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1. above all (else) /ə used to say that something is more 20. carrot / a long pointed orange root eaten as a
ˈbʌv//ɔːl//els/ important than anything else; More ˈkær.ət/ us / vegetable
than anything else ˈker.ət/
2. above and beyond/ə greater than it is your duty to show; 21. a carton of container of milk /kənˈteɪnə /
ˈbʌv/ənd/bɪˈjɒnd / In excess of the expectations or milk /ə//
demands of ˈkɑː.tən/
3. apple /ˈæpəl/ fruit with red or yellow or green skin
and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh 22. celebrate / to honor something in a special way
4. apple juice / juice from crushed apples, used for
ˈæpəl//dʒuːs/ a drink or to make vinegar 23. chat /tʃæt/ to talk in a friendly informal way to
5. apple pie /ˈæpəl paɪ/ pie (with a top crust) containing
sliced apples and sugar 24. checkout / the place you pay in a store
6. at least /ət; strong as much as, or more than, a number
æt//liːst/ or amount; not less than a particular 25. cheese /tʃiːz/ a food made from milk, that can be either
number or amount firm or soft and is usually yellow or white in
7. a bag of potatoes / a container made out of paper or
ə/bæɡ/əv /pəˈteɪtəʊs thin plastic in which potatoes are 26. chef/cook / a person that prepared food for others,
/ kept ʃef//kʊk/ often in a restaurant or café.
8. banana [bəˈnɑːnə; elongated crescent-shaped yellow 27. chicken / a bird that is raised by people for its eggs
(US) bəˈnænə] fruit with soft sweet flesh ˈtʃɪk.ɪn/ and meat
9. a bar of(chocolate)/ a substance that has been made into 28. chocolate / a sweet, brown food that is made from
ə//bɑː əv ˈtʃɒklət/ a solid rectangular shape of ˈtʃɒk.lət/ us / cocoa
chocolate ˈtʃɑːk.lət/
10. basil [ˈbæzəl] a herb with a sweet smell that is 29. choose, chose, to select
used to add flavour in cooking chosen
( [tʃˈuːz tʃouz
11. below, under /bɪ in a lower place or position, or on a
tʃouzən] )
ˈləʊ//ˈʌn.dər/ lower level
30. chop /tʃɒp/ To cut food into small, irregular pieces
12. birthday party / A party where a person is given gifts
ˈbɜːθ.deɪ/ /ˈpɑː.ti/ and a cake with candles on it to 31. cola /ˈkəʊ.lə/ a sweet, brown fizzy drink (= one with
celebrate his/her birthday bubbles) that does not contain alcohol
13. boil /bɔɪl/ To heat a liquid until bubbles rise 32. container A jar, box, or other object used for holding
constantly to the surface /kənˈteɪ.nər/ something
14. a bottle of (ketchup) / a container for liquids, usually made 33. cornflakes / small flat pieces of crushed corn(1), usually
ə//ˈbɒtl əv /ˈketʃəp/ of glass or plastic, with a narrow ˈkɔːn.fleɪks/ us eaten at breakfast with milk
neck /ˈkɔːrn.fleɪks/
15. bread /bred/ a food made from flour, water, and 34. cost /kɒst/ expense; price paid
usually yeast, mixed together and
35. cosy /ˈkəʊzi / comfortable
36. countryside / the land outside of cities and towns; rural
16. breakfast /ˈbrek.fəst/ the first meal of the day (usually in
the morning)
37. crisps /krɪsp/ potato chips
17. burger /ˈbɜː.ɡər/ meat or other food pressed into a
round, flat shape and fried 38. crocodile / large voracious aquatic reptile having a
ˈkrɒk.ə.daɪl/ long snout with massive jaws and sharp
18. burger bar / a place where drinks and burgers are
teeth and a body covered with bony plates
ˈbɜː.ɡər//bɑːr/ sold
39. a cup of a container that holds slightly under a
19. a can of ...
flour/tea / quarter of a litre of liquid, used for
(lemonade/cola) /ə/
ə//kʌp/ measuring when cooking
kən əv /ˌleməˈneɪd
40. curry ([ˈkʌri]) a type of food from India, consisting of 60. fish /fɪʃ/ an animal that lives in water, is covered
meat or vegetables in a spicy sauce with scales, and breathes by taking water
in through its mouth, or the flesh of these
41. customer / a person who buys goods or services
animals eaten as food
ˈkʌs.tə.mər/ from a store, restaurant or business.
