourism?

Ecotourism refers to people travelling to natural areas with the

intention of enjoying the natural beauty, conserving the
environment and learning about the environment and local
culture. It is defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that
conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local
people, and involves interpretation and education”. (TIES – The
International Ecotourism Society)  Destinations with cultural heritages and fauna and flora are the
primary attractions in ecotourism.

Eco-tourists try to cause minimal impact to the environment; many ecotourism programs use
methods such as reusing and recycling, composting, water conservation, reducing carbon
footprint, etc. to conserve the nature. They also attempt to teach the tourist about local culture
and create environmental awareness. Ecotourism programs may also provide funds for
conservation of natural sites.

The Amazon, Costa Rica, Kenya, Botswana, the Blue Mountains in Australia, Galapagos
Islands, Palau, the Himalayas, Dominica, Alaska, and Norwegian Fjords are some popular
destinations in ecotourism.

Characteristics of traditional tourism Characteristics of Ecotourism

1 Is domestic, inbound and outbound 1 Refers to people travelling to natural areas with the
intention of enjoying the natural beauty

2 People traveling to and staying in places outside 2 Is a responsible travel to natural areas that
their usual environment conserves the environment

3 Is a vital source of income 3 Eco-tourists try to cause minimal impact to the


4 Can be classified into various categories 4 They also attempt to teach the tourist about local
culture and create environmental awareness

5 Tourism has both advantages and disadvantages 5 Destinations with cultural heritages and fauna and
flora are the primary attractions in ecotourism

I. According to the texts above, complete the chart!

II. According to the chart, write down five adjectives that describe traditional tourism:
Illustrate the adjectives.

1 Domestic 2 Inbound 3 Outbound 4 Hospitable 5 Historical

III. According to the chart, write down five adjectives that describe ecotourism. Illustrate
the adjectives.

1 Ecological 2 Natural 3 Cultural 4 Sustainable 5 Conservative

IV. Which one do you prefer? Why? Use the next phrases to write a paragraph answering the
questions with no more than 80 words:
In my opinion…/ I think…/ From my point of view…/

In my opinion, I like ecotourism more, since I consider that it is more cultural and has more
natural beauty, and tourists can connect in a better way.

Note: Follow the instructions and avoid using translators. Whatever you can write, it will be your
effort. Keep that in mind!


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