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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 11, No.

5; October 2004 763

Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical

Insulation-perspectives for Processing Technologies,
Material Characterization and Future Applications
T. Tanaka
Graduate School of Information, Production and System LSI
Waseda University, 2-7 Hibikino, Wakamatsu-ku
Kitakyushu-shi, 808-0135, Japan

G. C. Montanari
Department of Electrical Engineering
High Voltage and Material Engineering Laboratory
University of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy

and R. Mulhaupt
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg
Stefan-Meier-Str. 31, D-7904 Freiburg i. Br., Germany

Polymer nanocomposites are defined as polymers in which small amounts of
nanometer size fillers are homogeneously dispersed by only several weight percent-
ages. Addition of just a few weight percent of the nano-fillers has profound impact
on the physical, chemical, mechanical and electrical properties of polymers. Such
change is often favorable for engineering purpose. This nanocomposite technology
has emerged from the field of engineering plastics, and potentially expanded its
application to structural materials, coatings, and packaging to medicalr rbiomedi-
cal products, and electronic and photonic devices. Recently these ‘hi-tech’ materi-
als with excellent properties have begun to attract research people in the field of
dielectrics and electrical insulation. Since new properties are brought about from
the interactions of nanofillers with polymer matrices, mesoscopic properties are
expected to come out, which would be interesting to both scientists and engineers.
Improved characteristics are expected as dielectrics and electrical insulation. Sev-
eral interesting results to indicate foreseeable future have been revealed, some of
which are described on materials and processing in the paper together with basic
concepts and future direction.
Index Terms — Nanocomposite, polymer nanocomposite, nanofillers, advanced
materials, dielectrics, electrical insulation.

1 INTRODUCTION assemble to produce skeleton-like superstructures espe-

cially when anisotropic fillers with high lengthrdiameter
T HE development of nanocomposites represents a
very attractive route to upgrade and diversify proper-
ties of ‘‘old’’ polymers without changing polymer composi-
ratio Žaspect ratio. are used. In comparison with the con-
ventional micrometer-sized fillers, the same volume frac-
tions and processing. In contrast to conventional filled tion of nanofillers contains billion-fold number of
polymers, nanocomposites are composed of nanometer- nanoparticles. As a result, most of the polymer of
sized fillers Ž‘‘nanofillers’’. which are homogeneously dis- nanocomposites is located at the nanofiller rpolymer in-
tributed within the polymer matrix. Due to their very high terface. The conversion of bulk polymer into interfacial
specific surface areas, a few percent nanofillers can self- polymer represents the key to diversified polymer proper-
ties. As a function of the nanofiller aspect ratio it is possi-
ble to reinforce the polymer matrix and to improve the
Manuscript recei®ed on 25 February 2004, in final form 7 May 2004. barrier resistance against gas and liquid permeation. An

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764 Tanaka et al.: Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation-Perspecti©es

important aspect of nanocomposite formation relates to upgrade from simple commodity plastics to ‘hi-tech’ mate-
processing technology. While many prefabricated rials with exceptional properties. The nanocomposites are
nanoparticles are difficult to disperse and require special made in the form of polymers containing a small amount
safety precaution for their handling, modern nanocompos- of nanometer size fillers, or nanofillers. Polymer matrices
ites are formed in situ via shear-induced intercalation and interact with such nanofillers and are chemically bonded
exfoliation as illustrated by the effective diffusion of poly- together in many cases. These can be called filler-added
mer in between organophilic nanoparticles. polymers rather than conventional filled polymers or filled
resins. Debye shielding length is in the range of nanome-
Let us compare filled polymers with filler-added poly-
ters in metal, and so might be better watched in case that
mers. Nanofiller-added polymers or polymer nanocompos-
the effect of electrode in contact with nanocomposites is
ites might be differentiated from micro-filler-filled poly-
mers in three major aspects that the nanocomposites con-
tain small amounts, are in the range of nanometers in size There are several preceding areas of investigation and
and have tremendously large specific surface area. All application. In the field of engineering plastics, material
these characteristics would reflect on their material prop- selection has been made on the basis of property dia-
erties. The first thing to attract interest arises from the grams such as Young’s modulus wGPax vs. density wMgrm3 x
difference in content. Conventional filled polymers usu- or the yield strength wGPax vs. density wMgrm3 x from me-
ally contain a large amount of the fillers, e.g., more than chanical properties’ point of view. Materials with lighter
50 wt%. Therefore those materials are really mixtures of weight Ždensity: less than 1.5 Mgrm3 . and more mechani-
polymers with mineral fillers, resulting in big change or cal strength ŽE s 5᎐20 MPa, ␴y s0.4 to 1.1 MPa. are
difference in material properties from polymers per se. In preferred. Much more expectation is naturally directed to
the case of nanofillers, the amount less than 10 wt% is thermal endurance or thermal stability, stability against
enough, so that some of intrinsic polymeric properties, e.g., aggressive chemicals, impermeability against gas, water
density, must remain almost unchanged even after they and hydrocarbons, recyclability through re-processing and
become nanocomposites. The second characteristics of in- less leakage of small molecules such as stabilizers. In com-
terest are expected from filler size difference. Size is dif- parison to traditional composites, nanocomposites are
ferent by three orders of magnitude in length between the certainly advantageous in Ž1. homogeneous structure, Ž2.
two kinds of materials, which would cause much more dif- no fiber rupture, Ž3. optical transparency, and Ž4. im-
ference, i.e., roughly by nine orders in their number den- proved or unchanged processability.
sity. Therefore the distance between neighboring fillers are In the field of food packaging industry, new materials
much smaller in nanocomposites than in conventional with low permeability against oxygen, carbon dioxide, ni-
filled polymers. In many cases, the inter-filler distance trogen and water vapor are expected. Often they should
might be in the range of nanometers, if fillers are homo- be biodegradable. They should be processed by
geneously dispersed. The last, but not least, difference is injectionrcompression molding, film blowing andror cast-
concerned with the high specific surface area of fillers. ing.
The specific surface is represented by the inverse size, and
What can one expect from nanocomposite applications
then is three orders larger for nonocomposites than that
in dielectrics and electrical insulation? Top priority would
for conventional filled polymers. Interaction of polymers
be dielectric breakdown strength. Generally polymers
matrices with fillers is expected to be much more in the
would have intrinsic breakdown strength as high as 10
former than in the latter. In contrast to many conven-
MVrcm Ž s1GVrm. at room temperature, but in practice
tional fillers, some nanofillers are composed of polyelec-
their breakdown strength is much lower and is deter-
trolyte nanoplatelets which disassemble and get dispersed
mined by internal defects. Therefore, nanofillers should
during processing. This formation of nano-scaled poly-
have the effect to increase practical dielectric breakdown
electrolyte complexes can have a major impact on the di-
strength, irrespective of defects contained. In this regard,
electric behavior.
the resistance against partial discharge and treeing is
These nanocomposite features offer new opportunities greatly concerned. Mechanical strength and thermal con-
for designing a totally different world of dielectrics. In fact, ductivity would be also involved if compact insulation de-
the size of fillers and the inter-filler distance are in the sign is required. Permittivity and dissipation factors as di-
range of nanometers, and the fillers would interact chemi- electric properties should be as low as possible for electri-
cally and physically with polymer matrices, resulting in the cal insulation, while the former is required to be as high
emerging of intermediate or mesoscopic properties that as possible for capacitors. Flame retardancy is preferred
belong neither to atomic nor macroscopic frame. Polymer for cable insulation used in the radiation field, while
nanocomposites have attracted scientists and engineers in tracking resistance is of interest for outdoor insulators. For
that these materials are potentially endowed with unex- dc application, formation of space charge in insulation
pectedly excellent properties. Recent scientific discoveries shall be contrasted. Recyclability is generally required to
and technical breakthroughs in the materials indicate their protect environments. All the performances described