61. flour /flaʊər/ powder made from grain, especially
42. dairy /ˈdeə.ri/ food made from milk
wheat, used for making bread, cakes,
43. dangerous / perilous; not safe pasta, pastry, etc.
62. food festival a festival, usually held annually, that uses
44. delicious /dɪ very tasty /fuːd//ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/ food, often produce, as its central theme.
ˈlɪʃ.əs/ These festivals have always been a
45. dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/ a sweet course served at the end of a means of uniting communities through
meal celebrations of harvests and giving
thanks for a plentiful growing season.
46. dishes /dɪʃ/ cuisine
63. food /fuːd/ meal; something that people eat to keep
47. district / an area of a town or country
them alive
64. fresh [freʃ] new, just produced; just made, received,
48. drinks /drɪŋks/ beverages
cleaned, or experienced
49. drum /drʌm/ a musical instrument made of skin
65. fridge, a piece of kitchen equipment that uses
stretched over a circular frame, played by
refrigerator electricity to preserve food at a cold
hitting it with your hand or a stick
/frɪdʒ/ /rɪ temperature
50. each [iːtʃ] every; singular ˈfrɪdʒ.ər.eɪ.tər/
51. egg /eɡ/ the oval object with a hard shell that is 66. from above from a position of higher rank or
produced by female birds, especially /frɒm//əˈbʌv/ authority.; from overhead
chickens, eaten as food
67. fruit /fruːt/ something that grows on a plant, tree, or
52. expensive /ɪk costing a lot of money; costly bush, can be eaten as a food, contains
ˈspen.sɪv/ seeds or a stone, and is usually sweet
53. experience /ɪk the knowledge and skills acquired from 68. fry (on both to cook food in hot oil or fat (on both
ˈspɪə.ri.əns/ working in a career field sides) /fraɪ// side)
54. fancy dress / the special clothes that you wear for a ɒn//bəʊθ//saɪds/
ˌfæ ˈdres/ party where everyone dresses as a 69. get above to have too high an opinion of yourself
particular type of character or thing: yourself /ɡet//ə
55. fancy dress a party where everyone dresses up in ˈbʌv//jɔːˈself/
party / costume as other people 70. get a takeaway / ready-cooked meal bought to take home
ˈfæ ɡet//ə/
ˈpɑː.ti/ ˈteɪk.ə.weɪ/
56. fantastic /fæn very good; wonderful, excellent 71. go out for a meal to go out to a restaurant, spend time with
ˈtæs.tɪk/ / people, and enjoy yourself:
57. fast food A place that serves food quickly ɡəʊ//aʊt//fɔː(r)//
restaurant ə//mɪəl/
/fɑːst//fuːd// 72. grilled adj /ɡrɪld/ food cooked on grill
73. grow, grew, to make plant develop and produce fruit
58. fat /fæt/ fatter, a solid or liquid substance from animals grown /ɡrəʊ/ / or flowers
fattest or plants and used especially in cooking ɡruː//ɡrəʊn/
59. favourite / preferred ;something regarded with 74. hamburger / a round, flat piece of minced beef, fried
ˈfeɪ.vər.ɪt/ us / special favor or liking ˈhæmˌbɜː.ɡər/ and usually eaten between two halves of
ˈfeɪ.vər.ət/ a bread roll
75. ham /hæm/ pig's meat from the leg or shoulder,
preserved with salt or smoke
76. happen [ˈhæpən] occur; when something happens, 96. local /ˈləʊ.kəl/ relating to or occurring in a particular
there is an event, especially one that area, city, or town; located or living
is not planned nearby
77. healthy /ˈhelθi/ A state of complete physical, mental, 97. lunch[ lʌntʃ ] midday meal
and social well-being
98. main course / the largest or most important part of a
78. heat /hiːt/ to make something hot or warm, or ˌmeɪn ˈkɔːs/ meal
to become hot or warm
99. (main) ingredient the ingredient that is present in the food
79. honey /ˈhʌn.i/ a sweet yellow liquid produced by /meɪn//ɪn in the greatest amount.
