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Dear YouTube Team

        I’m Not a Violate Community Guidelines (Example Child safety

Policy) Livestreamed or Video my Original (Video and Audio) So Please
Remove Community Guidelines Warning my Channel, Double Checked
Our Content May Have Not Violated Your Guidelines Am Not Have
Realized Why Clearly Checked my Video So please Remove Warning.

Hello Team YouTube,

          I received "Community Guidelines Strike Warning" but I read
YouTube Spam, deceptive practices, & scam policies" carefully but I'm
sure that I didn't violate any of these policies. I want you to kindly
review my channel and video again and enable my monetization.

YouTube Team,
      I Got community guidelines strike on my video for harmful or
dangerous type of content. But I Think this type of videos are not
harmful or dangerous for viewers. It’s an original content it's not
violence the YouTube guidelines. If I did this then it's my mistake
because I don't know about YouTube guidelines properly. Please, review
this video and kindly remove the guidelines from my channel it’s my
humble request.
Thank You!

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