Tsutsumi 1997

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J Neurosurg 87:870–875, 1997

The relationship of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging

findings and closed system drainage in the recurrence of
chronic subdural hematoma
Department of Neurosurgery, Aizu Chuou Hospital, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan; and Department
of Neurosurgery, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

U Although chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a well-known entity, its recurrence rate has remained uncertain. There
is little knowledge concerning whether the results of radiological imaging can be used to predict CSDH recurrence or
whether surgical methods can influence this rate. The first aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the
recurrence rate of CSDHs and their appearance on preoperative magnetic resonance (MR) or computerized tomography
images. The second aim is to evaluate by means of a prospective randomized method the usefulness of closed-system
From January 1988 through June 1996, the authors surgically treated 257 consecutive adult patients with CSDHs. Data
obtained in 199 patients who were evaluated preoperatively by MR imaging were analyzed. Thirty-one of these patients
underwent bilateral operations and thus 230 operative sites of CSDH were included in the analyses. The cases of CSDH
were separated into high- and nonhigh-intensity groups on the basis of the appearance on T1-weighted MR images. From
July 1992 to June 1996, the authors conducted a prospective randomized study on the recurrence rate of CSDH in patients
undergoing burr-hole irrigation with or without closed system drainage.
The recurrence rate of 3.4% in the high-intensity group was significantly lower than the 11.6% rate found in the non-
high-intensity group (p , 0.05). The recurrence rates following irrigation with and without closed system drainage were
significantly different (p , 0.025): 3.1% with closed system drainage and 17% following burr-hole irrigation alone. The
surgical procedures were correlated with the MR findings. In the high-intensity group, 1.1% of CSDHs recurred in patients
in whom closed system drainage was used and 11.1% in patients without closed system drainage. In the nonhigh-intensi-
ty group, 8.1% of CSDHs recurred in patients in whom drainage was used and 23.1% in patients without closed system
Magnetic resonance T1-weighted imaging was useful in predicting the propensity of CSDHs to recur. Closed system
drainage significantly reduced the recurrence rate of CSDHs regardless of MR findings.

KEY WORDS • chronic subdural hematoma • magnetic resonance imaging •

computerized tomography • recurrence • closed system subdural drainage

LTHOUGH chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is Clinical Material and Methods

A well known as a curable disease in the elderly, it
remains uncertain whether the recurrence rate of
CSDH can be predicted by radiological imaging or im-
Patient Population
From January 1988, when the MR imaging system was
proved by surgical method.2,8,9,18,20,21 To our knowledge, installed in Aizu Chuou Hospital, through June 1996 we
there is insufficient information in the literature to deter- surgically treated 257 consecutive adult patients who had
mine these issues. a symptomatic CSDH. In 199 of these patients, we evalu-
It was our aim in this study to evaluate the relationship ated preoperative MR images that were obtained on the
between the recurrence rate of CSDHs in adult patients day of, or 1 day prior to, surgery. Because 31 patients un-
and the appearance of these lesions on preoperative mag- derwent bilateral operations, we analyzed a total of 230
netic resonance (MR) or computerized tomography (CT) operative sites of CSDH. The age and sex distribution of
images. We also conducted a prospective randomized the patients is shown in Table 1. The mean age of the pa-
study on the recurrence rate of CSDH by comparing two tients was 67 years (range 19–92 years). One hundred thir-
different surgical methods: one burr-hole irrigation of the ty-two patients (66%) had a history of head trauma, most
hematoma cavity with or without closed system drainage. of which were minor.

870 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 87 / December, 1997

Magnetic resonance imaging and drainage in CSDH

Age and sex distribution in 199 patients with CSDH
Age (yrs)

Sex 10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79 80–89 $90 Totals

male 1 1 1 9 33 42 54 14 1 156 (78.4%)

female 0 0 0 2 9 11 13 7 1 43 (21.6%)
total no. of cases 1 1 1 11 42 53 67 21 2 199
no. of recurrent cases 0 1 0 0 4 4 6 1 0 16 (8.0%)

