Futures & Options Module 2

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Complete Course


Trading Profits


 Stock Market for Beginners

 Future and options
 Technical Analysis
 Fundamental Analysis
 Investment and Earnings Strategy
Futures & Options (Derivatives)
S/N Topics

1 Introduction to Futures & Options (Derivatives)

2 Why future trading is required
3 Understand Future trade with Example
4 Lot size and contracts
5 Margin & Leverage
6 What is Underlying Value?
7 What is Market lot?
8 Future trade with live example?
9 Margin charge, span margin, exposure margin
10 What is market to market (M2M)
11 Shorting in futures contract V/S Cash
12 Live trading in Nifty and Bank Nifty
13 Margin Calculator
14 Future pricing & why price difference in cash & future
15 Expiry and Rollover
16 What is Open interest and how to read it?
17 Open Interest & volume interpretation
18 Hedging & how to do hedging with live example
19 Arbitraging with cash & future with live example.
S/N Topics

20 Options Overview (Call and Put option)

21. Types of Options
22. Basic option Jargons
23 Collateral Margins & Haircut
24 Pay off graph of Call option & Put option
25 Buying & Selling Call & Put options
26 Option writing / selling
27 Strike price and its importance
28 How to hedge portfolio with options
29 What is option premium
30 Intrinsic Value of Option
31 Spot & Strike price
32 Moneyness of Options
33 At the money option
34 In the money option
35 Out the money option
36 Option chain & how to read option chain?
37 The option Greeks
38 What is Delta & Delta Neutral trade?
39 How to Make money with Delta?
40 What is Gamma?
41 What is Vega and Theta?
42 What is Volatility?
43 What is VIX?
44 Volatility Calculation & Normal Distribution
45 Greeks Interactions
46 Greeks Calculator
47 Important software which I use for option trading
48 Option strategies with live examples
49 Bull call spread
50 Bull put spread
51 Butterfly
52 Iron butterfly
52 Condor
53 Iron Condor
54 Call ratio
55 Call ratio back spread
56 Call ladder
57 Bear call Ladder
58 Synthetic long & Arbitrage
59 Bear put spread
60 Bear call spread
61 Put ratio back spread
62 Long straddle & Short straddle
63 Long & Short strangle
64 Covered call Strategy
65 Long Calendar & Long Calendar Spread
66 Short call & Short put
67 Double Diagonal
68 Max. Pain & PCR ratio
69 Live trading in Option Strategies
70 How to earn ₹ 1 Lakh in a day with risk of only ₹ 5000 - ₹ 15000
71 Naked and Covered position

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