Webinar Subject 4 Item Analysis

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Industrial Education
Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila 1000
Telefax (02) 523-2293, Tel Nos. (632) 521 – 4063, Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph

SY. 2022-2023

Name: Karen P. Fumar

Section: BSIE-ICT 4B
Schedule: Friday, 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Assessment in Learning and Test Construction

Subject No. 4: _____________________________________________

General Instruction:
a. Revisit the Recorded Video/fb live on the webinar conducted last January 14, 2023.
b. Write down all the questions that was presented during the webinar for Subject no. 4. Include the
correct answer and the rationalization for each item.

1. The intended learning outcome in a lesson on assessment in learning reads: “At the end of the lesson, the
students must be able to select an appropriate assessment method”. If an assessment task would instruct the
students to classify given assessment methods, would it be aligned to the given learning outcome?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Slight alignment because the behavioral verbs are related
d) Yes, if the verb select would be replaced by classify
Rationalization: B – Choosing assessment method is different from classifying it. Teachers considered theories and

2. Teacher Joan explains to her students what it takes to get a good grade on the subject she’s handling. For
instance, to get an excellent rating in their project, students must include critiques of 5 research articles; each critique
should not be less than 2 pages of content and should have at least 5 references. For students in the lower grade
levels, similar bet less stringent standards are used. This exemplifies _____________.
a) Norm-referencing
b) Criterion-Referencing
c) Testing
d) Grading along the curve
Rationalization: B - Criterion-referenced tests compare a person's knowledge or skills against a predetermined
standard, learning goal, performance level, or other criterion. With criterion-referenced tests, each person's
performance is compared directly to the standard, without considering how other students perform on the test.

3. Which is classified as non-objective test?

a) Essay
b) Short answer
c) Matching type
d) Alternative response
Rationalization: A - In essay items the examinee writes the answer in her/his own words whereas the in objective
type of tests the examinee selects the correct answer from the among several given alternatives. Thinking and writing
are important in essay tests whereas reading and thinking are important in objective type tests.

4. To troubleshoot an electric fan, one has to remember the steps. Which od the following best describe the level of
assessment when students are asked to recall the steps?
a) Comprehension
b) Knowledge utilization
c) Retrieval
d) Synthesis
Rationalization: C – Retrieval is the cognitive process of bringing stored information into consciousness

5. School is implementing a local battery of tests that are easy to administer, score and also within the budget
limitations. Which essential characteristics of assessment is ensured?
a) Validity
b) Reliability
c) Usability
d) Flexibility
Rationalization: C - Usability evaluation may include a variety of methods to examine the extent to which a system is
effective, efficient, engaging, and efficient - basically, it is an evaluation of how use-able something is.

6. A test measures student performance compared to the performance of some known group. This is refereed to as
_____________ test.
a) Norm-referenced
b) Criterion-refenced
c) Subject-based
d) Outcome-based
Rationalization: A - Norm-referenced tests report whether test takers performed better or worse than a hypothetical
average student, which is determined by comparing scores against the performance results of a statistically selected
group of test takers, typically of the same age or grade level, who have already taken the exam.

7. Which of the following performance based assessment is the most authentic?

a) An essay test focusing on vocabulary.
b) Assessing skills in the use of scientific method thru science experiments
c) Assessing music or art projects through artistic production.
d) Assessing students’ communication skills thru oral performance.
Rationalization: C – Authentic assessment is the idea of using creative learning experiences to test students' skills
and knowledge in realistic situations. Authentic assessment measures students' success in a way that's relevant to
the skills required of them once they've finished your course or degree program. Option C is the closest in real-life
application, it varies on contextualized assessment.

8. Which of the following assessment is the closest to the principle that assessment should be focused on real-world
a) Matching type of test in vocabulary
b) Quiz on whether the sound of ‘a’ us long or short
c) Assess communication skills through a simulation of graduation program where students will be speaking.
d) Essay question on the importance of communication in building professional linkages.
Rationalization: C - Simulations can be used to tune up performance, optimize a process, improve safety, testing
theories, training staff and even for entertainment in video games! Scientifically modelling systems allows a user to
gain an insight into the effects of different conditions and courses of action.

9. Teacher Carmela wants to assess if students can apply their lesson in similar real-life scenarios. She can
a) Performance assessment
b) Simulation
c) Demonstration
d) Drills
Rationalization: B - Simulations promote the use of critical and evaluative thinking. Because they are ambiguous or
open-ended, they encourage students to contemplate the implications of a scenario. The situation feels real and thus
leads to more engaging interaction by learners.

10. Teacher Annie is discussing how rubrics are used particularly how student reports are graded using rubric
scoring instrument. The activity is most likely in support of____________.
a) Assessment for learning
b) Assessment as learning
c) Assessment of and for learning
d) Assessment of learning
Rationalization: C – Assessment of learning is about grading while assessment for learning is about teachers
conducting assessment either to provide feedback to students or to adjust the instruction.