bees ˈɡriː.di.ənt/
80. hot dog /ˈhɒt ˌdɒɡ/ a cooked sausage eaten in a long 100. main/market/town a large open area in the centre of a
soft piece of bread, often with square /meɪn// town or city, usually in the shape of a
ketchup (= tomato sauce) or mustard ˈmɑːkɪt//taʊn/ square, or the buildings surrounding it
81. hot (spicy) /hɒt/ / having a very strong flavour
ˈspaɪ.si/ 101. make a snack (V) prepare something to eat between
/meɪk//ə//snæk/ meals
82. hungry /ˈhʌŋ.ɡri/ starving
102. mayonnaise / a dressing made from oil and egg yolk
83. hurt [hɜːt] hurt [hɜːt] to cause pain or injury to (yourself,
hurt [hɜːt] someone else, or a part of your
body) 103. meat /miːt/ the flesh of an animal when it is used
for food
84. ice cream /ˌaɪs frozen dessert containing cream and
ˈkriːm/ sugar and flavoring 104. messy /ˈmes.i/ dirty and disorderly
85. Indian meal [ˌɪn.di.ən an occasion when Indian food is 105. milk /mɪlk/ the white liquid produced by cows,
mɪəl] served or eaten goats, and sheep and used by humans
as a drink or for making butter, cheese,
86. in front of the telly / watching a television
ɪn//frʌnt/ /əv/ðə/
ˈteli/ 106. mineral water / water from a spring or well that
ˈmɪn.ər.əl ˌwɔː.tər/ naturally contains at least 250 parts per
87. it doesn't make not have a clear meaning of
million (ppm) of minerals. Minerals give
sense /ɪt// something to understand
water a distinctive flavor. Many mineral
waters are high in sodium.
88. it doesn't matter /ɪt// it is not important
107. mix /mɪks/ to combine two or more ingredients by
beating or stirring
89. it doesn't work /ɪt// nothing happens
108. mixture / a substance made by mixing other
ˈmɪks.tʃər/ substances together
90. a jar of a glass or clay container with a wide
109. mushroom / a fungus with a round top and short
honey/instant coffee opening at the top and sometimes a
ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/ / stem. Some types of mushroom can be
/ə//dʒɑː $ dʒɑːr/əv / fitted lid, usually used for storing
ˈmʌʃ.rʊm/ eaten
ˈhʌni/ˈɪnstənt/ˈkɒfi / food
110. mutton /ˈmʌt.ən/ the meat from an adult sheep eaten as
91. juice /dʒuːs/ a liquid drink, usually made from fruit
92. kebab bar /kɪ bar for a dish consisting of small
111. need [niːd] something like air, food, or shelter that
ˈbæb//bɑː(r)/ pieces of meat and vegetables that
is necessary for survival
have been put on a long, thin stick or
metal rod and cooked together 112. not be above to not be too good or honest to do
(doing) something something
93. ketchup /ˈketʃ.ʌp/ tomato sauce
94. lemonade /ˌlem.ə a drink made with the juice of ˈduːɪŋ/ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
ˈneɪd/ lemons, water, and sugar
113. oil /ɔɪl/ a smooth thick liquid produced from
95. a loaf of bread /ə/ entire unit of bread, whole baked plants or animals that is used in