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 11, No. 5; October 2004 765

above, as well as other characteristics, might be improved ginning are also an important field of investigation. The
by means of nonocomposite technology. former is out of scope in the paper and the latter is briefly
Processing methods suitable for nanocomposites as well reviewed.
as their applications have been developed by in situ reac-
tive blending, melt-mixing, thermo-kinetic Žsheared . mix-
ing, extrusion, blowing and injection. Materials tried for 1.2 NANOMETRIC DIELECTRICS
nanocomposites are polyolefin such as polyethylene,
A term of ‘‘Nanometric Dielectrics’’ was used in 1994
polypropylene and polyethyleneterephthalate, epoxy, elas-
w1x as future research area of dielectrics. It was empha-
tomers such as silicone rubber and EPRrEPDM,
sized that our interest is shifted from ‘‘Debye relaxational
polyamide, and polyimide for example.
culture’’ to ‘‘a nanotechnical culture’’. The former is gov-
Some of the favorable results have been obtained for
erned by determining statistically averaged properties,
dielectrics such as polyethylene, silicone, epoxy,
while the latter is largely affected by a molecular order of
polyamide, and polyimide. Fillers such as Al 2 O 3 , TiO 2 ,
smallness of systems and system elements. Therefore, as
SiO 2 and layered silicate have been selected. Material
shown in Table 1, it was suggested that phenomena to
combinations are epoxy- TiO 2 , PE- TiO 2 , EPDM- Al 2 O 3 ,
occur at nanometric scale should be explored to clarify
PE- SiO 2 , polyimide- SiO 2 , epoxy-layered silicate, and
fundamental properties and might open up a new field of
polyamide-layered silicate. Outstanding results based on
applications. This term might have been defined as
pioneering works that several research groups have been
nanometer size dielectrics to investigate dielectric phe-
tackling are described in the paper.
nomena in nanometer scale. A term of ‘‘NanoDielectrics’’
On the basis of the above description, the following was proposed in 2001 w2x to explore nanometric dielectrics
items are reviewed in the paper: Concept of Nanocompos- and dielectrics associated with nanotechnology and to
ites, Materials of Interest, Processing Methods, Experi- produce molecularly tailored materials. This concept
mental Work and Results and Discussion on Electrical seems to be associated with nanostructured ceramics and
Properties. tailored nanocomposites.
1.1 CONCEPT OF NANOCOMPOSITES Structures of nanometric dielectrics and their charac-
It seems difficult to define a term of nanocomposites teristics are listed in Table 1 based on the description
clearly. The paper deals with what are called polymer made in the reference w1x. This deals with bulks and lay-
nanocomposites. They are usually considered as three-di- ered structures, and especially focuses on the interfacial
mensional composites of polymers with inorganic aspect of nanometric phenomena, which are treated not
nanofillers dispersed. In addition to those, two-dimen- only by the classical macroscoptic theories but also by the
sional nano-layered structures are investigated as nano- quantum mechanical theories. This might represent that
metric dielectrics, too. Nano-structured organic-inorganic the phenomena we have to face in this field are meso-
materials and nano-structured polymer-polymer sub- scopic in between macroscopic and atomic scales. It cov-
stances that are both chemically synthesized from the be- ers not only electrical insulation but also electronics, liv-

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ing systems, MEMS, batteries and the like. It is interest- 1.4 DISPERSE PHASE AND
ing to note that, in connection to STM and AFM embed- NANO-PARTICLES [4]
ded-polymers, a field effect display ŽFED. has been devel- Nano-particles dispersed in nanocomposites are de-
oped using carbon nanotubes ŽCNT., which is considered fined to lie in either size between 1 to several 100 nm.
a next generation display device. Here STM and AFM Table 3 shows examples of disperse phase ranging from
stand for scanning tunneling and atomic force micro- sub-nm to 1000 nm. Substances in size of a few nanome-
scopes, respectively. ters Ž1 to 10 nm. exhibit quite different characteristics from
either atoms and molecules smaller than 0.3 nm, or bulk
1.3 COMPOSITE TO NANOCOMPOSITE materials, as described above. Small-particle nanocompos-
MATERIALS [3] ites are more important as functional materials than
structural materials. For example, melting point of water
In general, composites consist of two phases, i.e., a ma-
is markedly lowered due to the surface effect, if it is 10
trix and a disperse phase. Nanocomposites are named,
nm in size inside nano-porous materials, and ice crystals
when the disperse phases are in the range of 1 to several
formed in carbon nanotubes smaller than 1 nm in inner
hundreds in nanometer Žnm.. What is called a ‘‘single nano
diameter exhibit behaviors different from bulk ice. Fur-
particle’’ of 1 to 10 nm exhibits characteristics different
thermore, quantum effects emerge in the few-nanometer
from either atoms or low molecular bulk materials.
region as electrical and optical properties. Quantum dots
Fullerens, carbon nanotubes, dendrimers that have ever
are one of the examples. Polymer membrane exhibits re-
attracted people are in the range of 1 nm order, and then
verse osmosis, if its fine holes are smaller in inner diame-
materials can be called nanocomposites, when they are
ter than 1 nm, while it shows ultra filtration, when the
holes are in the range of 10 to several tens nm. Fine holes
Composites were developed as structural materials, in artificial dialysis membranes are close to 1 nanometer
where carbon fiber reinforced plastics developed in 1960’s in inner diameter, and then prevent proteins from passing
were a typical example. Emphasis was then placed on the through. Metal nanoparticles, fullerenes, carbon nan-
improvement of mechanical strength and thermal en- otubes, giant organic compounds, and mono or accumu-
durance. Therefore other functional properties were set lated molecular layers are some of the examples of
aside. However, the advent of nanotechnology has changed nanocomposites with particles having very small nanome-
such a situation and has opened a completely different ter size.
world of nanocomposites as functional materials, not sim-
In the range of submicrometers, the size of disperse
ply as structural materials, but materials with optical,
phase become more apparent in structural materials than
electrical, electronic, magnetic, chemical and biological
in functional materials, and then impact-resistant polymer
nanocomposites and high-toughness ceramic nanocompos-
Generally nanocomposites are, thus, a material system ites are often optimized in filler size in this range. When
of the form that nanoparticles are dispersed in continuous the disperse phase is in the range of 10 to 100 nm, struc-
matrices. But functional nanocomposites might include tural and optical properties are markedly affected. Rub-
layered structure devices such as photovoltaic cells, junc- bers and metals are reinforced by carbon black and by
tion devices such as diodes and transistors, and surface particles, respectively, where the smaller size would make
modified materials such as DNA chips the surface of which better effect. Optical glass prefers the transparency and
are fixed with biomolecules, if they are all in nanometer then limits the upper size of fillers. Titanium dioxide is
scale. Layered devices consisting of organic and inorganic optimized in its size for cosmetics so that it may pass visi-
compounds and even mono-molecule transistors might be ble light and scatter ultraviolet light. Chemical tips under
some of the ultimate goals as nanostructured devices. development, where a series of chemical reactions such as
Table 2 shows many examples of nanocomposites and mixing, reaction and analysis is held on a tiny tip, would
material combinations in such a wide range of application require technologies in size of this range. Semiconductor
fields that include structural and materials engineering, tips are finely processed in the range of 50 nm by lithogra-
electronics and electrical engineering, optics and opto- phy.
electronics, catalysts, filtration membranes, bio-nano- Carbon black, which has been long used to reinforce
technology and yarn. This table includes not only polymer rubbers, is generally several tens of nm. On the other hand,
nanocomposites but also inorganic-inorganic nanocompos- commercial polymer alloys include components hundred
ites for reference, and even somewhat different types of nm in size. Among them, ABS Žacrylonitrile-butadiene-
nanocomposites such as meso porous materials filled with styrene terpolymer. resin is endowed with optimum im-
polymer chains inside. Nanocomposites consist of a matrix pact resistance by controlling the size of disperse phase in
polymer and a disperse filler for disperse type, and mate- the range of several hundred nm. Polymerrlayered clay
rial 1 and material 2 for layered structure and copolymer nanocomposites are reinforced by introducing very thin
types. disperse phase clay layers. For example, in the case of