Chronic subdural hematoma was defined as including: and without closed system drainage. After obtaining the
1) the presence of a typical neomembrane; 2) typical liqui- consent of the patients, the randomized selection of surgi-
fied blood within the hematoma cavity; and 3) if following cal methods (that is, whether to use drainage or not) was
acute SDH, at least 3 weeks had passed. All CSDHs were decided by the toss of a coin. In cases that required bilat-
confirmed during surgery. Hygromas, infantile CSDHs, eral surgery, we decided to use the same surgical method
calcified or ossified CSDHs, and asymptomatic CSDHs for each side. Exceptions to this selection process includ-
were excluded from this study. ed three patients who did not suffer recurrence and were
Chronic subdural hematoma was considered to have re- treated without randomization: two patients who showed
curred when neurological symptoms reappeared within a tendency to bleed (hemodialysis and ticlopidine intake)
6 months after surgery and the hematoma cavity volume were treated with drainage and one patient in whom MR
on the operative side increased. All patients who fulfilled imaging revealed a contralateral small CSDH was treated
both criteria underwent repeated operation. Reaccumu- without drainage. In addition, one of the 31 patients with
lation of blood within the hematoma cavity without ac- bilateral CSDHs was treated on the right side with drain-
companying symptoms and contralateral CSDH following age and on the left without drainage. Fifty-three patients
the first operation were not recognized as recurrence in were treated with drainage and 37 were treated without
this study. drainage. The drain (SL-C ventricular catheter; Sonne-Ika
The CSDHs were classified into five groups according Co., Tokyo, Japan) placed within the cavity was connect-
to their density and appearance on CT scans: high, iso-, ed to a ventricular drainage bag with an antireflux valve
low, mixed, and layered (niveau). Isodensity was defined (Hanaco Medical Co., Saitama, Japan), which was placed
as equal or near-equal density to that of the gray matter. on the bed for approximately 1 day, in the longest instance
Three cases were not included in this study because two for 3 days.
patients had been examined 3 days or more before the op-
eration and one patient’s record was lost. Follow Up and Statistical Analysis
All CSDHs were evaluated preoperatively by MR im- Every patient received follow-up care for at least 6
aging (0.5 tesla) on the day of, or 1 day before, surgery. months. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-
Images were obtained using a spin-echo sequence with square test, Student’s t-test, and analysis of variance. Sta-
repetition/echo times of 500/30 msec for T1-weighted, tistical significance was assumed if probability was mea-
2000/30 or 2500/40 msec for proton density–, and 2000/ sured at less than 0.05.
120 or 2500/80 msec for T2-weighted images. On proton
density– and T2-weighted images, most CSDHs were
clearly demonstrated as high-intensity areas and rarely as Results
a mixture of iso-/low-intensity areas. Approximately one- Chronic subdural hematoma recurred in 16 patients at
half of the CSDHs also were demonstrated as high-in- 17 operative sites (Table 2). The age distribution in these
tensity areas on T1-weighted images. The others, howev- patients was similar to that of all patients (Table 1). Four
er, exhibited variable intensity and appearance. Two (12.9%) of 31 patients with bilateral CSDH experienced
hundred thirty operative sites of CSDH were classified recurrence and underwent reoperation. One of these
into five groups according to their MR intensity and ap- patients displayed bilateral recurrence. The difference be-
pearance on T1-weighted images: high, mixed high/iso-, tween recurrences in patients with bilateral (five [8.1%] of
iso-, mixed iso-/low, and low intensity (Fig. 1). Isoin- 62) and unilateral (12 [7.1%] of 168) sites of CSDH was
tensity was defined as the intensity of the lesion on MR not significant. Recurrence was demonstrated in three
imaging appearing equal to the intensity of the brain (18.8%) of 16 patients who had a suspected bleeding ten-
(ranged from gray matter to white matter). dency (that is, patients who had restarted a medication
regimen of warfarin sodium or ticlopidine, required hemo-
Surgical Methods dialysis, or had liver cirrhosis). Chronic subdural hema-
From January 1988 to June 1992, we used one burr-hole toma recurred in three (13%) of 23 patients with suspect-
irrigation of the hematoma cavity accompanied by closed ed bleeding tendency and 14 (6.8%) of 207 of those
system drainage in our patients. From July 1992 to June without such a tendency. These differences did not reach
1996, we conducted a prospective randomized study on statistical significance in these small groups.
the recurrence rate of CSDH based on two different meth- Two hundred twenty-seven CSDHs were classified into
ods: one burr-hole irrigation of the hematoma cavity with five groups according to their density on CT scan: high

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 87 / December, 1997 871

K. Tsutsumi, et al.

FIG. 1. Magnetic resonance T1-weighted images demonstrating examples of five types of CSDH: high (A), iso- (B),
low (C), mixed high/iso- (D), and mixed iso-/low (E) intensity. Isointensity means equal or near-equal intensity to that
of the brain.

