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Frequency Modulation

Sheet No.5 ‫عبداللطيف نبيل بو رقه‬

1. Define the FM modulation?

Frequency modulation is the process by which frequency of the carrier signal c(t) changes with
respect to the modulating signal m(t).

2. Write down the mathematical expression for FM signal.

3. Define the modulation index β for FM Modulation. According to β what are the main types of FM?
The FM modulation index is equal to the ratio of the frequency deviation to the modulating
frequency. 1-Narrowband FM. 2-Wideband FM.

4. Compare between Narrow band FM and Wide band FM.

1-Modulation index is less than 1 β < 1
2-Maximum modulating frequency is usually 3 kHz & maximum frequency deviation is =75 kHz.
3-A narrowband FM wave consist of a carrier, an upper side-frequency component & a lower side

1-Modulation index normally exceeds unity β > 1.
2-Modulation frequencies extend from 30 Hz to 15 kHz.
3-Minimum permissible deviation is=75 kHz.

5. List the main advantages and disadvantages and applications of FM modulation.

1-Amplitude of the frequency modulated wave remains unaffected.
2-Large decrease in noise, hence increase in S/N ratio.
3-Noise may reduce by increasing deviation

1-FM wave can’t cover large area.
2-Transmitting & receiving equipment for FM are complex & costly.
3-A much wider channel, typically 200 kHz, is needed for FM.
1-sound. 2-Radio. 3-Magnetic tape storage.

6. What are the main methods for FM demodulation?

1-Tuned Circuit. 2-Locked Loops PLL. 3-Foster-Seeley Discriminator.

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