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Class Reflection

Aiden Austin 

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 

EDS 203: School, Society, and Teachers 

Professor Diane Block 

April 1, 2023 
This class has showed me a lot of things that before I may not have thought about. The

different intricacies about what goes into schools such as the financials, staff, the school board,

and different homelives of the students is fascinating. There are so many factors that go into why

a school is the way it is and why the students are the way they are. In this class the tone was set

from the beginning on what type of class it was going to be. I think that aspect is crucial for

anyone going into the teaching profession. By creating a class that is open an free and is

welcoming to all and all’s opinions, makes the student feel more welcomed in that class. It was

more along the lines of speaking with the students rather than speaking at them. This creates

opportunities for better dialogue as everyone feels like they are welcomed to speak. I also liked

how we were responsible for sharing information that our groups found out and how we were

exposed to relevant dilemmas in schools today. It was a good space to reveal our opinions and

share with the class our own experiences and viewpoints. Then to wrap it up we got different

questions and thoughts from our professor, sharing her own perspectives throughout her

experiences of teaching. Overall I believe that this class was a great example of how to

orchestrate a classroom by creating a healthy environment, showing passion, and this leading the

students towards wanting to show up and be involved in the class. Although we learned a lot

from the text about schools, society and teachers, we got a great first-hand experience right in

front of us.

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