(55 cases), iso- (79 cases), low (26 cases), mixed (56 tem drainage, but increased to 17% (nine of 53 cases) fol-
cases), and layered (11 cases). The incidences of recur- lowing one burr-hole irrigation alone (chi-square test, p ,
rence were three, six, three, three, and two in each group, 0.025). There were no statistically significant differences
respectively (Table 3). The recurrence rate in the layered between the two groups, with and without closed system
group was higher than that found in other groups, but the drainage, with regard to patient age, bilateral operations,
difference was not statistically significant in this small suspected bleeding tendency, or intensity on T1-weighted
group. MR images (Table 5).
Two hundred thirty CSDHs were classified into five From January 1988 to June 1992, six (5.4%) of 112
groups according to the intensity of their appearance on CSDH sites subjected to a single operative method (one
T1-weighted MR images: high (118 cases), mixed high/ burr-hole irrigation with closed system drainage) exhibit-
iso- (46 cases), iso- (32 cases), mixed iso-/low (16 cases), ed recurrence. The operative methods were correlated
and low (18 cases). The incidences of recurrence were with MR findings. In the high-intensity group, 1.1% of
four, four, three, three, and three in each group, respec- CSDHs recurred in patients in whom closed system drain-
tively (Table 3). The recurrence rate in the high-intensity age was used and 11.1% in patients without drainage. In
group (four [3.4%] of 118) was much lower than that in the nonhigh-intensity group, 8.1% of CSDHs recurred in
other groups. When the other groups were considered as patients in whom closed system drainage was used and
one group (nonhigh-intensity group), there were no statis- 23.1% in patients without drainage. Regardless of the
tically significant differences between the two groups with findings on MR imaging, the use of closed system drain-
regard to age, surgical methods, bilateral operations, or age significantly reduced the risk of recurrence (Table 6).
suspected bleeding tendency (Table 4). In the non-
high-intensity group, the recurrence rate was 11.6%. Discussion
The difference in recurrence rates observed between the
two groups was statistically significant (chi-square test Recurrences of CSDH
p , 0.05). As risk factors of recurrence for CSDHs, bleeding ten-
In the prospective study that was undertaken from July dency and intracranial hypotension (for example, shunt
1992 to June 1996, the recurrence rates of CSDH follow- operation and cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] leakage) are well
ing the surgeon’s use of two different surgical methods known.1,2 However, most of our patients who suffered
were clearly different. The rate was 3.1% (two of 65 recurrence had no such risk. Older age of the patient and
cases) following one burr-hole irrigation with closed sys- bilateral sites of CSDH have also been considered to be

872 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 87 / December, 1997

Magnetic resonance imaging and drainage in CSDH

Clinical characteristics of patients with recurrent CSDH*
Age Recurrence
Case (yrs), CSDH T1-Weighted Density on
No. Sex Site Risk Factor MR Imaging CT Scanning Drainage Symptom(s) Day of Reop

1 66, M lt none mixed H&I iso- 1 rt hemiparesis 24

2 51, F rt none mixed H&I mixed 1 headache & nausea 18
3 76, M bilat ticlopidine mixed I&L (bilat) iso- (bilat) 1 confusion 46 (lt)
4 59, M rt none iso- layered 1 lt hemiparesis 21
5 77, M rt none mixed H&I mixed 1 diplopia & headache 17
6 24, M bilat none iso- (lt), low (rt) high (bilat) 1 headache 68 (lt)
7 72, F lt none mixed H&I mixed 2 gait disturbance 48
8 75, M lt none high low 1 epilepsy 76
9 57, M bilat ticlopidine mixed I&L (bilat) iso- (bilat) 6 rt hemiparesis 30 (lt)
10 68, F rt liver cirrhosis low low 2 headache 13
11 81, M rt none mixed I&L layered 1 lt hemiparesis 33
12 60, F bilat none low (bilat) iso- (bilat) 2 headache 18 (bilat)
13 58, M rt none high high 2 lt hemiparesis 70
14 76, M lt none iso- high 2 rt hemiplegia 18
15 67, M lt none high low 2 rt hemiparesis 19
16 77, M lt none high iso- 2 gait disturbance 80
* H&I = high and iso-; I&L = iso- and low; 1 = present; 2 = absent; 6 = each side of CSDH was treated differently (with [rt] and
without [lt] drainage).