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768 Tanaka et al.: Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation-Perspecti©es

nylonrmontmorillonite nanocomposite, montmorillonite face-immobilized to biomaterials and physiologically ac-

layers become separated by 1 to 2 nm being exfoliated tive substances, DNA probes, DNA chips, protein chips,
into nylon matrix. Disperse phase of several tens of nm is and columns immobilized to polymixins for septicemia
obtained for aliphatic polyamiderall aromatic polyamide treatment are as thin as below 1 nm. Nano thick films are
alloy by the solution blend method, resulting in significant often formed by the vacuum evaporation method and the
mechanical reinforcement. However, this method is very spin coating method, and they are in the range of several
expensive, and then the melt compound method is being tens to hundreds of nm. Monomolecular and accumulated
explored for production on a commercial base. The melt molecular layers typical for LB films are often thinner than
compound method utilized for PETrall aromatic polyester 1 nm. Functional particles such as noble metal nano-par-
alloys gives inadequate reinforcement, since disperse ticles, carbon nanotubes, fullerens and dendrimers are in
phase is limited to around 1 ␮ m in size due to processing the order of 1 nm.
difficulty. Methods for dispersion should be improved in
this case, including development of compatibilizers.
A functional material that has been used for a long time
is silver salt for photo films. Size of silver bromide as a 2.1 POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES [3, 4]
photosensitizer is usually larger than 1 ␮ m, and is re- Polymer nanocomposites are understood as polymers in
quired to be several tens to hundreds in nm for more fine which nanofillers are homogeneously dispersed, but also
pictures. Nano-particles dispersed by the sol-gel method layered structures in nanometric scale shall be included in
for functional optical glass are several tens of nm in size. this category. In disperse type, nanofillers are usually or-
Blended polymer alloys are often used as functional mate- ganically modified to be miscible with companion poly-
rials. In this case, the size of disperse phase is similar to mers. Polymerrlayered silicate or clay nanocomposites are
that for structural nanocomposites. Block copolymers used most popular now as polymer nanocomposites, in which
for bulk materials and transparent materials are provided silicate or clay is micaceous in shape. They could be dated
with micro phase separation structures of several nanome- back to 1990, when they were industrially manufactured
ters. In case of surface modification by graft, a surface as structural materials or engineering plastics for the first
layer is thinner than that. Surface layers of enzymes sur- time. This success initiated further significant research ac-

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tivities on a variety of nanocomposites for other purposes,

too, e.g, nanoparticles such as TiO 2 , SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 can
be mixed into polymers to form nanocomposites.


Various polymers are feasible as layered silicate
nanocomposites, which include vinyl polymers, condensa-
tion Žstep. polymers, polyolefins, specialty polymers, and
biodegradable polymers, as shown in Table 4. Layered sil-
icates belong to the family of 2:1 phyllosilicates, as shown
in Figure 1 w4x. Their crystal structure consists of layers
made up of two tetrahedrally coordinated silicon atoms
fused to an edge-shared octahedral sheet of either alu-
minum or magnesium hydroxide. The layer thickness is
around 1 nm, and the lateral dimensions of these layers Figure 1. Structure of 2:1 phyllosilicates. Drawn based on w5x.
may vary from 3 nm to severalymicrometers or larger,
which depend on the particular layered silicate. Stacking
of the layers leads to a regular van der Waals gap between line earth cations situated inside the galleries. This type of
the layers called the interlayer or gallery. Isomorphic sub- layered silicate is characterized by a moderate surface
stitution within the layers Žfor example, Al 3q replaced by charge known as the cation exchange capacity ŽCEC.. This
Mg 2q or Fe 2q, or Mg 2q replaced by Li 1q generates neg- charge in not locally constant, but varies from layer to
ative charges that are counterbalanced by alkali and alka- layer, and should be considered as an average value over

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770 Tanaka et al.: Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation-Perspecti©es

the whole crystal. Montmorillonite, hectorite and saponite

are the most commonly used layered silicates.
There are two types of structure: tetrahedral-sub-
stituted and octahedral substituted. In case of tetrahe-
drally substituted layered silicates, the negative charge is
located on the surface of silicate layers, and hence, the
polymer matrices can react more readily with these than
with octatedrally- substituted material. Two distinct but
interrelated features characterizes layered silicates. The
first is the ability of the silicate particles to disperse into
individual layers. The second is the ability to finely tune
their surface chemistry through ion exchange reactions
with organic and inorganic cation. Pristine layered sili-
cates usually contain hydrated Naq or Kq ions. These are
only miscible with hydrophilic polymers such as poly Žeth-
ylene oxide. ŽPEO., or poly Žvinyl alcohol. ŽPVA.. To make
Figure 2. Schematic illustration of three different types of
these miscible with other polymers, their surface should polymerrlayered silicate nanocomposites. Drawn based on w5x.
be converted to an organophilic one, which can be real-
ized by ion-exchange reactions with cationic surfactants
such as alkylammonium and alkylphosphonium cations. proposed that a small amount of nanofillers can have a
Three different types of polymerrlayered silicate profound affect on material properties. But unfortunately,
nanocomposites are thermodynamically achievable, such interaction zones are not necessarily well character-
namely intercalated, flocculated and exfoliated nancom- ized. It was also suggested that free volume in such inter-
posites, as illustrated in nanometric scale in Figure 2 w5x. action zones would be affected by nano-fillers w7, 8x.
In intercalated nanocomposites, the insertion of a poly-
mer matrix into the layered silicate structure occurs in a 2.2 DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL
crystallographically regular fashion, regardless of the clay INSULATING MATERIALS
to polymer ratio. Intercalated nanocomposites are nor-
Polymer matrices with dispersed inorganic nanoparti-
mally interlayer by a few molecular layers of polymer.
cles are now a target for investigation in the dielectric field.
Properties of the composites typically resemble those of
Performance improvement as dielectrics and electrical in-
ceramic materials. Flocculated nanocomposites are con-
sulation is expected. Both thermoplastic resins and ther-
ceptually the same as intercalated ones. However, silicate
moset resins are being considered and their companion
layers are sometimes flocculated due to hydroxylated
nanoparticles are selected from clay Žlayered silicates ., sil-
edge-edge interaction of the silicate layers. In exfoliated
ica ŽSiO 2 ., rutile ŽTiO 2 ., and alumina ŽAl 2 O 3 .. Disperse
nanocomposites, the individual clay layers are separated
phases, nanoparticles or nanolayers of interest vary in size
in a continuous polymer matrix by an average distance that
as indicated in Table 3. Layered silicates or clays are in
depends on clay loading. Usually, the clay content of exfo-
the range of a few nm in thickness, and in the range of
liated nanocomposites is much lower than that of interca-
100 nm in other two dimensions. Size of nanoparticles of
lated nanocomposites.
inorganic substances such as SiO 2 , TiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 are
chosen to be 30 to 40 nm. Polymer materials such as PE,
PP, EVA, EPDM, PA, PI and epoxy are under investiga-
In a composite, the polymer in the vicinity of the filler
is strongly affected by the presence of the filler and the
area surrounding the filler particle is called the interphase
or the interaction zone, as shown in Figure 3 w6x. For
nanocomposites, the volume fraction of the polymer ad-
joining the filler is large due to the large surface area. It is
well known that the polymer chains interacting with the
surface of the filler have altered properties such as crys-
tallinity, crosslink density, mobility or conformation.
Therefore, the interface chemistry and interfacial strength
is a much more critical parameter in nanocomposites than
in traditional composites. Further, since these interaction Figure 3. Illustrated morphology of polymers around metal oxides
zones overlap at relatively low volume fractions, it has been w10x.

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Figure 4. Intercalation and exfoliation process for polymer nanocomposites w19x.

3 PROCESSING METHODS UNDER The layer exfoliation and intercalation method is one of
DEVELOPMENT the present major methods for polymer nanocomposites.
Composite materials consist of at least two different There are two processes available at present to conduct it,
kinds of material phases, and therefore inherently have i.e., the polymerization process, and the melt compound
the interfaces with which they both contact each other. In process. The former was first available in public in 1987
order to form a stable composite system, it is requisite to and has been favored since then. The latter, however,
increase the compatibility between them, and decrease the seems to have been a main stream for this type of
interfacial tension between them to the utmost. Especially nanocomposites, since it costs less in equipment and ren-
nanocomposite materials include nanoparticles that are ders the flexibility in application. The sol-gel method now
dispersed in nanometer scale separation even with their attracts much more attention, because it might be com-
small addition as shown in Table 3, and are enormously paratively easily modified to suit to industrial manufac-
large in their total surface areas. Thus it is technically re- ture. Molecular composites are to be manufactured by the
quired to form such a material system stably without ag- solution re-precipitation method, and by the melt com-
glomeration and phase separation for production of pound method. The latter is a new method in this manu-
nanocomposites There are several methods for nanocom- facturing process that is expected to emerge. It is neces-
posites such as intercalation, sol-gel, molecular composite sary to develop nanometric liquid crystal polyester ŽLCP.
and direct dispersion, as shown in Table 5. Interfacial fibrils to realize an industrial manufacture line for the
states between both of the two phases are modified in molecular composites.
certain ways so as to form their stable systems. In general,
the interfacial tension is required to be below 10y4 Nrm 3.1 INTERCALATION METHOD
for polymer alloys of micrometer phase separation type, The intercalation method is the most popular for poly-
and below 5 x 10y4 Nrm for polymer composites with mi- mer nanocomposite formation. This is the method to in-
crometer-sized fillers. In case of nanocomposites, these tercalate monomers or polymers between layers of inor-
values should be far less than those. ganic layered substances to cause to disperse them into
polymers during a process of polymerization or melt com-
pounding by exfoliating the layered substances each by
each layer. Layered silicates are often used in this method,
as shown in Figure 4.
There are three methods in this category w5x. The first
one, i.e., intercalation of polymer or pre-polymer from so-
lution is based on a solvent system in which the polymer
or pre-polymer is soluble and silicate layers are swellable.
The layered silicate is first swollen in a solvent, such as
water, chloroform, or toluene. When the polymer and lay-
ered silicate solutions are mixed, the polymer chains in-

