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1. academy /ə Any institution where the higher branches of 20. blackboard a dark surface on a wall or frame that a
ˈkæd.ə.mi/ learning are taught. [ˈblækbɔːd] teacher writes on with chalk (= white
2. acting / The art or occupation of performing fictional
ˈæk.tɪŋ/ roles in plays, films, or television. 21. book online pay for tickets on the Internet
3. afloat floating on water 22. borrow a book to get or receive a book from the library
from the library with the intention of giving it back after
4. agree to have the same opinion
a period of time
5. agreement a decision reached by two or more people or
23. a boys' school / a school only for boys
6. app Program designed to make users more
24. brain The mass of nerve tissue that is the main
productive and/or assist them with personal
control center of the nervous system
25. calculator / a small machine that is used for
7. appropriate suitable or right for a particular situation or
ˈkæl.kjə.leɪ.tər/ mathematical calculations
uk /ə occasion
ˈprəʊ.pri.ət/ 26. a calculator / a small machine that is used for
us /ə ˈkæl.kjə.leɪ.tər/ mathematical calculations
27. camping holiday a holiday in which people live in a tent,
8. Arts and Subjects of study primarily concerned with usually for fun
Literature / human creativity and social life, such as
28. camping site A space designed and offered for the
ɑrts/ /ənd/ / languages, literature, and history (as
purpose of locating a trailer, tent, tent
ˈlɪt.rə.tʃər/ contrasted with scientific or technical
trailer, pickup camper or other similar
device used for camping.
9. attraction something that draws attention
29. camping stove an apparatus that furnishes heat for
10. backpack / a bag carried by a strap on your back or warmth or cooking
ˈbækpæk/ shoulder
30. camping trip go on a short journey to spend a
11. badminton a game played on a court with light long- holiday living in a tent
handled rackets used to volley a shuttlecock
31. canteen (kænˈtiːn) a restaurant provided by an
over a net
organization such as a college, factory,
12. a ballpoint a pen whose writing point is a small metal or company for its students or staff.
pen / ball that inks itself
32. chair /tʃeər/ a seat for one person that has a back
and usually four legs
33. cheat to do something that is not honest or
13. band a group of musicians who play modern music
34. cheat in the exam being dishonest or unfair in the exam
14. a beaker / a lipped cylindrical glass container for
ˈbiː.kər/ laboratory use. 35. chemistry / The study of the properties of matter
ˈkemɪstri/ and how matter changes
15. be good skillful to do something well
at(doing 36. classroomk / a room in a school where students have
something) ˈklɑːs.ruːm/ / lessons
ˈklɑːs.rʊm/ us /
16. be after the planned, expected, usual, or
ˈklæs.ruːm/ /
late/early/on necessary time for lessons
time for
lessons 37. clip /klɪp/ A flexible or spring-loaded device for
holding an object or objects together
17. a binder / a hard cover in which paper documents or
or in place.
ˈbaɪn.dər/ magazines are stored;
38. close shut; to (cause something to) end
18. binder n. [C] a machine used on farms to fasten crops into
(MACHINE) sheaves (= bundles) after they have been cut
19. binder n. [C] a substance added to a mixture to make all
(SUBSTANCE) the parts stick together
39. club club assembly of people for a particular 57. do to do a new activity, idea or method to have
meeting purpose, especially for formal discussion. experiments something new
58. do extra do additional, or more than expected activities
40. a coloured/ A pencil with a coloured core made from
59. do/play a to perform, take part in a sport
colored pigmented wax or similar material, rather than
pencil / graphite; drawing or colouring done with
ˈkʌl.əd// pencils of this type. 60. do well in to have high results on a test
ˈpen.səl/ an exam

