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Jordan Alston

Weekly Review for 4/6/2023-4/12/2023

Staff Development:
● Thursday April 6, WSSU Intern Jordan Alston reported to
Henderson-Vance Recreation at 9am. Upon arrival at 11am I met
with Crystal Allen to talk about the rules and regulations for
badminton and table tennis for senior games as well as what time I
would need to be there on the day of the special olympics.
Afterwards I helped make calls to players in regards to fees that
haven't been paid for t-ball, softball, and baseball.
● Monday April 10, WSSU Intern Jordan Alston reported to
Henderson Vance Recreation Department at 9am. Upon arrival I
helped program specialist Jamal Williams with people who
registered late for baseball, softball, and t-ball. At noon I went on
the campus tour with youth services to East Carolina University for
the day. We reported back to Henderson Vance Recreation by
● Tuesday April 11, WSSU Intern Jordan Alston reported to
Henderson Vance Recreation Department at 9am. Upon arrival I
started to work on my review/preview. After working on my
review/preview I went down to the baseball field to help program
specialist Jamal Williams put together bags for the teams that
didn’t have bags already. Bags that were missing certain
equipment we took note of so that the certain equipment could be
gotten for those individual bags. Once finished, I came and got a
copy of the rules for badminton and table tennis to look over for
the special olympics the next day.
● Wednesday April 12, WSSU Intern Jordan Alston reported to
Henderson Vance Recreation Department at 9am. My whole day
consisted of helping with special olympics. I helped set up the
table tennis and badminton courts. I kept score for both sports,
table tennis and badminton. I gave out medals to participants once
the games had ended. We broke down both of the games once
participants were finished and put them back in their designated
area. I helped with making sure all trash was picked up throughout
the gym. The stuff for croquet had to be taken to storage so I had to
make sure that it was packed correctly in the bin for storage.
Customer Service:
Sponsorship and Partnership:
Safety and Operations:
Security Issues:
City Council, County Commissioner, RAC and Other Community

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