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772 Tanaka et al.: Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation-Perspecti©es

tercalate and displace the solvent within the interlayer of nies have introduced highly functional organosols of silic
the silicate. Upon solvent removal, the intercalated struc- acid, produced either by solrgel condensation of te-
ture remains, resulting in polymerrlayered silicate traethoxsilane, or acidification of sodium silicates, fol-
nanocomposite. In the second one, i.e., in-situ intercala- lowed by functionalization with various trisalkoxysilanes.
tive polymerization method, the layered silicate is swollen Another very versatile solrgel route led to the industrial
within the liquid monomer or a monomer solution so that preparation of dispersable boehmite nanofillers. In the
the polymer formation may occur between the interca- Sasol process aluminum or magnesium metal is activated
lated sheets. Polymerization is initiated either by heat or by etching off the surface oxide layer. Reaction with alco-
by an organic initiator or catalyst fixed through cation ex- hol produces alkoxides and hydrogen. Upon hydrolysis the
change inside the interlayer before the swelling step. The aluminumalcoxides from boehmite mineral that is ob-
last one, i.e., melt intercalation method involves anneal- tained as nanoparticle dispersion. The boehmite minerals
ing, statically or under shear, a mixture of the polymer can be rendered organophilic by reaction with carboxylic
and organically modified layered silicate above the soften- or benzenesulfonic acids. The by-product alcohol is recy-
ing point of the polymer. This method has great advan- cled in this process. In contrast to natural organophilic
tages over either in-situ intercalative polymerization or boehmite, the solrgel reaction product is much easier to
polymer solution intercalation. Firstly, it is environmen- redisperse and does not possess other metal ions as impu-
tally benign due to the absence of organic solvents. Sec- rities.
ondly, it is compatible with current industrial process, such
as extrusion and injection molding. The melt intercalation 3.3 MOLECULAR COMPOSITE
method allows the use of polymers that were previously FORMATION METHOD: POSSIBILITY
not suitable for the other two methods. FOR NANOCOMPOSITES
Molecular composite is a material system wherein dis-
3.2 SOL GEL METHOD crete reinforcement is achieved with molecular rods. It was
The sol gel method is characterized by the fact that in- characterized originally by the fact that a rigid polymer
organic or composite organic-inorganic materials are made such as liquid crystal polyester ŽLCP. was dispersed in a
at relatively low temperatures, and in principle, consists of flexible polymer matrix in molecular or microfibril dimen-
hydrolysis of the constituent molecular precursors and sion. This past method was conducted by such a way that
subsequent polycondensation to glass-like form. It allows two kinds of materials were melted in a co-solvent to be
incorporation of organic and inorganic additives during the precipitated afterwards. It was not built up to mass pro-
process of formation of the glassy network at room tem- duction. A new method was developed in 1990’s that engi-
perature. This method has been traditionally utilized to neering plastics were melt-compounded with small
fabricate glasses and ceramics. Recently, at the same time, amounts of liquid crystal polyester ŽLCP.. This was found
it has been used for polycrystals, porous composites, and to produce composites with excellent properties, and have
organic-inorganic composites. Sol-gel reaction is started attracted people’s attention since then w9x. Typical exam-
from metal alkoxide, M ŽOR.n. It should be melted in ples of this type are polyamide, poly phenylene ether al-
water, alcohol, acid, ammonia, and the like in order to be loy, polyethylenetelephthalate, and polycarbonate with all
homogeneously dispersed. Metal alkoxide is hydrolyzed aromatic polyester ŽLCP.. It should be noted that they
through reaction with water and turns out to be metal need the third substance that would function as compati-
hydroxide and alcohol. There are many kinds of metals bilizers. The third substance would work to promote the
utilized such as Na, Ba, Cu, Al, Si, Ti, Zr, Ge, V, W and formation of fibrils and to disperse it in the composites. It
Y. Silicon alkoxides such as tetraethoxysilane ŽTEOS. and is recognized that the molecular composites have more
tetramethoxysilane ŽMTEOS. are often used. In case of advantage over pristine materials in mechanical proper-
TEOS, for example, an amorphous polymer with three di- ties. In this case, microfibrils to be used are 500 nm in
mensional network structures of silica is formed by poly- their size. In order to put nanocomposites of this type in
merization reaction followed by hydrolysis w3x. reality, it is necessary to put disperse phase down to one
order smaller than that we have now
Si Ž OC 2 H 5 . 4 q H 2 O™ Ž OC 2 H 5 . 3Si-OHqC 2 H 5 OH
'Si-OHq Ž OC 2 H 5 . 3Si-™ 'Si-O-Si 'qC 2 H 5 OH In this method, nano-particles are chemically modified
on their surfaces to increase compatibility with polymers,
The sol gel method was not considered suitable for mass and are mixed with a polymer and dispersed homoge-
production, since it used water as media in general. How- neously without agglomeration. There are several exam-
ever, it is now expected to become a key technology in the ples such as photo-hardening coating agents with modi-
near future, as new modified methods such as a continu- fied silica nano-particles, nano-particle paste of gold or
ous sol-gel have been developed recently. Various compa- silver protected by comb-shaped block copolymers, and

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 11, No. 5; October 2004 773

polyamide 6 nanocomposite with silica nano-particles sur-

face-treated by amino butyric acid.


Polyamide 6 used for experiments was manufactured by
Unitica Co. in such a way that layered silicates, i.e., syn-
thetic mica, were exfoliated to about 1 mm thick layers,
and they were uniformly dispersed in a polyamide 6 resin
by in-situ polymerization. Partial discharge ŽPD. degrada-
tion was investigated for polyamide 6 without nanoscale
fillers Žnanofillers . and polyamide 6 nanocomposites with
2, 4 and 5 wt% addition of organically, grafted in situ with
polyamide. Such materials were subjected to partial dis-
charge under the IEC Žb. electrode configuration for eval- Figure 5. Relation between average surface roughness and
uation. Comparisons were made as to the surface rough- nanofiller content. V s 6 kV, t s 1 and 48 h w8x.
ness observed by scanning electron microscopy and atomic
force microscopy. It was found that the change in the sur-
face roughness was far smaller in specimens with
nanofillers than those without fillers, and that the 2wt%
addition was sufficient for improvement, as shown in Fig-
ure 5. This result indicates that polyamide nanocomposite
is more resistive to PDs than polyamide 6 without
From SEM image observation, it seems that partial dis-
charges would attack the surface of nanocomposite, but
degrade the part of polymer regions between nanofillers
selectively, and even step aside from the fillers to intrude
Figure 6. Schematic illustration of possible mechanisms for PD re-
into their backside. It is to be noted that the nanofillers sistance of polyamiderlayered silicate nanocomposite Žhypothesis..
are more resistant against PDs, and larger in permittivity
than the polymer per se.
nanocomposite is illustrated in Figure 6, too. PDs concen-
A mechanism for PD degradation has been investi-
trate on the layered silicates and shift toward polymer re-
gated. Figure 6 illustrates how PD possibly acts on the
gions because charge has been built up on the surface of
surface of PArlayered silicate nanocomposite for clarifi-
the layered silicates. PDs crawl selectively into the amor-
cation of the mechanism. The nanocomposite consists of a
phous regions that are less resistant against PD than
group of nanometric spherulites formed around
spherulite regions.
nanofillers. Regions between such spherulites are filled
with amorphous PA. PD resistance is stronger for layered Nevertheless, it is still uncertain how PD resistance will
silicate than for polyamide. PA spherulite regions seem to be affected by nanometric spherulites and ror ‘‘interac-
have stronger PD resistance than PA amorphous regions. tion zones’’ around nanofillers.
Permittivity of layered silicate is about twice larger than Results obtained are summarized as follows:
that of polyamide itself. A hypothetical model for expla- Ži. Polyamide nanocomposites exhibited much stronger
nation of PD resistance of this material is considered as PD resistance than pure polyamide.
follows. PD will concentrate on the nanofillers Žabout
Žii. Surface erosion due to PD was 5 times shallower
twice. on the surface of a nanocomposite specimen due to
for polyamide nanocomposites than for pure polyamide
the difference in permittivity, but the nanofillers are more
under a certain condition.
resistant against PD than the PA matrix. Spherulites might
help to resist against PD, either. PD might be faint on the Žiii. High PD resistant layered silicate is considered to
amorphous regions that are less resistant against PD. This play a significant role in PD resistance of PArlayered sili-
explanation supports the experimental fact that cate nanocomposite.
PArlayered silicate nanocomposite is more resistant Živ. Roles of spherulites and interaction zones remain
against PD than pure PA. How PDs degrade the still unsolved.