ləʊf əv /bred/ piece of bread cooking
114. olive oil /ˌɒl.ɪv a yellow or green oil, made by pressing 129. pumpkin / a large round vegetable with hard
ˈɔɪl/ us /ˌɑː.lɪv olives ˈpʌmp.kɪn/ yellow or orange flesh
130. push [pʊʃ] the act of applying force in order to
115. omelette / a food made with eggs that have been move something away
ˈɒm.lət/ mixed and fried, often with other foods
131. put something on to cover something with something
top of something
116. onion /ˈʌn.jən/ a vegetable with a strong smell and /pʊt//ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/ /
flavour, made up of several layers ɒn//tɒp//əv//
surrounding each other tightly in a round ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/
shape, usually brown or red on the outside
132. rate [reɪt] a measure of the speed of any
and white inside
change that occurs within an interval
117. orange / a round sweet fruit that has a thick orange of time
ˈɒrəndʒ/ skin and an orange centre divided into
133. recipe (/ˈresɪpi/ - detailed instructions for preparing
many parts
noun) particular foods
118. orange juice / a drink consisting of the juice from
134. recommend /ˌrek.ə to suggest
ˈɒrəndʒ//dʒuːs/ oranges
119. oriental a restaurant where Asian food is served
135. recommendation / suggestion
restaurant /
ˈɔː.ri.əntəl/ /
ˈres.trɒnt/ us / 136. restaurant / a building where people go to eat
ˈres.tə.rɑːnt/ ˈres.trɒnt/ us /
120. a packet of a small closed container made of paper
crisps/biscuits / or plastic, containing a small amount of 137. rice /raɪs/ the small seeds of a particular type
ə//ˈpækɪt/ something, usually enough for only one of grass, cooked, and eaten as food
əv/krɪsps/ occasion; bag of crisps/biscuits 138. salad /ˈsæl.əd/ a mixture of uncooked vegetables,
ˈbɪs.kɪt/ usually including lettuce, eaten either
121. pancake / a thin, flat, round cake made from a as a separate dish or with other food
ˈpæn.keɪk/ mixture of flour, milk, and egg, fried on 139. sandwich / two (or more) slices of bread with a
both sides ˈsæn.wɪdʒ/ us / filling between them
122. pan n. /pæn - a metal container that is round and often ˈsæn.wɪtʃ/
pɑ:n/ has a long handle and a lid, used for 140. sauce /sɔːs/ A liquid or semisolid product that is
cooking things on top of a cooker used in preparing other food items.
123. pasta /ˈpæs.tə/ noodles; a food made from flour, water, 141. sausage /ˈsɒs.ɪdʒ/ highly seasoned minced meat stuffed
and sometimes egg, that is cooked and in casings
usually served with a sauce. It is made in
142. seafood /ˈsiː.fuːd/ food from the ocean, besides fish;
various shapes that have different names
124. pizza /ˈpiːt.sə/ Italian open pie made of thin bread dough
143. serve [sɜːv] to give someone food or drink,
spread with a spiced mixture of e.g.
