Chapter One Project

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1.1 Background of the Study

Encryption has been used for thousands of years. The earliest known encryption was found
engraved on Egyptian monuments in 2500 B.C. Hebrew scholars used simple alphabetic
substitutions, wherein one letter of the alphabet stands for another letter, with no letters standing
for more than one and no letters being omitted. The ancient Greeks used encryption to transmit
military messages (Whitman, 2005). Data encryption refers to mathematical calculations and
algorithmic schemes that transform plaintext into cipher text, a form that is non-readable to
unauthorized parties. ( 2023).The recipient of an encrypted message uses a key
which triggers the algorithm mechanism to decrypt the data, transforming it to the original
plaintext version. The key pair might encrypt, decrypt or perform both functions.

Before the modern era, cryptography was concerned solely with message confidentiality (that is,
encryption) – conversion of messages from a comprehensible form into an incomprehensible
one, and back again at the other end, rendering it unreadable by interceptors or eavesdroppers
without secret knowledge (namely, the key needed for decryption of that message). (New World,
2007). In recent decades, the field has expanded beyond confidentiality concerns to include
techniques for message integrity checking, sender/receiver identity authentication, digital
signatures, interactive proofs, and secure computation, amongst others. Encryption attempts to
ensure secrecy in communications, such as those of spies, military leaders, and diplomats, but it
have also had religious applications. Steganography (that is, hiding even the existence of a
message so as to keep it confidential) was also first developed in ancient times. An early
example, from Herodotus, concealed a message, a tattoo on a slave’s shaved head – under the
regrown hair. More modern examples of steganography include the use of invisible ink,
microdots, and digital watermarks to conceal information. (Ira Winkler, 2018).

Security is extremely important. Much of the data that exists today is sensitive and should be
protected. Such information includes social security numbers stored by the government, account
numbers stored by banks and credit card companies, and email addresses and passwords stored
by websites. Without encryption, it would be very easy for sensitive data to be stolen and used
malevolently. Social security numbers can be used to steal money from unsuspecting victims.
Email addresses are frequently collected by spammers and passwords can be used to gain
unlawful entry into a computer system or hijack a website or an account on a website. ( Whitman,
et al, 2005)

As the internet becomes a more pervasive part of daily life, the need for e-security becomes even
more critical. Any organization engaged in online activity must access and manage the e-security
risks associated with this activity. Effective use of cryptography techniques is at the core of
many of these risk-management strategies. The most important security tool is cryptography.
(, 2023).

According to Kerby, et al (2011), encryption is the transformation of any kind of data into a form
that is not understandable. Encryption is mostly used by governments and army related
foundations which carry a high level of confidential information. A cipher is called the decrypted
text of the original message or signal (, 2023). The more complicated the
encryption algorithm, the more difficult it becomes to break the cipher for accessing the message
without authorization. There are many encryption algorithm proposed since the availability of
earlier computer communications. Encryption algorithms are normally categorized differently
according to their working principles. The most common encryption algorithms (Gonsai &
Raval, 2014) used is such as AES, WPA, RSA, Two Fish and DES. RSA algorithm is in the
category of public-key based on cryptography implementations. (Milanov, 2009)

In 1976, the US government created encryption standards for all federal government entities. The
standard at that time was named the Digital Encryption Standard (DES). These standards are
managed by the National Institute of Technology and Standards (NITS). When DES was
released, there were many critiques to the approach because the encryption algorithm was easily
broken by many computer scientists; this was primarily because the encryption key used in the
standards of DES was too small, which limited the permutations for keys and reduced the
complexity of the algorithm. (Whitfield, 2000). On year 1991 James Massey and XUEIJIA Lia

from Switzerland created the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) as an example of
an encryption algorithm that ciphers plain-text data into a set scrambled characters hopefully
served as a replacement for the standard encryption at that time. (Holmes, 2012).

Using Hybrid encryption is a mode of encryption that merges two or more encryption system. It
incorporates a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryption to benefit from the
strengths of each form of encryption. These strengths are respectively defined as speed and
security. Hybrid encryption is achieved through data transfer using unique session keys along
with symmetrical encryption. Public key encryption is implemented for random symmetric key
encryption. The recipient then uses the public key encryption method to decrypt the symmetric
key. Once the symmetric key is recovered, it is then used to decrypt the message.(Janssen, 2010)

The combination of encryption methods has various advantages. One is that a connection
channel is established between two users’ sets of equipment. Users then have the ability to
communicate through hybrid encryption. Asymmetric encryption can slow down the encryption
process, but with simultaneous use of symmetric encryption, both forms of encryption are
enhanced. The result is the added security of the transmittal process along with overall improved
system performance.(Janssen, 2011)

Hybrid encryption is achieved through data transfer using unique session keys along with
symmetric encryption. Public key encryption is implemented for random symmetric key
encryption. The recipient then uses the public key encryption method to decrypt the symmetric
key. Once the symmetric is recovered, it is then used to decrypt the message. (Janssen, 2012)

Most nations have individual encryption algorithm unique for their own interest. In Nigeria, the
approach to encryption differs markedly from the international practice. Encryption is handled as
a unified policy under the direct supervision of Nigeria Leadership, encompassing both state and
commercial security applications. This, in turn, leads to an overly restrictive approach to
commercial encryption.

