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Sub-Task 1: We now need to evaluate whether the new option would be attractive to

customers. Brainstorm and shortlist criteria that customers may use to evaluate
competing offers. What data points would help us decide if the new offer is attractive to

Here are some potential criteria that customers might use to evaluate competing handset
leasing offers:

1. Monthly payment amount: Customers will likely compare the monthly payment
amounts of different leasing options to determine which offer fits their budget
2. Upfront costs: Customers may be concerned about upfront costs such as a down
payment or activation fees, which could impact their decision to choose a leasing
3. Device selection: The range of devices available for lease is also likely to be a factor
in a customer's decision-making process. Customers may prefer a leasing option
that offers a wider range of devices to choose from.
4. Length of lease: The length of the leasing period may also be an important
consideration for customers. Some may prefer a shorter lease period, while others
may prefer a longer one.
5. Terms and conditions: Customers may carefully review the terms and conditions
of different leasing options to ensure that they fully understand the details and
any potential costs or fees associated with the leasing agreement.
6. Upgrade options: Customers may also be interested in whether they have the
option to upgrade to a new device before the end of the lease period.

To evaluate if the new offer is attractive to consumers, we may want to gather data on the

• Average monthly payment amounts for the new leasing offer compared to other
leasing offers in the market.
• Any upfront costs associated with the new offer and how they compare to other
• The range of devices available for lease with the new offer compared to other
offers in the market.
• The length of the leasing period for the new offer compared to other offers.
• The terms and conditions of the new offer and any potential costs or fees
associated with the leasing agreement.
• Whether the new offer includes an option to upgrade to a new device before the
end of the lease period and how this compares to other offers.
• Sub-Task 2: Your team has now collected data via online surveys with consumers.
Given the data your team gathered, fill in your evaluation matrix and identify the
target segment for this plan.
• To evaluate the attractiveness of the new handset leasing offer, your team could
use a matrix that scores each of the criteria identified in Sub-Task 1, based on the
data collected from the online surveys. Here is an example of how the matrix could
be structured:

Criteria Weight Score (out of 5) Weighted Score

Monthly payment amount 20%
Upfront costs 15%
Device selection 15%
Length of lease 15%
Terms and conditions 20%
Upgrade options 15%
Total 100%

• Based on the survey data, your team can assign a score of 1-5 for each criterion,
with 5 being the most attractive option. The scores can then be weighted based on
their importance in the decision-making process, as identified in the matrix above.
Once scores are assigned and weighted, the weighted scores can be added up to
determine the overall attractiveness of the new offer.
• To identify the target segment for this plan, your team could also analyze the
survey data based on different demographic or behavioural factors such as age,
income, device usage, and preferences. By segmenting the data, your team can
determine which customer groups are most interested in the new offer and tailor
marketing and communication efforts accordingly. For example, if the survey data
shows that younger customers are more interested in device selection and
upgrade options, your team can create targeted marketing campaigns that
highlight these features for that particular demographic.

Sub-Task 3: Given the target segment, identify changes to the offering that would make it
more attractive for them. Also, come up with a product name that you think will appeal
to the segment.

Based on the analysis of the survey data and segmentation, the team can identify changes
to the offering that will make it more attractive to the target segment. Here are some
potential changes:

1. Device selection: If the survey data shows that the target segment is interested in
a specific type or brand of devices, the offering could be updated to include more
of these devices.
2. Monthly payment amount: If the survey data shows that the target segment is
more price-sensitive, the monthly payment amount could be lowered to make the
offering more affordable.
3. Upgrade options: If the survey data shows that the target segment is interested in
having the option to upgrade to a new device before the end of the lease period,
this feature could be emphasized or made more flexible.
4. Customer service: If the survey data shows that the target segment values good
customer service, the offering could include more support options, such as a
dedicated customer service team or an online help centre.

As for a product name, it's important to choose a name that resonates with the target
segment and communicates the benefits of the offering. For example, if the target
segment is young and tech-savvy, a name that includes the word "smart" or "connected"
may be more appealing. Alternatively, if the target segment values simplicity and ease of
use, a name that emphasizes these features could be more effective. Here are some
potential product names that could be tailored to different target segments:

• "DeviceFlex": A flexible device leasing plan for tech-savvy customers who want the
latest and greatest devices.
• "EasyLease": A simple leasing plan for customers who value ease of use and
• "UpgradeMe": A device leasing plan that emphasizes upgrade options and appeals
to customers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology.
• "EmpowerLease": A device leasing plan that emphasizes empowerment and
control, appealing to customers who value independence and flexibility.

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