Introduction DB

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Hi everyone,

My name is Joel Negron; I was born and raised in San Juan Puerto Rico. Ever since I
remember I’ve always loved playing sports, especially baseball. I have two sisters, and being the
middle child has always been interesting. After graduating high school, I immediately started
college, but at the age of 20, I joined the armed forces as an aircraft mechanic. I’ve been serving
the military ever since, and even though the military service has educated me extensively; one of
my goals has been to finish a bachelor’s degree.

So now after almost thirteen years of trying to accomplish this goal, I’m more focus than
ever, and I can almost see the finish line. Motivation is the force which gives us the strength to
accomplish amazing things, and my motivation is my two year old son. I’ve engraved in my
brain that in order to make sure that I set a good example for my son, I must finish my bachelors.
They say “he who perseveres succeeds” and I’m willing to give the extra mile to do so. Being a
father plus a military member has proven challenging while attending college, but I know that at
the end it will be worthwhile. I wish everyone the best success, and hope to meet each of you
during the live chats.

Phase 1 DB 1

Joel Negron

Colorado Technical University Online


February 16, 2015

Professor Art Vaughn

This assignment is repurposed from ECON210-1501B-03 with Kunsoo Choi. All work is
my own.

Hi everyone,

My name is Joel Negron; I was born and raised in San Juan Puerto Rico. Being born on
an island has made me love the seas, and enjoy the beach life. I’m the middle child of three, and
I think I’ve lived up to the middle child reputation pretty well. I have two sisters, which always
had a lot of patience when dealing with their only brother. After graduating high school, I
immediately started college, but at the age of 20, I joined the armed forces as an aircraft
mechanic. Life in the military has taught me a lot, and taught me to appreciate the small things
in life.
I’ve always wanted to complete a bachelor’s degree, but it seemed that it always was at
the end of my “to do list”. I noticed that I was a master at creating excuses on why I couldn’t
study, instead of just putting myself to the task. Things changed a lot once my son was born,
priorities changed, and with it came my new motivation to finish my bachelors. I consider that
in order to be able to preach, you need to have laid out a good path of your own. One day my
son will be old enough to attend college, and he will do so knowing that his Dad finished his
degree as well. I’m the type of person that if I’m going to “talk the talk”, I must also have
“walked the walk”. I wish everyone the best success in this upcoming class, and hope to meet
you during these next few weeks.

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