risks for recurrence by some authors.14,16,21 In this study, ume. Reoperation, therefore, is not indicated for recur-
older age was not a risk factor for recurrence. It seems that rences in patients not showing positive symptoms.11 Our
the older the patient, the longer it takes for the brain to be postoperative management strategy for asymptomatic pa-
restored. In studies found in the literature, it is possible tients in whom CT scanning revealed persistent CSDH
that prolonged reaccumulations of blood within the hema- was to evaluate them at regular intervals over several
toma cavity might have been misunderstood and unneces- months to monitor the appearance of any clinical symp-
sarily subjected to reoperation. In the patients with bilat- toms. In this study, each site of bilateral CSDH was
eral CSDH, the rate of recurrence (12.9%) was higher than considered a single CSDH, although bilateral CSDH was
that of patients with unilateral CSDH. With respect to the distinguished from unilateral CSDH. Because of this clas-
recurrence rate of operative sites, however, the difference sification mechanism, some bilateral CSDHs showed ra-
between bilateral (five [8.1%] of 62) and unilateral (12 diological differences from one site to the other and in
[7.1%] of 168) CSDH was not significant. some there were no consistent findings between the sites.
In a discussion of the reasons for and quantification of
CSDH recurrences, the most important points to be de- Role of CT Scanning
fined involve the nature of the hematoma and the method- After the introduction of CT scanning, outcome of
ology used to judge the recurrence. In this study, hy- CSDHs became much improved.15 In our series of 257 pa-
gromas, infantile CSDH, calcified or ossified CSDH, and tients, the postoperative mortality rate (within 1 month
asymptomatic CSDH were excluded because they were after surgery) was 0%. Computerized tomography scan-
considered to be different clinical entities. After surgery ning remains the most important diagnostic test for
for CSDH, reaccumulation of blood in the hematoma cav- CSDH, although MR imaging has an advantage over CT
ity often spontaneously disappears regardless of its vol- scanning with respect to the quality of the images.

Relationship between recurrence rates and findings on Comparison of potential risk factors and recurrence rates of
preoperative MR T1-weighted images and CT scans CSDH in 230 patients according to findings on
in 230 patients with CSDH* preoperative MR T1- weighted imaging

Intensity Density on CT Scans (no. of recurrences per op site) Op Method

on MR Intensity No. Mean Bleeding CSDH Re-
Images High Iso- Low Mixed Layered NA Total on MR of Age W/ W/O Bilat Ten- currence
Images Patients (yrs) Drain Drain Ops dency Rate
high 1 of 25 1 of 52 2 of 18 0 of 17 0 of 3 0 of 3 4 of 118
mixed H/I 0 of 7 1 of 3 0 of 3 3 of 33 0 of 0 — 4 of 46 high 118 66.9 91 27 24 11 4 of 118
iso 2 of 17 0 of 9 0 of 0 0 of 4 1 of 2 — 3 of 32 (3.4%)
mixed I/L 0 of 5 2 of 4 0 of 0 0 of 1 1 of 6 — 3 of 16 nonhigh 112 67.1 86 26 38 12 13 of 112
low 0 of 1 2 of 11 1 of 5 0 of 1 0 of 0 — 3 of 18 (11.6%)
total 3 of 55 6 of 79 3 of 26 3 of 56 2 of 11 0 of 3 17 of 230 p value* NS NS NS NS NS ,0.05
* H&I = high and iso-; I&L = iso- and low; NA = not available; — = not * Comparison between high-intensity group and nonhigh-intensity
applicable. group. Abbreviation: NS = not significant.

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 87 / December, 1997 873

K. Tsutsumi, et al.

Comparison of potential risk factors and recurrence rates of Relationship between recurrence rates and combinations of
CSDH in 118 patients treated with one burr-hole preoperative findings on MR T1-weighted imaging and
irrigation with or without drainage operative methods in 230 patients with CSDH*
Intensity on MR MR Finding/ January 1988– July 1992– January 1988–
No. Mean (T1) Images Bleeding CSDH Re- Op Method June 1992 June 1996 June 1996
of Age Bilat Ten- currence
Op Group Patients (yrs) High Nonhigh Ops dency Rate high intensity
w/ drainage 0 of 55 1 of 36 1 of 91 (1.1%)
w/ drainage 65 68.0 36 29 13 9 2 of 65 w/o drainage — 3 of 27 3 of 27 (11.1%)
(3.1%) nonhigh intensity
w/o drainage 53 69.7 27 26 17 9 9 of 53 w/ drainage 6 of 57 1 of 29 7 of 86 (8.1%)
(17%) w/o drainage — 6 of 26 6 of 26 (23.1%)
p value* NS NS NS NS NS ,0.025
* — = not applicable.
* Comparison between two groups with or without drainage. Abbrevia-
tion: NS = not significant.