Data security in these contemporary times is a must. For your secrets to be secure, it may be
necessary to add protections not provided by your computer operating systems. The built-in
protections may be adequate in some cases. If no one ever tries to break into or steal data from a
particular computer, its data will be safe. Or if the intruder has not learned how to get around the

simple default mechanisms, they are sufficient. But many attackers do have the skills and
resources to break various security systems.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The modern ways of securing files have some shortcomings associated with it. The problem
arises from the fact that most of the system used is prone to hackers, spammers, and crackers.
Some of the major problems highlighted in this research study are: Use of different file system
platform for one encrypted file, it does not solve access control problems and lack of strong
security on operating systems

1.3 Aim and Objectives of Study

The aim of this research work is to enhance the classical encryption method of a multiple data
protection and its security. The objectives are:

i. To ensure the protection of files encrypted to be transferred from the source computer to
any storage device or to be moved/copied within the network of the same file system, the
file encrypted will be in a compressed folder with an 8-character password.

ii. To provide a decryption key which is minimum of 4 (four) and maximum of 8 (eight)
characters, only an alphabets, no special characters or numbers and no repeating letters
for the recipient also the 8-character password in order to decompress the folder and for
the recipient to use the decryption key provided.

iii. To develop a system that improves the computer data security through encryption of data.

iv. The system should be able to facilitate the use of more sophisticated tool against hacking,
cracking, bugging of a system.

v. To provide a password for the folder (containing multiple encrypted files) by using a
lossless compression for better security.

An encrypted data will be transformed into cipher text so that the only person who has the

key can open that data. Therefore, analysis will be done for an application that implements

Caesar Cipher and the Row Transposition in encrypting and decrypting multiple data. The

application that implements the Caesar Cipher encryption can help users to store data


1.4 Significance of Study

This research is conducted to modify an existing encryption algorithm that could output a new
combination of encrypting and decrypting method that can assure the reliability of the security of
multiple data. There are specific objectives that will address the general goal: To provide a
password for the folder (container of the multiple encrypted files) by using a lossless
compression for better security. To help you stay safer when working remotely because
companies are now more frequently requiring workers to solely use encrypted devices to enable
them stay productive from anywhere. Data encryption could help ensure that only authorized
parties access a firm’s information for analysis. It also decreases the likelihood of a hacker
successfully tampering with data, and those actions going unnoticed. Encryption will help to
keep your identity secure along with your data considering the information you have stored on
your smartphone or computer and also data encryption can help to stop sensitive details from
unknowingly going live on the internet. To ensure the protection of files encrypted to
be transferred from the source computer to any storage device or to be moved/copied within
the network of the same file system, the files encrypted will be in a compressed folder with an 8-
character password.

One of the most important tools for protecting your data from an authorized access is Data
Encryption, any of various methods that are used to turn readable files into gibberish. Even if an

attacker obtains the contents of the file, it is gibberish. It does not matter whether or not the
operating system protections worked.

1.5 Scope of Study

The scope of this study covers the message security, message integrity, user authentication and
key management of messages stored in systems used by individuals, companies, security
agencies in Nigeria in order to improve security and secrecy of data.

1.6 Limitations of Study

Encryption techniques can secure the data passing through wireless medium by encrypting it. But
it cannot secure entire network from malpractice. So securing entire network is as well

After studying existing scenarios, we can say that process of Encryption and Decryption
consumes more time and energy than passing unencrypted data through network. Many
researches are held and algorithms are developed to make Encryption-Decryption process fast
and energy saving but they are successful up to some extent and cannot reduce consumption of
time and energy as much as it is in unencrypted data.

1.7 Seminar Organization

There are five (5) chapters that made up the seminar/project organization: The chapter one has to
do with the introduction of the seminar/project topic which includes the background of the
project, problems associated with the project and possible solutions, the aim of the research,
significance and scope of the study, and also research questions in different perspective. The
chapter two is the literature review which presents the thematic or topical approach used in the
study and the existing studies or prior art. And it also presents the concepts and ideas applied in
the study. Chapter three is the research methodology. This chapter presents the simple review of
the problem, its interpretation and analysis in solution of the problem. Chapter four presents the

algorithm, its interpretation and analysis in terms of its performance. Chapter five is the
summary, recommendation and conclusion.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Security: The set of accesses controls and permission that are used to determine if a server can
grant a request for a service or resources from a client.

Encryption: The process of converting ordinary information (plaintext) into unintelligible

gibberish (that is, cipher text). (Wikipedia, 2023).

Decryption: Is the process of transforming data that has been rendered unreadable through
encryption back to its unencrypted form. (Techopedia, 2023).

Algorithm: Is a procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. (Techtarget,


Cryptography: Is the art of keeping information secret and safe by transforming it into form that
unintended recipients cannot understand. (, 2023).

Cipher: Algorithm that handles the encryption and decryption process. (, 2023).

Cipher text: Is the result of encryption performed on plaintext using an algorithm, called a
cipher. (, 2023).

Key: Is a string of bits used by a cryptographic algorithm to transform plain text into cipher text
or vice versa. (, 2023).

Password: An identity that defines an authorized user of a computer in order to get access to the
system. (, 2023).

Steganography: Hiding even the existence of a message so as to keep it confidential.

(, 2023).

Confidentiality: Is the principle and practice of keeping sensitive information private unless the
owner of the data gives explicit consent for it to be shared. (, 2023).

Digital Signatures: Is an electronic, encrypted, stamp of authentication on digital information.
(, 2023).

Internet: Is a global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol
suite (TCP/IP). (, 2023).

Public Key Encryption: is a large numerical value that is used to encrypt data. (,

Asymmetric Encryption: It encrypts and decrypts the data using two separate yet
mathematically connected cryptographic keys. (, 2023).

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