especially as part of a meal or in a
tomato sauce and cheese
restaurant, bar etc
125. pizza place / place where pizzas are served
144. shark /ʃɑːk/ any of numerous elongate mostly
marine carnivorous fishes with
126. pork /pɔːk/ meat from a pig, eaten as food heterocercal caudal fins and tough
127. potato /pə a round vegetable that grows underground skin covered with small toothlike
ˈteɪ.təʊ/ and has white flesh with light brown, red, scales
or pink skin, or the plant on which these 145. shelf /ʃelf/ a flat board which is attached to a
grow wall, frame, etc., and on which
128. price /praɪs/ The amount of money exchanged for a objects can be placed
good or service 146. shopping /ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ/ buying; purchasing /ˈpɜːtʃəsɪŋ/
147. shopping basket / A basket that you carry, to put 166. to prepare food/a meal to make or get food/meal
ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ//ˈbɑː.skɪt/ items that you are purchasing in. /tu//prɪˈpeər//fuːd// ready for eating
148. slice (/slaɪs/ - verb) to cut into thin, flat pieces
167. touch screen /tʌtʃ/ a touch-sensitive display
149. snack /snæk/ a small amount of food eaten
/skriːn/ device
between meals
168. tracks /træks/ Separate layers of audio used
150. soup /suːp/ liquid food especially of meat
to record sources individually
or fish or vegetable stock often
containing pieces of solid food 169. traditional /trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ a belief, custom, or way of
doing something that has
151. sour/tart /saʊər/ /tɑːt/ not at all sweet
existed for a long time
152. spaghetti /spəˈɡet.i/ pasta in the form of long strings
170. trolley /ˈtrɒl.i/ a large container with wheels
153. stairs /steərz/ a series of steps for going from that you push and use for
one level to another carrying things in a
154. strawberry /ˈstrɔː.bər.i/ sweet fleshy red fruit supermarket or at an airport

155. strong [strɒŋ] healthy, powerful 171. try /traɪ/ to test something to see if it is
suitable or useful or if it works
156. supermarket (/ˈsuːpə a large self-service grocery
ˌmɑːkɪt/) store selling groceries and dairy 172. tub of ice cream /tʌb//əv/ a small plastic container with a
products and household goods /ˌaɪs ˈkriːm/ lid, used for storing food

157. sweet /swiːt/ sugary; (especially of food or 173. tuna /ˈtʃuː.nə/ us /ˈtuː.nə/ a large fish that lives in warm
drink) having a taste similar to seas; the flesh of this fish eaten
that of sugar; not bitter or salty as food

158. take out /teɪk/ /aʊt/ to remove something from 174. typical /ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/ being like others of its kind;
somewhere normal

159. taste /teɪst/ the sensation of flavor 175. undersea /ˌʌn.dəˈsiː/ below the surface of the sea
perceived in the mouth and 176. unhealthy /ʌnˈhel.θi/ not healthy
throat on contact with a
177. upstairs /ʌpˈsteəz/ on a floor above
178. vegetable /ˈvedʒtəbəl/ a plant, root, seed, or pod that
160. team /tiːm/ A group of people who work
is used as food, especially in
together to set goals, make
dishes that are not sweet
decisions, solve problems, and
put ideas into action. 179. vegetarian /ˌvedʒ.ɪ a person who does not eat
ˈteə.ri.ən/ meat, and sometimes other
161. tea /tiː/ (a drink made by pouring hot
animal products, especially for
water onto) dried and cut leaves
moral, religious, or health
and sometimes flowers,
especially the leaves of the tea
plan 180. waiter, server /ˈweɪtə(r)// a man who serves food and
ˈsɜː.vər/ drink at the tables in a
162. throw, threw, thrown / to make an object such as a ball
θrəʊ/ /θruː/ /θrəʊn/ move quickly through the air by
pushing your hand forward 181. well (much higher than) average; a
quickly and letting the object go before/after/above/below lot, or to a great degree
etc /wel//bɪˈfɔː / /ˈɑːftə /
163. a tin of (tuna)/ a can of a closed metal container in
(tuna) /ə//tɪn/əv/ˈtʃuː.nə/ which food is sold
us /ˈtuː.nə/ /ə/ kən əv // 182. wild /waɪld/ untamed /ʌnˈteɪmd/
ˈtʃuː.nə/ us /ˈtuː.nə/
183. worth /wɜːθ/ having high moral qualities or
164. tomato sauce /tə ketchup great value
ˈmɑː.təʊ/ /sɔːs/
165. tomato /təˈmɑː.təʊ/ mildly acid red or yellow pulpy
fruit eaten as a vegetable

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