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If I were the prime minister of Jamaica the citizens would experience the true 'tourist paradise'.

is often described as paradise and the “Land Of Wood And Water” However, with a close examination of
our crime rate, education system and meaningful opportunities, it goes without saying that paradise is a
distance away. Seeing that our major issues cause other symptoms, as the prime minister, I would
strategically focus on our major issues. Jamaica has the potential to be a great nation. Our culture is world
class. Nevertheless, we do not want to be the popular kid that has unresolved trauma. In order to create a
reduction in the downfall of the economy measures and strategies would have to be implemented to
maintain the preservation of the nation and the Jamaican Culture. In order to do this the government and
authorities would have to listen to the needs and voices of the people.

-Crime a virus that has been mutating far too long. If I were the prime minister I would seek a suitable
anecdote. I would create and develop new sanctions and laws in order to reduce the act of criminal
activities. As the prime minister of Jamaica a crime fighting plan could also be implemented to identify
the main types of crime that are prevalent in Jamaica. “What do you think the most common crime in
your country is?” These might include violent crimes such as murder and assault, drug trafficking, and
property crimes such as theft and burglary. By understanding the specific types of crime that are most
common, law enforcement agencies can tailor their efforts to focus on the areas of greatest need. Another
measure that could be implemented is effective policing strategies which also critical to reducing crime in
Jamaica. This might include investing in training and equipment for law enforcement agencies, and
implementing community policing programmes that engage with local residents and build trust between
law enforcement and the community. Another important step is to analyse the root causes of crime in
Jamaica. Poverty, unemployment, and social inequality are all factors that contribute to high rates of
crime in the country. In order to effectively combat crime, it is necessary to address these underlying
issues. This might involve implementing programmes to reduce poverty and unemployment, and
initiatives to promote social inclusion and support disadvantaged communities.

-Shamingly, our education system is failing. As the prime minister, teachers would be treated with the
high esteem that they deserve. No questions. I am a firm believer that a happy teacher is an effective
teacher. As the prime minister of Jamaica could be implemented where teachers receive a higher income
because majority of them spend years in college or university studying and they may even be left in debt
not to mention those who have families to take care of. Another measure that would be implemented is to
make the students benefit from a sustainable education system where students are provided with all the
necessary resources and equipment needed to carry out their tasks and also to implement teaching
programmes that teaches students money management skills and entrepreneurship skills. As the prime
minister I would also seek to renovate and remodel existing, underutilized schools and infrastructure to
create special regional institutes that cater to the interests and competences of individual students for
example high schools for: the visual and performing arts, more specialised institutions for physical
education and sports, development and technologies, and entrepreneurship, and agriculture. Additionally
as prime minister I would work with the Ministry Of Education to develop a streamlined process for the
monitoring and assessment of overall progress of students through the development of personal learning
plans (PLPs) and separate students based on areas of interest and regional location rather than the
traditional versus non-traditional institutions that currently exist. Teachers are role models to children,
offer guidance and dedication and give young people the power of education as the phrase says "It takes a
village to raise a child".
Opportunities are not a dime a dozen in Jamaica. If I were the prime minister I would create various
revenues to attract investors by creating an attractive image of the country as a place to invest. I would
develop strategies with the Ministry of Tourism and Finance whereas we can create various target
markets in the country. In order to create more opportunities as the prime minister I would develop
implementations where the lands are used for agriculture and farming and that would be an opportunity
for the farmers where there would also be a reduction of unemployment in the country. For example:
there could be the planting and cultivating of various crops and provisions which could be then exported
to other countries. As the prime minister I would encourage foreign exchange amongst individuals which
would contribute to global trading as this contributes to global efficiency.

In conclusion I strongly behave that if these strategies are implemented Jamaica is likely to become a
better place the crime-fighting plan is highly effective because if the criminal records and reports are
reduced it would even create a better economy for Jamaica as there would be a reduction to the long term
costs associated with the criminal justice system and the costs of crime, both economic and social, and
can achieve a significant return on investment in terms of savings in justice, welfare, health care, and the
protection of social and human capital. As the prime minister I strongly believe that under my governance
Jamaica would become a better place.

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