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774 Tanaka et al.: Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation-Perspecti©es

Žii. dc current of PI nanocomposite was smaller at high

temperatures than that of pure PI and PI microcomposite.
Žiii. A TSC peak shifted from 185⬚C for pure PI to 200
⬚C or higher temperatures for PI nanocomposite.
The first phenomenon was understood in terms of in-
terfacial polarization. The second and third phenomena
were correlated to the introduction of deeper carrier traps.
It was emphasized that the nature of such traps and the
interaction between filler and matrix would deserve fur-
ther investigation.
Figure 7. Frequency dependence of dissipation factors for poly- Commercially available nanoparticles were dispersed
imide without fillers, and with 5 wt% 3 ␮ m microfillers and 5 wt% 40
nm nanofillers w9x. evenly into standard thermosetting polyimide enamel af-
ter proper surface treatment or coating of nanoparticles.
Nanoparticles of 40 nm in thickness were added by 1 to
4.2 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION IN 10wt%. All the materials were solvent cast and cured into
POLYIMIDE/SILICA free standing films of approximately 50 to 100 ␮ m in
NANOCOMPOSITES [6] thickness. Tensile strength, scratch hardness and thermal
conductivity were measured for these films. By focusing
Thermosetting polyimide with 2᎐10 wt% nanofillers on the relationship between nanoparticles and polymer
were prepared by the solvent cast method. Silica was used matrices inside nanocomposites, the following were ob-
as nanofillers. Their size was estimated to be 40 nm. Poly- tained:
imide films were cured into free standing films of approxi- Ži. Elongation and strength to failure improved if PI was
mately 25 to 50 ␮ m in thickness. Aluminum electrodes of
converted into PI nanocomposite.
1.27 cm in diameter were deposited onto both surfaces of
Žii. Scratch hardness of PI nanocomposite was larger
the films by sputtering prior to electrical tests. The elec-
trical properties of polyiminde-based nanocomposites than that of PI microcomposite.
were investigated by several ways such as isothermal steady Žiii. Tensile modulus of PI nanocomposite showed no
state current, dielectric spectroscopy, and thermally stim- significant change between pure PI and PI nanocompos-
ulated current measurements. ite.
Živ. Thermal conductivity was enhanced for PI
The effect of nanofillers on the dielectric properties was
evaluated via interfacial polarization and electrical con- nanocomposite filled with coated nanoparticles as com-
duction mechanism investigation. As shown in Figure 7, pared to pure PI and PI microcomposite.
polyimide with micrometer size Ž3 ␮ m. fillers has a loss Surface modification or coating effect of the above
peak at about 1 kHz, while pure polyimide has no peak statement Živ. was found to increase thermal conductivity
around the frequency. This peak is attributed to the as shown in Figure 8. It is interesting to cite that surface
Maxwell-Wagner interfacial polarization. This peak is treatment of nanofillers seemed to improve the thermal
much reduced for nanocomposites with 40 nm fillers. The conductivity of PI nanocomposite, which indicated that
reduction of interfacial polarization was explained in terms filler-matrix interactions functioned for performance im-
of the field mitigation with the reduction of filler dimen- provement. It was emphasized that polymer chains would
sion. interact with the surface of nanofillers to alter various
properties such as crystallinity, cross-link density, mobility
The electrical conduction of polyimide nanocomposites
and conformation to change mechanical and thermal
was found to be fairly consistent with the space charge
properties in the end.
limited current ŽSCLC. mechanism. Polyimide with 2 wt%
nanofillers showed some reduction in bulk electrical con- 4.4 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF
ductivity compared to pure material and 10wt% micro- POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES BASED
filler polyimide at elevated temperatures. Thermally stim- UPON ORGANOPHILIC LAYERED
ulated current ŽTSC. peak shifted from 185⬚C to 200⬚C or SILICATES [12]
higher temperatures. Results obtained are summarized as Ethylenervinylacetate ŽEVA. and isotactic polypropy-
follows: lene Žiso-PP . nanocomposites were prepared from
Ži. Peak dissipation factor of PI nanocomposite was organophlic layered silicates. Synthetic fluorohectorite was
smaller at 1 kHz than that of PI microcomposite. modified by means of cation exchange of their interlayer

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 11, No. 5; October 2004 775

Figure 9. Comparison of space charge values at poling field of 40

kVrmm for EVA and PP Žbase and nanofilled 6 wt%. w11x.

Figure 8. Thermal conductivity vs. filler content characteristics for

pure PI, PI microcomposite, and PI nanocomposites Žnanoparticles Žii. Space charge inception threshold shifted to lower
uncoated and coated. w10x. values Že.g. from 14 to 5 kVrmm for PP. for both EVA
and PP, if nanofillers were added. It decreased if nanofiller
content increased.
sodium cations for hydrophobic alkyl ammonium cations
Žiii. Depolarization charge was faster in its decay rate
in order to expand the interlayer distance and to facilitate
intercalation and exfoliation during processing. Non-polar for nanocomposites than for base EVA and PP. Especially
polymers such as iso-PP needed compatibilizers and high PP with 6 wt% ODA showed a marked fast decay rate.
shearing stress during processing, while polar polymers Živ. dc conduction current increased for nanocompos-
such as EVA did not. In case of iso-PP, the addition of ites.
maleic anhydride grafted PP promoted exfoliation and Žv. dc breakdown strength increased for nanocomposite
in-situ formation of nanocomposites PP, while it did not change significantly for EVA
Fluorohectorite, modified by means of cation exchange Space charge accumulated at a probable design stress
with protonated octadecylamin ŽODA., was used as nan- such as 40kVrmm was found to be smaller for nanocom-
nofillers with different concentration, i.e., 2, 3 and 6 wt%. posites than for pure or base polymers, as shown in Figure
Specimens used were prepared in a two step process. In 9. This deviation was more evident as nanofiller content
the first step, the iso-PP ŽPP HC 001 A-B1 from Borealis. increased up to a level of about 10%. Further increase of
was melt-blended in conjunction with the PP-g-MA com- nanofiller concentration worsened electrical properties. It
patibilizer ŽLicomont AR 504 from Clariant. and the was considered from space charge characteristics, depo-
organohectorite ŽSomasif ME 100 from CO-OP Chemical larization and dc current measurements that ionic carriers
Japan., modified via ODA cation exchange, using a coro- were available and that carrier trap distribution was sig-
tation twin-screw extruder ŽCollin; ZK 25T. at a tempera- nificantly modified likely due to introduction of shallow
ture of 220⬚C. Similar procedure was used to prepare EVA traps.
ŽESCORENE ultra UL 00012 from Exxon Chemicals.
Some apparent contradiction should be pointed out as
nanocomposites. In the second step, nanocomposite films
for dc current for future investigation. Namely dc current
were prepared using the same extruder with a chill role
decreased, when some nanofillers were added to PI, as
unit ŽCollin; CR 72T.. Obtained films were as thick as
the reference w9x indicated, while increased when layered
about 400 ␮ m. Nanofillers in the films were checked by
silicates were dispersed in EVA and PP, as in reference
TEM. w11x. In both papers w9x and w11x, ionic carriers and carrier
Space charge, conduction current and dielectric strength traps were proposed for electrical conduction, but it was
measurements were performed for polymer nanocompos- not revealed whether the traps were associated with ionic
ites described above. The comparison among unfilled and conduction or electronic conduction.
nanofilled materials, with different filler concentrations,
showed that space charge accumulation phenomena were 4.5 EPOXY WITH METAL-OXIDE FILLERS
considerably affected by the presence of nanofillers. Re- [13]
sults are summarized as follows: Titanium dioxide ŽTiO 2 . micro Ž1.5 ␮ m. fillers and
Ži. Space charge decreased at medium high electric field nanofillers Ž38 nm. were dispersed in Bisphenol-A epoxy
by introduction of nanofillers for EVA and PP, while it ŽVantico CY1300 q HY956.. Such composites were me-
increased at low fields. chanically stirred and molded into films of 500 to 750 ␮ m

