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Law is defined as a system of laws recognized by a state or community as a

mechanism for regulating the actions of its members and enforced by imposing
sanctions .
2. The state ensures the legal mechanisms of coercion and the necessary
institutions for the application of the law: the police and the courts for the
determination of guilt or innocence.
3. The three powers of the state have the following legal powers: the executive
power (the presidency and the government) applies the law, the legislative
power (the Parliament with the two Chambers) creates the laws, and the
judicial power (the magistracy) interprets the laws.
4. The rule of law is the principle that all citizens are subject to the law,
including the law makers themselves.
5. This principle is opposed to autocracy, collective rule, dictatorship or
oligarchy – systems in which the rulers are above the law.
6. One of the classifications of law separates material law (the rights and
obligations of natural and legal persons) from procedural law (the rules by
which material law is applied).
7. One of the classifications of law distinguishes between natural law
(unwritten laws) and positive law (written laws).
8. The main branches of public law are constitutional law, administrative law
and criminal law.
9. Civil law and family law are branches of private law.
10. Dicey popularized the expression rule of law / rule of law, although its use
dates back to the 17th century.
11. While constitutional law concerns the structure of the legislature and the
executive, administrative law concerns the functioning of these two powers of
the state.
12. Constitutional law deals with the general principles relating to the
organization and powers of the various powers of the state and the mutual
relations between the various organs of the state and citizens, unlike
administrative law, which deals with the organization, functions, powers and
duties of administrative authorities.

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