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The heat was killing the fuck out of Kageyama as he stand in line to this so

called "thrilling and relaxing" ride of a slow zipline thingy that Hinata dared him
to ride or else he'll buy the latter dinner.

Currently, it was that usual time in March when his class goes on a field trip in
the typical amusement park that they've been going to since middle school so
Kageyama was of course not surprised at the turn of evens with him and
Hinata, whom he strangely befriended on his first year of high school
considering the ginger was the opposite of his personality, specifically more
lively per-se, actually scratch that, Hinata is very lively.

But they still clicked so now Kageyama has to deal with a rival on every little
thing every day and he doesn't really mind it considering seeing Hinata lose
for the nth time is a different kind of satisfaction.

So of course, Kageyama wasn't the type to back down from something that
Hinata said with that annoying-ass smug look on his face so there he was
again, trying to survive with the blue milkshake he was drinking to fight the
blazing heat of three in the afternoon while still in the third line of this
ridiculous ride he's going onto.

Said ridiculous ride was those kinds of cable cars that are slow and goes
around the amusement park to sightsee everything without walking and one
thing Kageyama can say about it is that it's not that incredible.

Sure, the view was pretty but Kageyama doesn't like wasting his time sitting
on some petty zipline when he should be eating waffles right now. He was
only here on this field trip just because his older sister Miwa forced him to be
the "young and carefree high schooler he's suppose to be" (also because of
the blueberry waffles).
With a groan, Kageyama walked to follow the now moving line and he was
quite close to riding one. His slightly sweaty hands slid across the railings
dividing the five sections of the line, trying to be patient since he was close to
following the people who just rode the two-seater.

As his frown continues to deepen, Kageyama finally saw the suppose-to-be

big deal seat of the ride in front of him and sat on the yellow-colored one with
a deep sigh.

He waited for it to move while buckling up his seatbelt , looking down to check
how high it was and only hummed when it wasn't. Kageyama turned back to
the employee who was in charge of the ride but he got dazed when a guy with
blonde hair and glasses was suddenly pushed beside him with no warning,
making him scoot farther to his side to make more space.

"Excuse me ㅡ" Kageyama's line to the employee was cut off when he felt his seat
suddenly moving and off it goes to its roaming break.

He then heard the stranger mutter a curse followed by what seemed to be a frustrated
sigh beside him. From that point on, Kageyama was not one to have the ability of
remembering people's names, more accurately ㅡ correctly, or appearances so he was
sure the guy was a stranger as he doesn't seem familiar.

Though quite uncomfortable as he wasn't alone on the irritating ride,

Kageyama stayed silent when he remembered seeing other cable cars with
people they don't know from the four-seaters as it was a normal thing just so
the seats can be filled up. But of course, this was different as there was only
the two of them with only a little bit of space in between just so they can
somewhat have a bubble of their own in the continuing silence.

Kageyama kind of enjoyed it though, looking down at the people and the rides
throughout the park, that is. It was sort of healing or something, saying it out-
loud felt sort of corny so he brushed the thought off and continued his time
enjoying the scenery.

The unremembered guy beside him didn't feel the same way and he looked
troubled, looking the other way like he was trying to ignore that Kageyama
was there. He immediately felt awkward as he knows what it's like sitting with
someone you don't know. Though unconsciously, before he even registered it,
the raven's mouth started letting out words, "It's nice isn't it?"

The blondie beside him slightly moved as if he was startled that Kageyama

A second later, Kageyama realized what he was saying and his mouth gaped
in embarrassment, but he didn't know what else to say after that.

There was silence for a moment, making the scene more awkward than it
already was.

But the glasses guy softly cleared his throat and started to talk, "Yeah.
Especially because of the sun." Deep down, the guy cringed at what he just
said, wanting to end his life right here and then.

Kageyama chuckled at the sudden silliness he was feeling. The situation felt
so ridiculous with the picture of two strangers trying to make casual
conversation just to break the ice.

"Though I don't really like this kinds of rides." Kageyama let himself talk more,
feeling bored as they passed the highest rollercoaster of the theme park with
loud shouts heard from the riders from the top of the zipline.

"Hm. Same. It's still quite relaxing though."

It went a bit quiet after that, the two not knowing what to say next as they don't
have the capability to be unawkward in any way but both of them got
surprised when Kageyama muttered a sudden question, "What grade are you

It was too late before Kageyama even realized, making him turn to the guy
with wide-eyes and a hand raising in the air, "Uh, no! I mean, um..." His
nervous rambling got the best of him, making him sigh. "Sorry, that was a
sudden question. It just looks like we're the same age so I asked." Kageyama
gritted his teeth in shame as he looks away.

