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A Glimpse Into The Past

My time at RCHS flew by. These last four years have been some of the most memorable

yet quickest of my life. Going from my first day as a little immature freshman to starting my dual

enrollment classes and now preparing for graduation seems crazy, as it all feels like yesterday.

While I am glad we are reaching the end of boring essays and assignments that seem pointless, I

know part of me will miss them. While it will be great to be able to start being my person and

start being my own person, It comes with a lot of responsibilities I don't know I'm fully ready to

deal with. Ever since I got a job, it's opened my eyes on how expensive everything is, whether

it's getting gas, food, or even paying taxes and for memberships. Everything wants to eat up your

ever-decreasing paycheck, and I know it will only worsen. Looking back at how I am now

compared to how I was as a freshman, I've come a long way. While I know I have a lot to work

on. It's a lot better than how I was back then. I remember how much I would get in trouble for

pointless stuff from my parents, and while I still do to some degree, it's gotten better. The next

stage in life that I'm both looking forward to and dreading is the day I save enough money to get

a place for myself and move out. Having a place to myself will be great, but it will also increase

the demand on my wallet and take up more of my free time than school or college ever will. I am

glad I'm getting the college portion of my life done early on for free. Sadly, it also means I get to

jump right into the workforce earlier than most. Ultimately, if I could change anything about my

high school experience, I would probably do most of my schooling the same but be more focused

on saving money and preparing for the future.

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