images. We had surgically treated some patients in whom

lesions appeared as low-intensity areas on proton densi-
Chronic subdural hematoma is often classified accord- ty–weighted images; all of these patients were confirmed
ing to CT findings; however, these classification systems to have subdural collections of CSF or xanthochromia
can be subjective. Nomura, et al.,13 biochemically ana- without a neomembrane. On T1-weighted images, approx-
lyzed hematoma samples and discussed the relationship imately one-half of CSDHs also appeared as homoge-
between CT classifications and the coagulative, fibrin- neous high-intensity areas. The others, however, were
olytic activities of each type of CSDH. They concluded shown to have variable intensity and appearance. Hosoda
that mixed- and layered-density hematomas had a greater and colleagues3 showed that 30% (six of 20 cases) of
tendency to rebleed and that the low-density type had less CSDHs were iso- or hypointense on T1-weighted images;
tendency to rebleed. Unfortunately, these authors have this is similar to our findings shown in Table 3. Their six
never reported the clinical outcomes based on their hy- cases, however, included three infants. The authors sug-
potheses. In our study, the recurrence rate in the layered- gested that these iso- or hypointense areas on T1-weighted
density group was higher than that found in other groups; images indicated fresh rebleeding into the hematoma cav-
however, the difference was not statistically significant in ity. The presence of high-intensity areas on these images
this small group. It seems that prediction of recurrence suggested that several days had passed since the last bleed
based on CT scanning has little relation to actual rates of and that most of the hemoglobin had changed to free
CSDH recurrence. We could not find a positive correla- methemoglobin. It is believed that a late increase in the
tion between CT classifications and T1-weighted MR im- size of the CSDH occurs because of repeated microhem-
ages: homogeneous areas of high intensity on T1-weight- orrhages from the neocapillary network in the outer mem-
ed MR images were present in two-thirds of the iso- and brane.9 If that were the only cause, most CSDHs would
low-density types of CSDH, whereas they were present in appear as the mixed type including low-intensity or isoin-
approximately 40% of mixed- and layered-density types tense areas on T1-weighted images. The finding that
(Table 3). approximately one-half of CSDHs appeared as homoge-
neous high-intensity areas on T1-weighted images sug-
Role of MR Imaging gested that another mechanism, not involving hemorrhage
The advantages of MR imaging over CT scanning in (red blood cells), might be the cause of the enlargement of
CSDH; for example, transportation of plasma and/or CSF
the evaluation of CSDHs have already been shown, espe- by chemical irritation of the hematoma and/or its product.
cially in cases of isodense and bilateral CSDHs.3,17 One
disadvantage, however, is that MR imaging is a time- In this study, the recurrence rate of CSDHs that exhib-
ited homogeneous high intensity on T1-weighted images
consuming, costly examination. In this series, 58 patients was much lower (four of 118 [3.4%]) than that in the
with CSDHs (including four recurrences and 67 opera- nonhigh-intensity groups (13 of 112 [11.6%]) (p , 0.05).
tive sites) were excluded from MR examination because Moreover, the recurrences seemed to be more delayed in
the study was contraindicated (cardiac pacemakers, metal the high-intensity group (median 61.3 days after surgery)
implants, emergency operations) or MR imaging was not than in the nonhigh-intensity groups (median 28.6 days
available. after surgery). Chronic subdural hematomas are presumed
In general, CSDHs displayed more hyperintensity than to have a life history extending from a proliferative to a
normal brain tissue on both T1- and T2-weighted MR degenerative stage on the basis of histological analysis of
images.3,17,21 Also in this study, most CSDHs were clearly the hematoma membrane and periodic follow-up CT
demonstrated as high-intensity areas on proton density– scans showing spontaneously resolving CSDHs.12 The
and T2-weighted images and rarely as a mixture of iso-/ main cause in the early proliferative stage seems to
low-intensity areas. Because CSF is demonstrated as rela- be repeated microhemorrhages from microvessels of the
tively low in intensity on proton density–weighted neomembrane. If fresh rebleeding develops in patients,
images, it was very helpful to distinguish CSDH from the fresh component is demonstrated as low or isointensi-
hygroma, after subdural fluid collection was shown to be ty on T1-weighted MR imaging. In this stage, microvessels
similar to CSF on CT and on T1- and T2-weighted MR of neomembrane may be more vulnerable, easily rebleed,

874 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 87 / December, 1997

Magnetic resonance imaging and drainage in CSDH

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