But the guy just stared at him before letting out a "pfft", slightly waving on the
air signaling it wasn't anything to be worried about, "No, it's okay. You don't
have to be that wrecked by a normal question. Tsukishima Kei, 17."

"Oh ㅡ uh, Kageyama Tobio, 17 as well." Kageyama slightly bowed his head politely,
making the guy that he now knows is named Tsukishima slightly snicker.

"So polite." Tsukishima amusedly shook his head. "We're the same age, don't
worry about it." He smiled.

Kageyama blinked, "Oh, sorry. Habit of mine." When looking at Tsukishima,

he scanned the latter's features for a moment, quickly noticing the blonde's
curious slanted amber eyes and raised brow, suddenly feeling as if Kageyama
saw him somewhere before.

"This is a weird question but," Kageyama paused as Tsukishima hummed as

a reply, "Do I know you?"

Tsukishima gazed at him with a stunned expression for a moment, before

slightly grinning and laying his head on his hand that's settled on the back of
his seat, "I would say maybe but...that's a lie."
Kageyama frowned as he expected it wasn't, making him grumble, "Knew it."

Seeing the sudden pout from the stranger, Tsukishima chuckled and faced his
front to look down at the people walking below them, "What? You thought I
was familiar?"

The breeze from the passing wind makes his head sway, making Kageyama
relieved to finally have some coldness spread throughout his sweating body
because of the sun and the lack of a roof on the ride. He sighs and looks
down at the fountain in the middle of the park when they pass it, slightly
swaying his legs through the air which was always the habit of his back when
he was child. If Tsukishima ever noticed the movement, he didn't try to make a
reaction out of it.

"Well," Kageyama fiddles with the ring on his index finger, another habit of his
since he'd bought it from last year's summer festival just because it was
pretty, "I felt like I've seen you before. In school, maybe?" He looks back at
the now still Tsukishima and blinks, "But you're not wearing our uniform so it's
not possible."

As he looks down at his ring when he noticed how it reflected the blue sky
from above, the finally recovered Tsukishima clears his throat and turns his
head to the opposite side where a big playground for kids stood. "...What if I
had permission to not wear my uniform."

That catches Kageyama's attention and he softly holds his ring while gazing
back at Tsukishima who seemed to not want to return it, focused on the
shouts and laughs below them. After a second of thinking about it while also
waiting for another word from Tsukishima, he lets out a short huff that sounds
like a laugh, "Then that just means I have more reason to be sure that I've
seen you before."
The rope from above creaks slightly as their seat changes directions and turns
while passing the one of the main ride of the amusement park, a rollercoaster
that drifts through water which was the same height as the normal
rollercoaster but with more splashing and less turning upside-down. It felt kind
of off to be that relaxed when talking to someone that you don't even know if
they're actually someone you know but because he's a different kind of
uncanny, it's like Kageyama can tell Tsukishima everything and he'd just

With the glistering waves of the ocean from afar that is covered by the horror
house, both guys stay silent as they absorb the chatter of people around
them, its rhythm at the same league as the crunch of sand below gentle

And just like that, the zipline finally ends after fifteen minutes which was
shorter than Kageyama thought it was like. A woman with the same uniform
as the guy from the start of the ride approaches them and guides them to the
stairs back on the concrete of the ride's tall building leading to the exit and
entrance of the ride. Silently, Tsukishima goes down before Kageyama does
because he's at the side of the small door of the ride and their light footsteps
slightly echoes and blends with the conversations of other people going down
from the ride.

At that moment, another awkward blanket flows over them, with Kageyama
fiddling with his ring once again and Tsukishima removing the slight fog on his
glasses. It was quite easy to figure out that these two guys don't know when to
start a conversation or not even if they don't want to, but other girls around
them quickly catches how handsome and tall they are but of course they don't
realize it because of how focused they are to wanting to say something.

"So, are you really-"


Before Kageyama could even finish his sentence, a loud voice is heard from
the stairs down the ride and they both turn their heads to a tall-freckled guy
with green hair waving with a smile on his face.

Tsukishima sighs beside Kageyama and he steps slightly closer to the guy, "I
told you to wait for me." He rolls his eyes.

"Well, I couldn't!" The guy waves his hand on the air. But then he suddenly
looks up at Kageyama who just silently stood there not knowing what to do,
and the freckled-guy smiles at him partnered by a meaningful look that
Kageyama didn't get as to why he was receiving it in the first place. "I just
wanted to know what happened~!"