41. compasses / an instrument for drawing circles and arcs and 61. download copy (data) from one computer system to
ˈkʌm·pə·səz/ measuring distances between points, another, typically over the Internet.
consisting of two arms linked by a movable 62. do your make the greatest effort possible
joint, one arm ending in a point and the other best
usually carrying a pencil or pen.
63. do your to prepare for something by learning as much
42. competition an event or contest in which people take part homework as you can about it
/ˌkɒm.pə in order to establish superiority or supremacy
64. educate to teach or train
ˈtɪʃ.ən/ in a particular area.
65. educated has a great deal of knowledge
43. compulsory activities required by a school's rule;
activities obligatory. 66. education A formal process of learning in which some
/kəm people consciously teach while others adopt
ˈpʌl.sər.i//æk the social role of learner.
ˈtɪv.ə.ti/ 67. educational providing education, or relating to education
44. a computer Electronic device that receives data, 68. an Many elderly people come to the education
/kəm processes data, stores data, and produces a education centre to learn to use computers
ˈpjuː.tər/ result. centre
45. corridor / a long passage in a building from which 69. education the process of teaching or learning in a
ˈkɒr.ɪ.dɔːr/ doors lead into rooms uk/ˌedʒ.u school, or the knowledge that you get from
46. cost, cost, The amount of money required to buy ˈkeɪ.ʃən/ us/ this
cost something ˌedʒ.ə
47. coursebook a book that students use regularly during a
/ˈkɔːs.bʊk/ set of lessons on a particular subject 70. end-of-year an final exam at the end of the school year
exam /end//
48. cultural cultural activities
49. danger the possibility of harm or death to someone;
71. exactly precisely
72. examination the process of checking something carefully in
50. design a to make or draw plans for a study
/ɪɡˌzæm.ɪ order to discover new information or prove
ˈneɪ.ʃən/ particular facts; a formal test that you must
pass in order to earn a particular qualification
51. desk [desk] a type of table that you can work at, often or to be allowed to do a particular job
one with drawers
73. explore to travel around a new, unknown place to see
52. develop grow or cause to grow and become more what it is like
mature, advanced, or elaborate.
74. extra a lot of activities are happening or people are
53. disagree to have a different opinion activities moving around:
54. disagreeable unpleasant; offensive; quarrelsome and bad- 75. fail an exam to not pass an exam
76. a file A device or implement for holding something.
55. discount The amount by which the regular price of an holder/faɪl//
item is reduced ˈhəʊl.dər/
56. do a course study at a college or university
77. a flask Small, bottle-shaped glass container used in a 96. glue /ɡluː/ an adhesive substance used for sticking
/flɑːsk/ lab. objects or materials together.
78. football any of various games played with a ball 97. go to university to study at university
(round or oval) in which two teams try to kick
98. guided tour a short journey around a building or
or carry or propel the ball into each other's
place with a person who tells you about
what you are seeing or with a pair of
79. football football field headphones on which you can listen to a
pitch recorded description of what you are
80. foreign A language that is different from the mother
language tongue learned at birth, and that is not the 99. gymnasium/gym athletic facility equipped for sports or
predominant language of a region. /dʒɪm physical training
