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Learner’s Name: __________________________________________________________

Grade Level/Section: _______________________ Date: ________________________

1. Activity
Directions: Read and analyze the given situation.
You and your close friend are playing at a side of a river. You see a toy boat
floating at a distance not within the reach of your friend. Your friend wants to move the
boat to reach it.

Source: Project EASE. Waves: Carriers of Energy

2. Analysis
Q1. How will you help your friend? What will you do to move the boat?Q2. How would you generate
water waves on the river?
Q3.Based on the activity, what is your idea about a wave?
Q4. What has made the boat move?
Q5. What is carried by the wave to make the boat move?

Directions: Solve the following problems

1. A boat is approaching the shore. The frequency of some approaching ocean waves
is 2 Hz and the length between two wave crests is 3 m. What is the speed of the
ocean waves moving towards the shore?

2. Suppose you observed an anchored boat to rise and fall once every 4.0 seconds as waves whose
crests are 25 meters apart pass by it.

a. What is the frequency of the observed waves?

b. What is the speed of the waves?

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