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Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course.

Based on your review and

reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:

 What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?

Not every change is a good one, but identifying the need for change, and implementing it

correctly leads to a successful transition. During this course the most compelling topics for me

were the change management theories and types of changes which occur. These two topics

helped me better understand the importance of good change management in order to be

successful. Organizations change for a number of different reasons, so they can either react to

these reasons or be ahead of them (Swaim, 2011).

Discussion boards helped me view these topics from a different perspective, and helped me

understand certain subjects them from a different point of view. The class was very informative,

and the approach to learning was very well implemented.

 How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is

anything still unclear that could be clarified?

 What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?

 The main post should include at least 1 reference to research sources, and all sources

should be cited using APA format.

Swaim, R. (2011, August 1). Nine Reasons Organizations Need To Change. Retrieved from

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