81. form a teacher teaching a particular subject but
teacher who also looks after the class as a whole 100. hall uk /hɔːl/ us the area inside the entrance of a building;
/fɔːm// /hɑːl/ a large room used for meetings,
ˈtiː.tʃər/ concerts, or other events.
82. free costing nothing, or not needing to be paid for 101. heading / a title at the head of a page or section of
ˈhed.ɪŋ/ a book.
83. free time leisure time; Time that is free from duties or
responsibilities 102. headteacher / principal
ˌhedˈtiː.tʃər/ /ˈprɪn.sə.pəl/
84. funnel / device useful for pouring a liquid into a
ˈfʌnəl/ narrow opening etc. 103. a highlighter / a fluorescent marker used to mark
ˈhaɪˌlaɪ.tər/ important passages in a text
85. gap year A year between school and university when
some students travel around the world, or 104. high school /ˈhaɪ a school in the US for older children,
work on special projects ˌskuːl/ usually children from grades 9-12, or
aged approximately 14-18
86. genius a person born with great intelligence
in the UK and Australia, sometimes used
87. Geography the study of the systems and processes in the names of schools for children
/dʒi involved in the world's weather, mountains, aged from eleven to 18
ˈɒɡ.rə.fi/ seas, lakes, etc. and of the ways in which
105. History /ˈhɪstəri/ (the study of or a record of) past events
countries and people organize life within an
considered together, especially events of
a particular period, country, or subject
88. get an study in a school or college
106. hockey a game played on an ice rink by two
opposing teams of 6 skaters each who
89. get fit v. to make your body stronger and more try to knock a flat round puck into the
healthy opponents' goal with hockey sticks
90. get good a grade expressed as a number or letter, about 107. home stay The act of staying in a private house as a
marks the quality of a piece of work done at school, paying guest
college, or university:
108. imagination the ability to create ideas or pictures in
91. get lost to lose one's way your mind
92. get on OK to make progress 109. imaginative creative; full of new, interesting ideas
93. get the gain, take the most of something 110. imagine to see a picture in your mind
most from
111. improve to make something better
112. Information Relates to any computer-based tool that
94. a girls' a school only for girls
Technology (IT) / people use to work with information and
school /ə//
ɪn.fəˌmeɪ.ʃən tek support the information and information-
ˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/ processing needs of an organization.
95. globe (n)/ a sphere that represents Earth's entire surface
113. Interactive Whiteboard A special surface where a 129. museum tour a journey for pleasure, during which
(IWB) /ɪn.təˌræk.tɪv computer screen is you visit a museum
ˈwaɪt.bɔːd/ displayed using a projector.
130. music A set of tones and overtones
Teachers and learners can
combined in ways that are pleasing
use it by touching it or by
to the ear.
using an interactive pen
which acts like a mouse. 131. musician someone who is skilled in playing
music, usually as a job
114. junior high school /ˌdʒuː.ni.ə a school in the US for
ˈhaɪ skuːl/ children who are twelve to 15 132. notebook/workbook A small book with blank or ruled
years old /ˈnəʊt.bʊk/ / pages for writing notes in.
115. kindergarten/nursery school a school for children
/ˈkɪn.dəˌɡɑː.tən/ /ˈnɜː.sər.i between the ages of about 133. nursery school / a school for children between the
ˌskuːl/ two and five (noun) ˈnɜː.sər.i ˌskuːl/ ages of about two and five (noun)