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776 Tanaka et al.: Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation-Perspecti©es

in thickness. In case of nanofiller dispersion, the compos-

ites were subjected to large shear force in the mixing pro-
cess to obviate unwanted clustering or agglomeration of
nanofillers Žit was pointed out that nanoparticles would
tend to agglomerate to make dispersion in resins quite
difficult .. For most electrical characterization, the cast
films with 1, 10 and 50 wt% micro- and nano-particles
were provided with evaporated 100 nm aluminum elec-
trodes. Results can be summarized as follows.
Ži. Glass transition temperature ŽTg. decreased or re-
mained unchanged when an epoxy resin was filled by Figure 10. Electroluminescence onset field as a function of TiO 2
nanocomposite particles, while Tg increased when it was loading. a, 38 nm; b, 1.5 ␮ m w13x.
Žii. Permittivity and loss tangent exhibited different
characteristics depending on voltage frequency and tem- Žii. EL onset field was higher for nanocomposites than
perature. for base resins and microcomposites.
Žiii. Space charge behaved in a similar way as the base
Žiii. The ␣-TSC peak seemed to shift upward in tem-
resin for nanocomposites, while substantial space charge
was generated internally for microcomposites. perature for nanocomposites. Microcomposites exhibited
a significant ␳-TSC peak of interfacial polarization above
Živ. Decay of charge in nanocomposites was very rapid.
100 ⬚C, while nanocomposites had no peak at all.
It was stated from Tg data that nanoparticles might be-
have in a similar way to filtered plasticizers rather than as As shown in Figure 10, EL onset field was a function of
‘‘foreign’’ substances creating a macroscopic interfaces. filler loading with a peak at 10wt% loading for nanocom-
Dielectric spectra were virtually indistinguishable between posites. Based on experimental results obtained above, in-
microcomposites with 10 wt% particulates and the base terfacial space charge or interfacial polarization was con-
resin in the low frequency range, because only the charge sidered crucial and was associated with Maxwell-Wagner
at the electrode was involved. On the contrary, a marked effect. Then, it was emphasized that nanoparticles might
difference was observed at low frequencies and high tem- mitigate effects of trapped entanglement on the Maxell-
peratures between base resin and nanocomposites with 10 Wagner effect.
wt% nanofillers. The nanocomposites showed a flat tan ␦
response at low frequencies. In addition to Žiii., the decay
of charge was very rapid in nanocomposites compared to 4.6 STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES OF
micorcomposites. It was emphasized from the above re- RTV NANOCOMPOSITE COATINGS [15]
sults and some consideration that nanometric fillers would
Specimens used for tracking tests were prepared and
mitigate the interfacial polarization characteristic of con-
divided in three groups, that consisted of Group 1 Žvirgin
ventional materials with a reduction in the internal field
room temperature vulcanized silicone rubber, i.e., RTV.,
accumulation. Hypothetical ‘‘interaction zone’’ was de-
Group 2 ŽRTV filled with 40 wt% ATH. and Group 3
fined here as a short-range highly immobilized layers that
ŽRTV with 5 wt% layered silicate nanocomposite.. Sur-
might develop near the surface of nanofillers to explain
face SEM observations confirmed that layered nanosili-
major phenomena observed in nanocomposites. This will
cates were randomly exfoliated and dispersed in RTV. It
be discussed later.
was considered that layered nanosilicates were covered
The continuation of the same research, w14x, considered with organophilic cations when pristine layered silicates
uniform field breakdown ŽBDV. specimens, prepared by were processed by intercalation, so that the surface en-
the use of a mold having multiple spherical protrusions so ergy of normally hydrophilic silicates was lowered to make
as to form a plurality of recessed specimens in one opera- layered nanosilicates compatible with RTV coatings.
tion. Divergent filed specimens used for electroclumines- Specimens of 120 mm = 50 mm = 6 mm in size were
cence ŽEL. measurements were created by molding around subjected to a standard tracking test. As shown in Table 6,
electrolytically etched tungsten needles having a well- the addition of nanoparticles to RTV silicone rubber im-
characterized tip radius of about 4 ␮ m. Laminar molded proved their tracking performances comparable to that of
specimens were subjected to thermally stimulated current ATH filled RTV. In addition to that, the maximum ero-
ŽTSC. measurements. Experimental results are as follows: sion depth was much smaller for RTV nanocomposites
Ži. BDV remained almost same up to 10% nanoparticle than for virgin RTV and ATH filled RTV. Experiments
loading, while it decreased significantly for 10% micropar- confirmed a slight increase of tan ␦ , a slight decrease of
ticle loading. ⑀ r and a little change of ␳ v .

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 11, No. 5; October 2004 777


EPDM [17]
Nano Al 2 O 3 in ␣ and ␥ phases was mechanically
blended with sulphurized agent Ždicumyl peroxide or DCP:
2 wt%. and 1010 type of antioxidant Ž0.2 wt%. into ethy-
lene-propylene-diene methylene linkage rubber ŽEPDM..
Both kinds of compounds were cross-linked and molded
into specimens under the same conditions. SEM observa-
tions indicated that Al 2 O 3 in ␥ phase was dispersed more
uniformly than Al 2 O 3 in ␣ phase. The following results
were obtained:
Ži. Tensile strength and elongation of EPDM contain-
Results are summarized as follows: ing nano Al 2 O 3 in ␥ phase were better than those of
EPDM containing nano Al 2 O 3 in ␣ phase.
Ž i . Flame retardation of RTVrlayered silicate
nanocomposite was highly improved. Žii. The smaller diameter of the Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles
gave the larger improvement in mechanical properties.
Žii. The needed amount of nano-layered silicate was
only about one tenth of that of the conventional ATH Žiii. Surface pretreatment of Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles
filler. helped improve the mechanical properties.
Žiii. Properties such as tan ␦ , ⑀ r and ␳ v remained, af-
ter the addition of the nanofiller, satisfactory. 4.9 SYNTHESIS AND
A new class of PD Žpartial discharge. resistant films
Low-density polyethylene ŽLDPE.r TiO 2 nanocompos-
made of ‘‘nanocluster-trapped’’ polyimide ŽPI. rsilica
ites were prepared by the solution blending method using ŽSiO 2 . nanocomposites that were synthesized by the sol-gel
nanoparticles of TiO 2 Žpurity: 99.5 % or larger, average
reaction was obtained by hydrolysis and poly-con-
diameter 30 nm, specific surface 150" m2rg, loose den-
densation of tetraethoxysilane ŽTEOS ceramic precursor.
sity: 0.05᎐0.06 grcm3 .. Detailed procedure is described in
or methyl-triethoxysilane ŽMTEOS ceramic precursor. in
literature w12x. Specimens for experiments were 30 ␮ m in
the solution of polyamic acid ŽPAA. dissolved in N,N-
thickness. The disperse performance of TiO 2 in LDPE was
dimethyl-acetamide ŽDMAc., followed by heating. Some
observed with the scanning electron microscope ŽSEM..
more detailed description is given in literature w17x. The
TiO 2 was dispersed uniformly in LDPE up to 5wt%
chemical surface and the surface morphology of the com-
through controlling temperature and content of the solu-
posite films were characterized by using Atomic Force
tion of LDPE; the largest conglomeration diameter of
Microscope ŽAFM. and Fourier Transform Infrared Spec-
TiO 2 in LDPE was less than 80 nm. Space charge distri-
troscope ŽFTIR.. Size of silica particles ranged from 127
bution of such specimens with and without nano TiO 2 was
to 506 nm, and MTEOS gave smaller sizes than TEOS.
measured by the pulsed electroacoustic ŽPEA. method.
PD resistance of the composite films was tested under high
The following results were obtained:
voltage using rod-plate electrode to derive PD lifetime. As
Ži. Hetero-polar space charge near electrodes was much shown in Figure 11, PD lifetime increases with the in-
less in LDPEr TiO 2 nanocomposites than that in pure crease of silica content based on MTEOS. The same be-
LDPE under lower direct current Ždc. stress Žno more than havior was shown by TEOS, with life increasing almost
40 kVrmm.. linearly with silica content. PD lifetime was longer for
Žii. Space charge inside the nanocomposites was much MTEOS than for TEOS. Therefore, life was considered
to be affected not only by the type of precursor, but also
more uniform than that in pure LDPE. Thus electrical
by agglomeration extent of inorganic particles. The results
stress concentration was improved under dc stress in the
obtained are summarized as follows:
Ži. PD resistance was larger for PIrsilica nanocompos-
Žiii. Decay rate of the remnant of space charge in LDPE
ites than for pure PI specimens.
specimens containing TiO 2 increased with increasing of
the TiO 2 , when short-circuited after pre-stress at 50 Žii. Both agglomeration of particles and the type of pre-
kVrmm for 1 h. cursor seemed to affect PD lifetime.