That catches Kageyama's attention and his brows furrowed, turning to

Tsukishima for an explanation because he seemed to know the other buy
Tsukishima quickly deadpans with a hand covering his face which would hide
an exasperated expression, "Shut up, Yamaguchi, or else I'm smacking you in
public which is gonna be embarrassing."

Yamaguchi just snickers with a hum, leaving Kageyama not getting what was
happening. As he was trying to think of some way to swiftly get out of there
considering he felt like he wasn't in place, a familiar annoying voice beams at
his ears.


A mall figure hugs Kageyama from the back and he huffs at the sudden heavy
weight, even almost tripping on where he was standing. Hinata quickly peeks
at him from his arm with a smile, "So? How was it?"
Quickly turning around, he grabs Hinata's head and starts moving it from side
to side in irritation, "Hot. Sweaty. Boring. Oh, yeah, and I won."

Hinata looks up at him to that with a deepened scowl, "Ha?! What do you
mean you won?! It's just a dare! Also I rode it first with my family when we
came here which was just a week ago! That means I won!"

Kageyama rolls his eyes and pushes him away, making Hinata fall with a yell.
"I still won."

"You logic is always so over the top, the hell!"

Just then, a cough was heard from in front of them and Kageyama then
realizes that they still have an audience, noticing Tsukishima who was looking
away with crossed arms and the other seemed to be his friends looking at
him that it almost felt like he was expecting Kageyama to recognize him.

But Hinata stands up with a "screw you, Bakayama!" but he suddenly beams
while pulling Kageyama's arm and tugging at it, "Oh, right! I saw Miya-san at
the waffle place you like! That means you're giving me a free slushy~" He
reminds Kageyama about their other bet with a teasing tone while dramatically
putting his head on the taller's shoulders.

That quickly fires up Kageyama and he looks down at the other, "What the
fuck?! No way I'm paying you that unnecessarily overprized drink. You're
definitely lying if you don't have a picture with him."

"What?!" Hinata quickly complains about his unfairness, "I'm not lying!"

"Then give me a picture of you and him."

"Why would I take a picture with him?! You know he doesn't know me!"
"Then I win."

"That's such bullshit! I saw him, come on!"

"Buy your own slushy."

"Do you want my precious pock money to die before we even get home?!"

As they yell at each other back in forth, Hinata also notices that there are
people watching them and he turns his head. Seeing Tsukishima who quickly
looked away from him, his brows furrowed. "Wait. Tsukishima? Hey! It's you!
Tsukishima Kei from class four!"

What? Kageyama blinks back at Hinata who was pointing at Tsukishima with
confused expression, "You know him?"

Hinata raises a brow at that, "Why wouldn't I? He's the smartest in our grade.
Whenever we check the test results, he's always number one." Seeing the
stunned look on Kageyama makes him exaggeratedly gasp as if on cue,
"Don't tell me you didn't know!"

Right now Kageyama was like a gaping fish for how he felt like the world was
crushing down on him. He absentmindedly turns to Tsukishima who looked
like he wanted to be anywhere but there and he frowns. "So you're that

That makes Tsukishima gaze back at him with a panicked gaze, "Uh-"

"So that's why it felt like I knew you." Kageyama quickly interrupts his excuses
with a nod to himself.
"Oh my god," Yamaguchi cuts all of them with an over-the-top horrid face,"
Don't tell me the two of you sat on a ride for fifteen fucking minutes without
you telling him who you were." He looks back at Tsukishima with an are-you-
serious look.

That puts Tsukishima stuck in place and he tries to avoid all their gazes and
he arrogantly crosses his arms, "W..well...! I didn't need to! He doesn't know
me so it's..." He sighs, "Whatever..."

"But I wouldn't have minded it."

Without even knowing he said it out-loud, Kageyama's frown deepened while

he looked at the floor in thought, but he felt like attention was on him so he
slowly raised his head and catches up that he did say it out loud. His eyes
slightly widen with the feeling the he should explain himself but his opened
mouth closes in the end. But what he did notice was that Tsukishima's back
was facing him and he seemed to be covering his face once again, the
laughing Yamaguchi slapping his shoulder with tears in his eyes.

Kageyama's head tilts and he hears a snort beside him. "I can't believe
Tsukishima can also be like that." Hinata snickers.

The raven raises his brow, "What do you mean?"

Hinata blinks up at him as if sensing that he was still holding Kageyama's arm,
"Oh, you know. Just...whatever." He cackles at his thoughts about how
hilarious the situation was, leaving Kageyama more dumbfounded than he
already was.