116. learn a skill to acquire a skill 134. open not closed

117. leave school finish school 135. opening times the time when a place opens

118. libraryuk/ˈlaɪ.brər.i/ us/ a place where books are 136. outdoor activities Physical recreation that requires and
ˈlaɪ.brer.i/ kept for public use makes use of the natural environment.

119. litter/rubbish/waste/garbage junk; small pieces of rubbish 137. a paint brush / Used to selectively apply color to an
that have been left lying on ˈpeɪnt.brʌʃ/ image with control of size, flow, and
the ground in public places opacity

120. a magnifying glass uk / a piece of curved glass that 138. paint [peɪnt] a liquid that dries to form a thin
ˈmæɡ.nɪ.faɪ.ɪŋ ˌɡlɑːs/ us / makes objects look larger colored layer
ˈmæɡ.nə.faɪ.ɪŋ ˌɡlæs/ than they are; hand-held 139. a pair of scissors/ uses two first-class levers joined at a
instrument with a handle ə//peər//əv/ / common fulcrum; each lever arm has
used to make an item look ˈsɪz.əz/ a wedge that cuts into the paper
140. a palette /ˈpæl.ət/ board on which a painter mixes
121. a map /mæp/ A two-dimensional, or flat, paints
representation of Earth's
141. paper /ˈpeɪ.pər/ thin, flat material made from crushed
surface or a portion of it.
wood or cloth, used for writing,
122. Marine Biology /məˈriːn/ The study of the living printing, or drawing on; the material
/baɪˈɒl.ə.dʒi/ organisms that inhabit the that is used in the form of thin sheets
seas and their interactions for writing
with each other and their
142. participate in to take part in - to share in - to be
involved in
123. Maths/mathematics /mæθs/ the study of numbers,
143. pass an exam do a test successfully
/ˌmæθˈmæt.ɪks/ shapes, and space
144. pass an exam with to do very well in an exam and get
124. matter anything that takes up space
flying colours very good marks
and has mass
145. pencil /ˈpen.səl/ An instrument for writing or drawing,
125. meet friends to hang out with friends
consisting of a thin stick of graphite
126. middle school /ˈmɪd.əl in parts of the UK, a school or a similar substance enclosed in a
ˌskuːl/ for children from about 9 to long thin piece of wood or fixed in a
13 years old. cylindrical case.
in parts of the US, a school
146. pencil case / pencil A small container for pencils, pens,
for children between the
box /ˈpen.səl ˌkeɪs/ and other writing equipment
ages of about 11 and 13;
/ˈpen.səl bɒks/
127. miss school to avoid school
147. pencil sharpener / a device to give a pencil a sharp
128. mixed school /mɪkst//skuːl/ a school where both boys ˈpen.səl// point
and girls go to ˈʃɑː.pən.ər/
148. Physical Activities focused on developing physical 163. rest condition in which the body is in a
Education and motor fitness; fundamental motor skills decreased state of activity, with the
(PE) /ˌfɪz.ɪ.kəl and patterns; and skills in aquatics, dance, consequent feeling of being refreshed
ed.jʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/ individual and group games, and sports
164. a rubber/ an A piece of rubber used for erasing pencil
(including intramural and lifetime sports).
eraser /ˈrʌb.ər// or ink marks.
149. Physics / The study of matter and energy and the ɪˈreɪ.zər/
ˈfɪz.ɪks/ interactions between the two through forces
165. ruler /ˈruːlər/ tool used to measure length
and motion.
166. sailing a sport using boats with sails
150. pins /pɪns/ A thin piece of metal with a sharp point at
one end and a round head at the other, used 167. school subjects school areas of knowledge that is studied
for fastening pieces of cloth, paper, etc. /skuːl// in school, college, or university:
151. playground / An outside area where children can play at
ˈpleɪ.ɡraʊnd/ school 168. school trip a day out with classmates and teacher

152. play the to perform music on an instrument or 169. Science / a particular subject that is studied using
piano/the instruments ˈsaɪ.əns/ scientific methods
guitar/the 170. science place where scientific experiments take
violin laboratory/lab/ place
153. practise doing ˈsaɪ.əns//lə
154. primary a school for children aged 5 to 11
school /
ˈpraɪ.mə.ri 171. scissors /ˈsɪzəz/ and edge tool having two crossed
ˌskuːl/ pivoting blades

