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Schools and universities play a crucial role in helping students find suitable jobs after
graduation. Two common methods they use are providing work experience and giving career
advice. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and determining which
one is more effective depends on various factors.

On the one hand, providing work experience involves giving students the opportunity to work
in real-life environments that are related to their field of study. This helps students develop
skills, and get use to their professional field. Moreover, work experience can give students a
complete view of how relevant is to have someone professional in their future filed teaching
them. Additionally, this experience can help companies prepare new talented employees for
the future.

On the other hand, giving career advice is another effective method that schools and
universities use to help students find suitable jobs. Career advisors the ones who guide
students through the job search process. Thy also help them doing things such as exploring
career options, writing resumes and preparing for interviews. Career advisors can also provide
students a lot of information about industries and job demand, helping them make acquire
decisions about their career paths.

To sum up, both methods, providing work experience and giving career advice are crucial in
helping students find suitable jobs. The effectiveness of each method depends on various
factors such as the student's goals, learning style, and individual circumstances. Some students
may benefit more from experience, while others may prefer to receive guidance and advice.

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