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2023-08E MATH cP PAPER 1 HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY MATHEMATICS Compulsory Part PAPER 1 Question-Answer Book 830 am- 10:45 am (2% hows) ‘This paper must be answered inEngish INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Aor the announcement of the start of the ‘@aminaton, you. should frst wie. your ‘Candidate Number inthe space provided on Page 1 and ack batcode labels inthe spaces rotided on Pages 1, 3,5, 7,9and 1 (2) This paper consists of THREE sectons, A), 2) and 8. (@)Atompt ALL questions in this paper. Wie your answers inthe spaces proved in this ‘margins. Anowers writen Inthe margins Wal ote marked (4) Graph paper ond supplementary answer sheets vl be supplied on request. Wit your ‘Candidate Number, mark the question number box and sok barcode label on each shot, {nd fasten them with sting INSIDE this book (©) Unless otnerwise specified, all working must be leary shown, (8) _Uniess otherwise species, numeric! answers Should be etter” exact or correc! 10 3 Spnifleant gues. (7) The cagrams inthis paper are not necessary rovnte sea. (® No extra tine wil be given to candidates for Stching on the barcoss labels © fing in he {question number boxes afar the Time Is uo Souncement, cCHRATKRHER — maT Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority ‘Al Righis Reserved 2025, mas Dse-MATIECE 1 1 Please stick the barcode label here, [ conse ember + AOSOEOO1 Answers writen nth magn will not be make [SECTION A(t) @5maris) 1. Make te abject ofthe formal 5 2. Simp ooly and erprest your answer with postive indices L “Asses wee he aris wil a be mad amspsemari.ce -2 wil ob aed. Answers writen the Please stick the barcode label here, [A packet of eee i ered rogulr its weigh b measured ar 20g core tte mes 10g Someone cls tha the ttl weight of 250 regular pak of cheese canbe mesures os 3.6K omecto te nearest 0k. 1s the ela ere? Exphin your anor. Gms) ©) som (6) How many negative inegarssaisy (2)? Gms) “Ase wos he aris wi a be mare 2mspse-maTi.ce 3 3 Azewes writen nthe maya will not he oe ‘On fy, the number of female pases 4084 move tan he number of wale pascnprs 1°24 female passengers eave the fey thn the ub of tle pasnges i 40% mere than he umber of female pssengets. Find he number of mae pessnges one fey. ‘em 6. Let a, band © benonzro numbers such at 7a=6 and @ ake south ‘hve ® (mate) “Answers wien inthe margins wil ot be marked DLDSENATHLCE 4 4 Please stick the barcode label here, 7 InFigue 1, PR isa diameter ofthe cle PORS. Dent th pot of henason of PR wad GF yr igure 1 2808 and 2708 (ats) Ansvers writen the mara wilt be marked ‘ses wit te gis wil nt Be mad amspseaami-ce 5 3 Answers writen in the margins will not be make Ta Figue2, AB end CD lntretarte pot ie even tat ACIDE 4 c Flgue2 (@) Provetht AACE- ABDE ©) Suppose tut_4B=200m, AC=100m , Bt righ-angld tangle? Esplin your newer. “ee we gine wil oD ad “Asses writen nthe mais wl at be marked mas DsE-MATILCE 6 6 Please stick the barcode label here, The semand-eat diagram blow shows th don ofthe numberof working bors of woop of workers ina week Smt | Latnis) ples 5 6 6 8 8 3/3 3 3 4 5 5 5 9 eo 1 4 4 $$ 6 4 7 9 ‘The ang ofthe diibaton 27. (@) _Fadthe mean andthe mode ofthe disttaon, (©) Ie workers andomly setd fromthe group find the proebily that he munber of wring ‘ous of he Selected Worker inthe mec exsode the def es bain (smut) Azewers writen nth margins will not be make, “Ase witen nthe margin wile be mad smosemar.ce-> 7 Aner writin te margins wil ot be marked [SECTION AG) G5 aris) 10, Ieisghen that 4 and 8 arewo distin ois ina retngur coordinate plane. Let P be moving on in the rectanglar coordinate plane such hat Ps equa fom and 8. Denae the oct ory Tr @_Dseribe te seomericrelaonshipteteen and AB. (my (©) Suppose tate coordinates of 4 are 2,4) andthe