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ELED 111- Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades


Chapter 1: Art Education and its



Art education develops the creative skills, decision making and

inventiveness of the students. It exposes the would-be teachers to discover
the deeper meanings of art to be able to beautify oneself, the school, the
community and the world we live in.

In order to have a clearer view of lesson one, there are terms for you to
look into and discover.


At the end of the lesson, the students should have:

1. Identified works of art and gave reasons why they are counted as
2. Determined the different meanings of art, arts, arts education, skills,
creativity, beautiful and aesthetics.
3. Stated the characteristics that makes art unique.
4. Discovered how art began.
5. Discussed the need for art education.
ELED 111- Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades

Warm Up Activity

Using the numbered mystery picture cards, attaché pictures which you
think are considered works of art. Then write your reasons in several

1 2 3 4

Central Activities

Central Activities

Education in art helps students become selective and discriminating in their

judgements and improve their understanding of their environment. When schools
provide suitable and imaginative art programs that combine the disciplines of
intellectual activity with physical skills in creative problem solving, they are
supporting the individual growth of students and are contributing to the development
of their personalities.

Concepts and Nature of Art

Life without art is dull and meaningless. Art stimulates our senses and
cognitive abilities as it allows the expression of our feelings and emotions through the
different forms using different processes, to come up with tangible thing that is of
practical use to men.

1. Art is an expression.

2. Art represents reality.

3. Art is a diverse range of human activities.

ELED 111- Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades

4. Art serves as a means of communication of emotions.

5. Art matters.

6. Art is not nature; nature is not art.

7. Art is universal.

8. Art is creation.

9. Art is everywhere.

Look for some websites where you can read concepts and nature

of art and add some more to our list.

Activity 1

Read the definitions of important words related to our course in the

following websites. You can also search for other definitions from other websites,
and as you discover them take note also of the concepts and nature of art.

Make a concept map on how you understand art.

Definitions of the following terms: art, art education, creativity, etc.
ELED 111- Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades

Activity 2

Answer the following questions based from what you read.

1. What is art? Arts? Art education? Skills? Aesthetics? Creativity?

2. Where does the word art come from and what is the meaning of this
3. How did art begin?
4. What are the four common things you noticed in all the definitions
you read? What makes up an art work?
5. Which of the pictures you posted is not considered art? Why?

Activity 3

Based from the materials, be able to answer the following questions:

1. Must art communicate?

2. What is communicated by a house?
3. What is communicated by a very long concrete bridge?
4. How about the painting of Carlos “Botong” Francisco on the death
of Rizal?
5. How does a muralist reveal his emotions in his work of art?

Wrap Up Activity

Now, they have studied the meanings of the important words and the
background of art, the students are requested to identify a work of art utilizing
what they learned from the different meanings given by artists in the

different fields. They will draw a smiley face if the picture is a work of
art and if it’s not.

1. Philippine Forest
ELED 111- Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades

2. Seascape in Currimao

3. San Juanico Bridge

4. Paoay Church

5. Patapat Bridge
ELED 111- Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades

Assessment Activity

Check the concepts that are accepted.

1. Art expression promotes the development of the individual.
2. Only people who paint pictures are artists.
3. Appreciation is not taught, it is caught.
4. All people are artists as producers and consumers of art.
5. Art education is for the few gifted child.
6. The creative process is more significant to a child than the product.
7. Every child must work on the same project and at the same time.
8. Art can duplicate nature.
9. Beauty changes as time passes.
10. Art must be directly seen or heard in order to be enjoyed.


You will reflect on the statement given by Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous
American architect, " Art is the discovery and development of elementary
principles of nature into beautiful forms suitable for human use."
ELED 111- Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades

You will also reflect on the statement of John Keats, a famous writer,
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever”.

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