155. the A room in a school/college used as a place 172. scotch tape / a brand of tape (tape is a thin, sticky
Principal's for the Principal ˌskɒtʃ ˈteɪp/ material that is used to fasten things
office /ðə// together)
ˈprɪn.sə.pəl// 173. secondary a secondary school of a kind offering a
ˈɒf.ɪs/ modern school / general education to children not
156. private an independent school supported wholly by ˈsek.ən.dri/ selected for grammar or technical
school/public the payment of fees; a school that does not /ˈmɒd.ən/ˈskuːl/ schools.
school / receive financial support from the 174. set square, A right-angled triangular plate for
ˌpraɪ.vət government triangle /ˈset drawing lines, especially at 90°, 45°, 60°,
ˈskuːl/ ˌskweər// or 30°.
157. professor n. A public teacher of the highest grade in a ˈtraɪ.æŋ.ɡəl/
/prəˈfes.ər/ university or college. 175. single-sex a school where only boys or girls attend
158. a protractor an instrument for drawing/measuring angles school /ˌsɪŋ.ɡəl
/prə ˈseks/ˌskuːl/
ˈtræk.tər/ 176. sing,sang, sung to make music with your voice
159. public school in England, an expensive type of private 177. snorkelling It is a sport that is under the water to
/ˌpʌb.lɪk school (= a school paid for by parents and admire the underwater world.
ˈskuːl/ not by the government)
178. solve a problem to find an answer or solution to a
160. pupil / someone who is being taught, especially a problem
ˈpjuː.pəl/ child
179. special the machinery, tools, etc. that you need
161. rainforest A tropical forest, usually of tall, densely equipment / to do a job
growing, broad-leaved evergreen trees in an ˈspeʃ.əl//ɪ
area of high annual rainfall. ˈkwɪp.mənt/
162. record deal an offer made to singers so they can make 180. sports games in which people use their bodies
an album
181. sports an event or contest in which people take 196. textbook/coursebook / a book used as a standard work
competition part in different sports events to establish ˈtekst.bʊk//ˈkɔːs.bʊk/ for the study of a particular
/spɔːts// superiority or supremacy subject.
197. theatre group a number of actors who play
together, especially in a play
182. sports field an area of land used to play sports on it
198. ticket a small piece of paper or card
given to someone, usually to
183. sports team a team in a particular sport show that they have paid for an
event, journey, or activity
184. staffroomuk / teachers' lounge
ˈstɑːf.ruːm/ / 199. to be afraid of to be scared of
ˈstɑːf.rʊm/ us
200. to be proud of to take pride in
/ˈstæf.ruːm/ /
ˈstæf.rʊm/ 201. to be scared of to be afraid of

185. Stapler / a machine that inserts staples into sheets of 202. to give a speech speak to an audience on a formal
ˈsteɪplər/ paper in order to fasten them together occasion

186. start school to begin going to school 203. to have a meeting to hold a meeting

187. student / a person who is studying at a school or 204. to have fun to enjoy yourself
ˈstjuː.dənt/ college 205. to relax to rest
188. students' Students have a right, as we have previously 206. train to prepare someone or yourself
rights said, to be assessed in all areas of for a job, activity, or sport, by
suspected disability. Students also have the learning skills and/or by mental
right to be assessed with test instruments or physical exercise
related to their specific disability that are
207. train station a place to get on and off the
neither culturally nor racially biased.
Students also have the right to be assessed
by qualified personnel. In Texas, we know 208. train to become (a vet ) to prepare someone or yourself
that that would be a licensed school for a vet by learning skills
psychologist or an educational diagnostician 209. trials a court proceeding
189. study a to learn about a subject, especially in an 210. university /ˌjuː.nɪ a school of advanced learning
subject educational course or by reading books ˈvɜː.sə.ti/
190. succeed achieve the desired aim or result. 211. university student / someone who studies at
191. success the accomplishment of an aim or purpose ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.sə.ti// university
192. successful accomplishing an aim or purpose.
212. unprepared not ready or able to deal with
193. take a risk to do something although you know that
something unpleasant or dangerous could
happen 213. use a to put an electronic device that
computer/tablet/mobile can store large amounts of
194. technical an adult educational institution providing
phone in class/during information and be given sets of
college / courses focusing on agriculture, applied
lessons instructions to organize and
ˈtek.nɪ.kəl// sciences, engineering, information
change it very quickly
ˈkɒl.ɪdʒ/ technology, etc
214. volleyball a game for two teams, usually of
195. a test tube / a thin glass tube closed at one end, used to
six players, in which a large ball
ˈtest ˌtjuːb/ hold small amounts of material for
is hit by hand over a high net, the
laboratory testing or experiments.
aim being to score points by
making the ball reach the ground
on the opponent's side of the
215. volunteer programme/project people whose goal is to improve the community and the life of its residents
216. water sports sports which take place on or in water
217. wear a school uniform/an overall to have a school clothes on your body
218. workshop space or building where work is done

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