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Intro to Cultural Anthropology

Flagler College
Scott Swan

Jacob Limon
Variable Assignment #1 - Quiz You Cannot Study For
1. What is a human “being”?
a. A human being is a person that is constantly learning about themselves as well
as learning new ideas and skills they use to pursue their passion.
2. How long have we been “human”?
a. We have been humans since we first started to learn and create new
3. What is/are the origin(s) of humans?
a. The origin of humans is the evolution of homo sapiens that led to a seeking of
4. Are humans animals? Why or why not?
a. I believe that humans are animals just more advanced. This is because of the
primal instincts that humans have.
5. How are humans different from animals?
a. Humans are different from animals because humans have the ability to keep
creating new technology.
6. What is “culture”?
a. Culture is the way that a certain group of individuals live their lives.
7. How long have humans had culture?
a. Humans have had culture since we were first living, it has just changed and
8. How do you get culture?
a. Culture is formed in a community that highlights the most prominent features of
how humans act.
9. Do animals have culture?
a. I believe that animals do have culture, an example to highlight this across most
animals is breeding. Every animal can differ in the process of breeding, this is
because many animals have rituals they perform to breed.
10. What is the difference between “high” and “low” culture?
a. The difference of high and low culture is the level of thought that is put into
certain things.
11. What is “knowledge”?
a. Knowledge is the buildup of different ideas in individual human brains.
12. How do you get knowledge?
a. Knowledge can be obtained in many ways with the most prominent being through
experience and studying.
13. Can you think without language?
a. I believe that it is not possible to think without language, this is because every
animal has a language, whether it is through writing, vocals, or even gestures,
everything has a language and to be able to think without language would be

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