In the end, the only thing he could do was sigh and quickly grab Hinata's arm
while walking away to where the waffle place he'd been wanting to visit
because of its new flavor: blueberry, "Let's go. I'm already hot the more we
just stand here."

"Eh? But-" Hinata turned around to where the other two were, wanting to talk
to Yamaguchi, "I want to ask how they had permission to not wear their

Kageyama rolled his eyes while walking, "They're literally on class four, you
dumbass. You told me yourself that Tsukishima's the number one in our

"Oh." That left Hinata letting Kageyama drag him away.

They were about to pass the ferries wheel when running footsteps reach
them, "Wait!"

Hearing the call, Kageyama turns around and his vision gets filled by a world
of amber. His eyes go wide when seeing Tsukishima so abruptly close to him,
the other looking back at him with the same expression, quickly stepping away
when he realized what was happening. Kageyama oversees the way
Tsukishima's finger glides his glasses back to its uncrooked face, but
Kageyama snaps himself out of it when Hinata slaps his back.

"Jeez, Kageyama. I know you haven't seen Tsukishima but don't be that
captivated." Hinata mutters one of his unoriginal fufufu laughs, Kageyama
immediately smacks his head and he yelps in pain.

"See, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi quickly whispers to the flustered Tsukishima that

composed himself after the accident, "He literally stared."

"Shut up, you've already made a mess of everything." Tsukishima glares at

The other just humped at that, "If it weren't for me pushing you with him then
he wouldn't even know you at all!" Yamaguchi rolls his eyes when Tsukishima
keeps giving him the death look. "Why don't we join them? They seem to be
getting waffles if I heard Hinata right correctly."

Even before Tsukishima could say a reply, Hinata interrupted with a shout,
"Kageyama, it's the slushy stand! Let's go to the line before it gets even
longer." Kageyama grunts at that but he lets Hinata pull his hand.

"Hinata!" Yamaguchi moves to the objective and is the one who calls out to

The ginger stops his movement and Kageyama stands with him, "Hm?"

Yamaguchi smiles when they hear him, "Can we join you? Honestly, it's
always just me and Tsukki when we go here."

"Oh! Sure." Hinata chirps with a nod, then he squeezes Kageyama's hand that
was still holding his, catching the latter's attention, "They want to join us."
Kageyama absentmindedly hums an approval and Hinata turns to Yamaguchi
with a smile, "Let's go?"

Yamaguchi quickly nudges Tsukishima who seemed to be staring at the other

two's connected hands, "Snap out of it, Tsukki. Let's join them already."
Tsukishima's frown deepens when he didn't even realize it was there in the
first place but he follows them.

Walking to the slushy stand's line that luckily decrease, Hinata sings a song
while still dragging the annoyed Kageyama beside him because he's the one
who's going to pay, Yamaguchi checks up on Tsukishima once again but he
was being quiet again. And so, he sighs and speaks up, "Hey, Kageyama."
Kageyama turns to him and separates himself from listening to Hinata's
annoying voice, "Yes?"

"This might be rude to ask but..." Yamaguchi hesitates and Kageyama

patiently blinks at him, "Are you and Hinata dating?"

The reaction from the other was instant, "Ew, no." Kageyama's nose
scrunches in disgust.

"Hey, I heard that!" Hinata slaps his shoulder and separates their hands to
cross his arms, "But yeah, we aren't. Why do you ask?"

"Oh! Uh..." Yamaguchi awkwardly smiles while clearing his throat, "It's just
that, you two act like you are."

Kageyama's brows furrow, "No way. He's just irritatingly touchy." He grabs
Hinata's head and tosses it in every direction once again even with the other's
protests, "And I'd rather die than to date him. Also, he likes Atsumu-san but is
just too stupid to talk to him even if they work at the same café."

"Rude!" Hinata squawks at him, "You can't just tell them my love life like that!"

"You don't even have a love life."

"Yes I do!"

"Says someone who never dated anyone."

"That goes the same to you!"

"I don't have someone I like, it's different."

"Still is!"


Getting even more annoyed Kageyama shoves him away, "Will you just shut
up or I'm not buying your slushy!"

Hinata looks up at him from the ground with a glare but stands up anyways,
"Don't forget that you're also buying dinner!"

Kageyama can feel a headache forming and he groans, "Fuck off already, I
didn't!" He then sighs again, grabbing his bag from Hinata's shoulder to open
it and grab his wallet, "Here." He slaps 1800 yen on Hinata's face which made
the shorter squeak, "I'm gonna go buy my waffles before we go to other rides."

Then he starts walking away

[ CUT ]

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