equation of F & 3x4 y-12=0., Find © he oquaion ofthe seaigt ne which passes rough 4 and B, (the equation oft cele wit 4B a damet mais) “Assn wrie in the margins wi nt be aT “Assn write athe mals wil ute marked amuosemamitcr 8 8 not be marked _Anewers writen in th magia Please stick the barcode label nee, TH, Thetbie below shows he dvibun of he names of calcuaon owaed byw dls af ets Nunberofeakuiwarsowned | 1 | 2 [3] 4 ‘Namba of dens t[s[-]o ‘The mean ofthe disibatons 2 (@) Find he meta, the interquartile range andthe variance ofthe dition suats) (©) Twostulems now witha fom he clas, Ie fou ht he mean ofthe striations sacbange. I the any change range of te dbtion due othe withdrawal of be ovo Sudes? Explain youranrer, (Gnas) "Answers wien nthe ais wil not be waved amosesamic 9 9 Anoers writen the mazpin will ot be mash 12 Wisgventhat f(a) ispariycostantandparyvaresas 2 Soposetnt 10)= 62 and £05)=122 Fit 16) mas) (&) Suppose that U(0m) and VS, ») 8 point ying on the gh of y= (2). The bona line passing through cats the yas aie point . Dense te ce which passes though U, Hand W by C. Express te evcunfeence of C intermsof # mans) ‘Answers wien te ais wil ot Be mare 2m-pse MATH 1-10 10 Anowers writen he margins wil a e marked. Deine gG2)=07457-I2y-1. Lat BG “Answers wren athe marie wi MoSDSEMATILCE 1-2 (Find quotient when Bs) ie vied by gts) (©) How many ton ots oes the equation b(2)=0 lave? Explain your aver 12 War-lePsbrte, whew a, 6 and 6 ae canst. Whee (3) Sdivded by (2), the quot nd the reminder ae etl, Gms) (mais) “Anes writen in rrp wl ot be mark. Answers write the margins wl it be marked Ta Tie base roan wd he caved wars arn of # old mel Raht ur cone wre em snd T00rem* respectively (©) Findtheeight ofthe cic cone. Gnas) (0) The cular cone sive nto aright cel cone X and a frutum by a plane which ‘uneio faba. The caved surace rx i 15Uies he carved suc ares of (Bags the volame of ¥ interns of (ip) iemeted and recast into 2 Het! soi spheres, dhe diameter oath per. ‘Sams “Answers wen nth mais wil ot be marked maLDSEMATIECE I-14 4 “Fame cin te mugs Wie mee Answers writen inte mara wil at be mad SECTIONS GS marks) 1s. maby hee are 5 reals nd 4 blak balls, From the box, 2 balls re endl chose at be (a) Fide probaly tat be 2 ball chosen are mas) (@) tea bug tee ae 8 10d ball. The 2 bails coe fom th box ae po et ea In bas he ay chosen he sme ine fom the ba Find the probbiity dt {he balls chasm are othe sane colour ‘eas “Same WRG ie margin i eat ‘ses wn ie magne wil not be make 2. DSeMATIECE 16 16 16. (0) Leta and & bevel comtuns. Ifthe us oft agunion x7+ar+b=0 ae p and Sp, provethat S42 =366 mus) ©) Deaoe dhe cle =+y?-6r-12y+20=0 by C. Find he constant m sic thatthe alg line y=me ets C athe points Q and R with OQ:OR=1:4, whee O ithe agin, Gnas) “Asses won athe margin wil abe marked ‘mas pseMami.ce 1-17 v7 Tw) WE gen tat WAY We tingle whew WA'=6om, AY=Sen and 217 Find 2X07 Gms) (0) ies 2 shows the pyramid WATZ, whore WZ=XZ=12 The bse of his pyran the tangle WAY eset in) z w Figne3 tis given tnt the ange beeen WZ andthe wlangle XY is 30° Does he angle betwen fie dangles WAY and 2 exceod 4S"? Explain your seer ‘droks) “Raswers wien nthe magia wil tbe marked my DSEMATI-CE 18 18 il ee marked. Answers writen ate TH Suppor tis, 7, aacomaiicsoquace, whee Tea

0. Denote tic origin by O. Let R be apoint sich ht OY ivamedian of AOPR . Suppose th Gand H are the cuneate andthe orhoceae of AOPR respectively. (@) Express the ono of @ and lates of 1. mits) (@) LS bes poim tying o2 OP such that QS is perpendicular to OP . Wis given ut 2PQ5= ZP0g 0 Byconsiteing ua ZPOS , prove tat ¢=24 (Ate 0, and Q clear Explain your answer. (Gi) Denote te incene of AOPR by 1. Find the ato of te aren of AGHR tw he ren of alr. rei) ‘as wen nthe mags Wil not Be mad mmvosenari.ce 22 2

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