11. Assessment as learning or self-assessment is _______________.

a) Through a mentor
b) Through the process of dialogue
c) Peer assessing fellow students
d) Students reflecting on their own learning
Rationalization: D – Self-assessment is an assessment or evaluation of oneself or one's actions and attitudes of
one's performance at a job or learning task considered in relation to an objective standard.

12. A teacher conducted a pre-test, followed by a lecturer based on the pre-test results, and then a post-test. What
general assessment approach is illustrated?
a) Assessment as learning
b) Assessment for learning
c) Assessment for and as learning
d) Assessment of learning
Rationalization: B - Assessment for learning is ongoing assessment that allows teachers to monitor students on a
day-to-day basis and modify their teaching based on what the students need to be successful. This assessment
provides students with the timely, specific feedback that they need to make adjustments to their learning.

13Generally, a post test alone is a ________________ assessment.

a) Diagnostic
b) Outcome
c) Self
d) Process
Rationalization: B - Outcomes assessment is a collaborative process of inquiry regarding student learning outcomes,
followed by analysis, reflection, and action. The goal of outcomes assessment is to improve student learning and
improve instructional programs.

14. An assessment of learning is based on ______________.

a) Mission of the school
b) Cost of education
c) Core values
d) Learning outcomes
Rationalization: D - Learning outcomes are descriptions of the specific knowledge, skills, or expertise that the learner
will get from a learning activity, such as a training session, seminar, course, or program.

15. Pre-assessment done to determine the best course for high school students to take in college is an example of
a) Placement Assessment
b) Summative Assessment
c) Diagnostic Assessment
d) Formative Assessment
Rationalization: A - Placement tests, sometimes called placement exams, are tests that act as indicators of a
student's academic abilities. Placement tests are given to students entering educational institutions to measure their
overall knowledge in various subjects before assigning the students their aptitude-appropriate-level courses.

16. To ensure meaningful grade reporting, which of the following must be followed?
I. Ensure that the grading system is clear to all concerned.
II. Ensure that the standards and competencies are known and understood by all
III. Ensure that the marking system is numerical

a) I and II
b) I, II, and III
c) III only
d) II only
Rationalization: A – Ensuring that the marking system is numerical is not included since there are other type of
marking system.

17. Assessment is viewed as ___________ to the teaching and learning process.

a) Optional
b) Add-on
c) Integral
d) Auxiliary
Rationalization: C - Assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the goals of
education are being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement, advancement, instructional needs,
curriculum, and, in some cases, funding.

18. Teaching and leaning process would not be complete without _______ of learning.
a) Assessment
b) Reviewing
c) Planning
d) Understanding
Rationalization: A - To complete the cycle of learning one must also look at how students' achievement of learning
outcomes is assessed. Assessment is not just the rounding off of the teaching and learning period but to a large
extent a central steering element in those processes, and directly linked to learning outcomes.

19. Immediate feedback of assessment results should be given to ___________ more than any other stakeholders.
a) Parents
b) Registrar
c) Students
d) Principal
Rationalization: C - The purpose of feedback in the assessment and learning process is to improve a student's
performance - not put a damper on it. It is essential that the process of providing feedback is a positive, or at least a
neutral, learning experience for the student.

20. In the DepEd’s marking system, “did not meet expectations” means?
a) Below 65%
b) Below 65
c) Below 75%
d) Below 75
Rationalization: D - A learner who receives a grade below 75 in any subject in a quarter must be given intervention
through remediation and extra lessons from the teacher/s of that subject.

21. Which are the bases of grades of students in the public school system?
a) Formative and summative assessment
b) Summative and Assessment of learning
c) Assessment for and of learning
d) All types of assessment
Rationalization: B – Summative and assessment of learning is about grading.

22. Teacher lovely asked her pupils to show how their penmanship work improved throughout the entire school year.
Which type of portfolio would the students display?
a) Evaluation
b) Development
c) Assessment
d) Showcase
Rationalization: B - Portfolio development is the process by which a student documents and demonstrates college-
level competencies (knowledge and skills) acquired in environments and agencies outside the traditional higher
education classroom.

23. A rubric is different from a checklist because a rubric includes ___________________.

a) Quantitative elements
b) Qualitative elements
c) Scale with descriptors
d) Collection of evidence
Rationalization: C - A rubric is a tool that has a list of criteria, similar to a checklist, but also contains descriptors in a
performance scale which inform the student what different levels of accomplishment look like.

24. In a negatively skewed distribution, _______________.

a) Most of the scores are relatively high
b) Most of the scores are relatively low
c) The scores are evenly distributed
d) Most students are below average
Rationalization: A - Negatively skewed distribution refers to the distribution type where more values plot on the
graph's right side, the tail of the distribution is longer on the left side, and the mean is lower than the median and
mode. It might be zero or negative due to the data being distributed negatively.

25. In item analysis, if more students from the low scoring group got an item correctly, the test item would have
a) High reliability
b) Low validity
c) Positive discriminating power
d) Negative discriminating power
Rationalization: D - When an item is discriminating negatively, overall the most knowledgeable examinees are getting
the item wrong and the least knowledgeable examinees are getting the item right. A negative discrimination index
may indicate that the item is measuring something other than what the rest of the test is measuring.

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