1070-9878r r$20.00 䊚 2004 IEEE 777
778 Tanaka et al.: Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation-Perspecti©es

acterized by AFM. Dielectric spectroscopy data were ob-

tained at 0, 30, and 45 minutes of aging time. Results re-
garding capacitance were uncertain. Permittivity and the
peak value of tan ␦ decreased steadily as aging time in-
creased, while the frequency at tan ␦ peak shifted upward
from 1.16 to 1.27 MHz for pure PI and from 0.67 to 1.99
MHz for nanocomposite PI.
The following results were obtained:
Ži. PD resistance was stronger for nanocomposites than
for pure PI.
Žii. Silica loading of 8 wt% gave the best PD resistance.
Figure 11. PD lifetime vs. silica content for MTEOS PIrsilica com- Žiii. Capacitance at tan ␦ peak in the frequency depen-
posite w17x.
dence decreased with aging time Žfrom 169 to 179 pF and
from 194 to 274 pF..
Živ. The frequency corresponding to the peak value of
NANOCOMPOSITES [19] tan ␦ shifted to higher values as aging time increased.

Specimens same as those used in the paper w18x were Žv. Such frequency shift was larger Žfrom 0.67 to 1.99
prepared. Nanocluster-trapped PI rsilica composites w18x MHz. for nanocomposite PI than Žfrom 1.16 to 1.27 MHz.
were renamed as polyimide-nano inorganic composites in for pure PI.
w19x. Particle size was presumed to be in the range 127 to
506 nm. PI nanocomposite films were subjected to surface 4.11 EPOXY-ORGANICALLY MODIFIED
partial discharges according to IEC-343 and ASTM-2275. LAYERED SILICATE NANOCOMPOSITES
PD breakdown time was measured for 30 ␮ m films. PD [20]
breakdown time was 3-12 times longer for nanocomposite
Epoxy-silicate nanocomposites were prepared by dis-
PI than for pure PI. Silica loading was optimum at 8 wt%
persing synthetic layered silicates modified with alkyl-am-
for PD resistance. Dielectric spectroscopy, such as C p-␻
monium ions in an epoxy resin Ždiglycidyl ether of bisphe-
and tan ␦-␻ characteristics, was investigated both before
nol-A, DGEBA, Epikote 828, epoxide equivalent weight
and after PD aging, and the surface morphology was char-
s 184 to 194 or diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-F, DGEBF,
Epikote 807, epoxide equivalent weight s 160 to 175,
Japan Epoxy Resin Co... Two kinds of organically modi-
fied silicates ŽSTN and SEN. provided by Co-op Chemical
Co. were used. In the dispersing process, the organically
modified layered silicates were mixed in epoxy resin with
shearing, and aggregations of the silicates were removed
by centrifugal separation after mixing epoxy resin and sili-
cates. Micrographs taken by transmission electron mi-
croscopy ŽTEM. indicated that the nanocomposites had a
mixed morphology including both parallel silica layers
Ž0.1᎐0.5 ␮ m, 5᎐15 layers. and exfoliated silica layers
Žnano-scale dispersion . area. Epoxy nanocomposite with
3wt% DGEBArSEN showed similar mechanical strength
to that with 6 wt% DGEBArSTN. As shown in Figure 12,
the permittivity and tan ␦ were smaller for nanocompos-
ite epoxy especially at high temperatures than for pure
epoxy. Marked improvement was confirmed for tan ␦ at
temperatures above 120⬚C.
The following results were obtained:
Ži. A glass transition temperature ŽTg . of the nanocom-
posite shifted to a higher temperature Žq20⬚C. than pure

Figure 12. Temperature dependence of permittivty and tan ␦ for

Žii. Mechanical strength improved by layered silicate
pure and nanocomposite epoxy resin w19x. addition Ž3 to 6 wt%..

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 11, No. 5; October 2004 779

Žiii. Permittivity and tan ␦ were smaller for nanocpm- Žiii. This technology would point the way towards the
posite epoxy than for pure epoxy. design of stable co-continuous structure over a wide range
Živ. Dispersion of modified silicate prevented relative of compositions and polymer types.
permittivity Ž ⑀ r . and dielectric loss Žtan ␦ . from increas-
ing at high temperatures above the glass transition tem-
NANOSTRUCTURED POLYMER BY Epoxy resins with mono and twin mesogens were for-
REACTIVE BLENDING [21] mulated. Mesogens were highly ordered in nanoscale
Polymer blends consist of a particulate minority phase through their self-assembly process, possibly resulting in
dispersed in a matrix. There are several methods to blend improvement of thermal conductivity by reducing as it is
two homopolymers in continuous wt%: the ‘‘compatibi- scattering. They would form nanometric liquid crystal re-
lizer’’ method, and the block copolymerrhomopolymerr gions that were 5 to 30 nm for mono mesogens, and in the
homopolymer blend method. A stable co-continuous range of 500 nm for twin mesogens. Thermal conductivity
copolymer was obtained on the basis of the graft polymer was obtained to be 0.33 WrmK for mono mosogens, and
blend method. Then, a nanostructured polyethylene 0.85 ᎐ 0.96 WrmK for twin mesogens. These values should
ŽPE.-polyamide ŽPA. copolymer, especially with co-con- be compared to 0.17 WrmK for conventional epoxy. As
tinuous morphology, was produced through a self-assem- shown in Figure 13, epoxy resins with nano-ordered struc-
bly process by reactive blending. PE and PA were func- tures were obtained to have better thermal conductivity
tionalized to drive reactive blending. The functionalized than conventional epoxy resins.
PE used for the backbone chain was a random co-polymer Results obtained are summarized as follows:
of ethylene, ethylacrylate and maleic anhydride ŽMAH..
PA6 synthesized by polycondensation, was terminated at Ži. Epoxy resins exhibited higher thermal conductivity,
one end by the reactive functional group NH 2 . It exhib- if mesogens were highly ordered in nanometric scale.
ited excellent mechanical properties over conventional PE Žii. Thermal conductivity was 5 times higher for epoxy
and even classical PErPA blends, as well as a nearly con- resins with twin mesogens than for conventional epoxy
stant elastic modulus of 10 MPa between 100⬚C and 200 resins.
⬚C, high yield stress and high strain tensile behavior. It did
High thermal conductivity epoxy explained in w19x was
not creep, when heated above the PE melting point.
aimed at low thermal expansion and low water absorp-
Results obtained for mechanical properties of a new
tion, as well as high Young’s modulus even at high tem-
PErPA blend are as follows:
peratures, for use in microelectronics printed circuit
Ži. It exhibited lower creep and greater heat resistance. boards. Some other methods have even been developed to
Žii. It remained stable at much higher temperatures and increase thermal conductivity of epoxy resins. One is to
was provided with better mechanical properties than clas- form smectic liquid crystal structure in epoxy by using large
sical blends. mesogens, and the other is to increase unidirectional ther-

Figure 13. Thermal conductivity of various polymers for commercial use w21, 22x.

