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Social Studies 20 Study Guide


What are the five criteria for nation?

What are the two criteria for nation-state?

What are the seven types of loyalties?

What are the six factors of change?

What are the four responses to threats?

What are the three criteria for civic nationalism?

What are the three criteria for ethnic nationalism?

NATIONAL INTERESTS (include a brief definition):

• goodwill –

• humanitarianism –

• expansionism –

• prosperity –

• security –

• sovereignty –

Identify the following international security options:
a network of agreements between countries to promote common
interests and defend each other against outside attack
not choosing sides and remaining uninvolved in international
agreements, alliances, and conflicts between countries
countries join an organization and work together to prevent aggression
through the organization
the act of reducing, limiting, or abolishing weapons; typically
(but not always) done through negotiation
when rival countries (or groups of countries) are of nearly equal
strength and neither side can dominate the other
What are the six threats to international security?

Identify the numbers of the following Central Powers: Germany (____),

Austria-Hungary (____), Ottoman Empire (____), and Bulgaria (22).
Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire both wanted the Balkans (____).
Italy (____) wanted to take Dalmatia away from their ally Austria-Hungary.
The Allies wanted territory as well: France (____) wanted Alsace and Lorraine (____);
Russia (___) wanted the Turkish Straits (___), and Serbia (___) wanted Bosnia-Herzegovina (___).
What was the name AND number of the country that supported the goals of the Black Hand?

What was the name AND number of the neutral country Germany invaded in order to attack France?

Prior to joining an alliance, which country had a policy of “splendid isolation”?

Which response to threats does “splendid isolation” represent?

What was Germany building, resulting in competition with the country that had “splendid

Which threat to international security is MOST RELATED to the competition between

Germany and the country that practiced “splendid isolation”?

Which THREE countries were part of the Triple Entente?

Which THREE countries were part of the Triple Alliance?

Which international security option is represented by having the Triple Alliance and Triple
Entente opposed to each other and nearly equal in strength?

Which country joined the Triple Alliance, making them the Central Powers?


Which country wanted revenge for losing Alsace and Lorraine in an earlier war?

Which country took over Alsace and Lorraine?

In order to increase its prosperity, what territory did Russia want to capture?

Which country was in control of the territory that Russia wanted?

Which country was concerned that Russia was supporting Serbia?

What was the name of the territory in the Balkans that the Black Hand wanted?

What did Germany give Austria-Hungary to give them the confidence to make threats against

Before declaring war on Serbia, what did Austria-Hungary give them (the Serbs)?

Which country promised to help Serbia if war broke out?

What is mobilization?

Which major country was the first to fully mobilize its troops for war?

Which neutral country did Britain promise to protect if war broke out in Europe?

Which international security option BEST explains how a local problem (the assassination of the
Archduke Franz Ferdinand) led to so many countries being involved in a major war?

What was Germany’s purpose for having the Schlieffen Plan?

As a result of stalemate on the Western Front, how did armies defend themselves?

Which country switched sides part-way through the war?

Why did this country switch sides?

What is stalemate?

What is attrition?

Place the following events in chronological order, from first to last:
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-
Hungary is assassinated
The Schlieffen Plan goes into effect

The Ultimatum is issued

The Blank Cheque is given

Britain enters the war

Which group of women received the right to vote during the First World War?

What was Prime Minister Robert Borden’s goal in extending the vote to this group of women?

What was internment?

The people being interned lost rights because they had which criterion of ethnic nationalism?

What was conscription?

Conscription was introduced because citizens were not living up to the expectations of which
criterion of civic nationalism?

Canadian Prime Minister Robert Borden increased the size of Canada’s military in the name of
security. Which national interest is MOST RELATED to Borden’s “hidden motivation” for
introducing conscription?

What was a unique item of interest or significance from Canada’s three World War I battles?
• Ypres –

• Vimy Ridge –

• Passchendaele –

What is the correct chronological order (from first to last) of the three major battles Canada was
involved in during World War I?

Who was the Canadian general that planned and led Canada’s attack on Vimy Ridge?


Which peace plan was focused on using goodwill to keep peace in Europe after the war?

Which peace plan was motivated by feelings of revenge against Germany?

What is self-determination?

Which national interest is most related to the concept of self-determination?

Which type of nationalism did the Fourteen Points use to divide up territory in Europe?

What is collective security?

Which organization was created at the end of World War I to promote collective security?

By joining this organization, member countries were agreeing that they would use which
response to threats to prevent war?

Historically (and considering the peace plan that officially ended the war), which country was
given most of the blame for starting the Great War?

What are the five general types of self-determination?

Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Yugoslavia were created through international pressure and which
other type of self-determination?

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