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780 Tanaka et al.: Polymer Nanocomposites as Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation-Perspecti©es

mal conductivity by driving liquid crystal regions toward Interpretation of dielectric spectra seem to be compli-
anisotropic orientation under high magnetic field, such as cated when comparing base resin, microcomposites, and
10 Tesla. nanocomposites. It is questionable whether or not the
permittivty and tan ␦ are reduced by nanomization at the
5 DISCUSSION commercial frequency. Some data indicate a certain re-
duction, but some other data do not, resulting in apparent
5.1 DISCUSSION ON ELECTRICAL contradictions. This may depend on the way nanofillers
PROPERTIES interact with companion polymers. These results require
5.1.1 EFFECT OF NANOMIZATION ON further investigation, considering also methods of dispers-
PERMITTIVITY AND TAN ␦ ing fillers in polymer matrices. It is certainly crucial to
prevent nanofillers from agglomeration or to disperse
Ži. Polyimidersilica nanocomposites w6x, Irwin ŽGE.:
fillers homogeneously in polymer matrices for obtaining
Value of tan ␦ tends to decrease in the order of pure reproducible and reliable data.
PI, PIrsilica microcomposite and PIrsilica nanocomposite
at the low frequency region up to about 200 Hz between 5.1.2
60 Hz and 1 MHz. A peak appears at about 1 kHz in the
middle frequency region Žbetween 60 Hz and 1 MHz. in dc ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY
case of PIrsilica microcomposite. This peak is reduced Ži. Polyimidersilica nanocomposites w6x, Irwin ŽGE.:
fairly much in case of PIrsilica nanocomposites. The peak
is ascribed to the Maxwell-Wagner interfacial polariza- dc current at low field decreases at high temperatures
tion. This reduction might be caused by the mitigation of by nanomization.
the field around fillers due to size difference. Žii. PP and EVArlayered silicate nanocomposites w12x,
Žii. EpoxyrTiO 2 nanocomposites: Permittivity w13x, Nel- Montanari ŽBologna.:
son ŽRPI.: dc current at high field Ž30kVrmm. increases at room
temperature by nanomization. Thus apparently opposite
Above 50 or 60 Hz, the dielectric spectra are virtually
data were obtained. But this will depend on the modifica-
indistinguishable among base epoxy, epoxy microcompos-
tion of shallow trap depth levels introduced by nanomiza-
ite and epoxy nanocomposite. This very low frequency
process might not be due to particulates in bulk, but to
charges at the electrodes. The microcomposite material
exhibits two peaks of tan ␦ that are observed at very low
frequencies, such as 8 mHz and 100 mHz at two different
high temperatures for the microcomposite, respectively. Ži. Space Charge
Values of tan ␦ at intermediate frequencies, around 100 䢇 Space charge increases at low field and decreases at
Hz, are smaller for nanocomposite than for microcompos- high field due to nanomizationywPP and EVArLS w12x,
ite. This trend is similar to the data w9x obtained for Montanari ŽBLN.x.
PIrsilica composite. This might be related to the function
䢇 Space charge inception field decreases due to nano-
of nanofillers to immobilize polymer chains in what are
called ‘‘interaction zones’’. mization wPP and EVArLS w12x, Montanari ŽBLN.x.
䢇 Space charge is generated internally by nanomization
Žiii. RTV silicone rubberr layered silicate nanocompos-
ites: w15x Lan ŽWuhan. wEpoxyrTiO 2 w13x, Nelson ŽRPI.x.

Nanocomposites exhibit a slight increase of tan ␦ and a 䢇 Charge decay time decreases due to nanomization wPP
slight decrease of ⑀ r at the commercial frequency. No dig- and EVArLS w12x, Montanari ŽBLN.x.
ital data are available as for tan ␦ , although some figures Charge decay time decreases due to nanomization
are given. wEpoxyrTiO 2 w13x, Nelson ŽRPI.x.
Živ. PIrsilica nanocomposites: w19x, Lei ŽHarbin.
Žii. TSC
Nanocomposite PI gives lower permittivity than pure PI 䢇 A TSC peak shifts toward higher temperatures due to
in the frequency region between 100 kHz and 10 MHz.
nanomization wPIrSilica w6x, Irwin ŽGE.x.
ŽNote: This appears to be contradictory to the corre-
sponding figures.. 䢇 A TSC peak shifts toward higher temperatures due to
nanomization wEpoxyrTiO 2 w14x, Nelson ŽRPI.x.
Žvi. Epoxyrlayered silicate nanocomposites: w20x, Imai
ŽToshiba. Žiii. Electroluminescence
Permittivity and tan ␦ are smaller for nanocomposite 䢇 EL onset field increases due to nanomization
epoxy than for base epoxy. wEpoxyrTiO 2 w14x, Nelson ŽRPI.x.

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 11, No. 5; October 2004 781

Modification of trap depth distribution due to the intro- Nanoparticles and nanomteric crystal parts have higher
duction of nanofillers, particularly in reference to deep thermal conductivity than base polymers, so that mixtures
traps, might explain space charge, TSC and EL character- might be more thermally conductive than the base resins.
istics as described above. Fast charge decay and other It was suggested that ‘‘interaction zones’’ might have as
space charge characteristics seem to be contradictory with good heat transfer as possible.
the deep trap theory and certainly need some other con-
sideration. 6 CONCLUSION
Polymer nanocomposites could be advantageous over
5.1.4 DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN STRENGTH traditional filled polymers in electrical and thermal prop-
erties as well as mechanical properties from the stand-
䢇BDV increases for PP due to nanomization, while point of dielectrics and electrical insulation. This feature
EVA decreases a bit wPP and EVArLS w12x, Montanari will technologically result in compact design of electrical
equipments with high reliability and thereby in significant
䢇 BDV remains same up to 10wt% loading, and tends cost reduction for system integration and maintenance.
to decrease for more loading wEpoxyrTiO2 w14x, Nelson Since this feature is originated from mesoscopic charac-
ŽRPI.x. teristics of interaction zones between polymer matrices
and nanofillers, it will open a new academic arena for di-
As indicated above, dielectric breakdown strength might
electric and electrical insulation that will need quantum
not be greatly affected by nanomization under small load-
mechanics as well. Such interaction zones might be re-
ing of nanofillers and proper dispersion conditions. Favor-
lated to free volume and charge carrier trap distribution
able results are obtained in some cases.
Žshallow and deep traps., which should be further ex-
5.1.5 PD RESISTANCE plored. In order to obtain excellent but low-cost polymer
nanocomposites, existing material processing technologies
䢇 PD resistance improves due to nanomization wPArLS should be more advanced so as to match dielectrics and
w10x, Kozako ŽWaseda.x. electrical insulation. Results are summarized as follows:
䢇 PD resistance improves due to nanomization 6.1 EFFECTS OF NANOMIZATION
wPIrSilicaw18, 19x, Zhang ŽHarbin.x.
Ž1. dc conductivity increases and decreases depending on
It would be probable that nanomization improves PD measurement conditions. Introduction of deep traps are
resistance of polymers, which certainly depends on how suggested.
nanofillers are dispersed in polymer matrices and are Ž2. Interfacial polarization can be reduced compared to
compatible with them.
5.1.6 TRACKING RESISTANCE Ž3. There seems to be a certain reduction of permittivity
䢇 Flame retardancy improves due to nanomization due to nanomization. But change of permittivity as well as
wRTVrLSw15x, LanŽWuhan.x. tan ␦ is complicated, and not conclusive. Manufacturing
processes should be more investigated for homogenous
5.2 RELATED PROPERTIES dispersion of nanofillers.
5.2.1 GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE Ž4. Space charge, TSC and EL also give complex results
in their threshold field and quantity. Introduction of addi-
䢇 Tg decreases or remains unchanged due to nanomiza-
tional levels of shallow and deep traps, as well as increase
tion wEpoxyrTiO 2 w13x, Nelson ŽRPI.x. of trap density, might be involved. These might be deeply
䢇 Tg increases due to nanomization wEpoxyrLSw20x, Imai
related to ‘‘interaction zones’’. It is therefore necessary to
ŽToshiba.x. characterize the interaction zones between nanofillers and
polymer matrices chemically and physically.
It is possible to increase Tg by nanomization. It should
Ž5. PD and tracking resistance improve. It is most proba-
be noted that it would require homogeneous dispersion of
nanofillers for that purpose. ble. Role of nanofillers and interaction zones should be
more clarified.
5.2.2 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Ž6. Thermal conductivity and glass transition temperature
䢇 Thermal conductivity enhances due to nanomization
could be increased by proper methods.
wPIrSilica w11x, Irwin ŽGE.x. 6.2 PROPERTIES OF POLYMER
䢇 Thermal conductivity enhances by introduction of NANOCOMPOSITES
nannometric liquid crystal polymers wEpoxyrnanoLC poly- Ž1. Electrical and thermal properties as well as mechani-
mer w22, 23x, Takezawa ŽHitachi.x. cal properties could be improved by nanomization of poly-

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