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Rehabilitation of Imbang Grande –Tagubong-Gemumua Agahon - Agtabo Farm to Market Road

Location: Passi City, Province of Iloilo

Project Scope

Road Influence Area is made up of ten (10) barangays. There are 19,187 people in the city, with 9,983
men and 9,204 women. The projected farm-to-market road will pass through eight (8) barangays. The
populace is seen as the major beneficiary. There are 16,390 primary beneficiaries, with 8,538 men and
7,852 females, with a total of 3,485 houses.

The two remaining barangays would not be immediately covered by the projected farm-to-market route
and have a secondary population of beneficiaries. There are 2,797 secondary beneficiaries, of which
1,445 are children.

The whole population is classed as economically engaged. The planned subproject has long been the
people's goal and aspiration in the area. The road portion is essential for delivering their farm product as
well as agricultural inputs.

Projected Key

The Province of Iloilo has been designated as a recipient of the Philippine Rural Development Project
(PRDP) of the Department of Agriculture. The PRDP is a six-year World Bank-funded initiative that runs
from 2013 to 2018.

Invest strategically in priority commodity value chains to create an inclusive, market-oriented, and
climate-resilient agricultural and fisheries industry. The initiative will collaborate with local governments
and the business sector to provide critical infrastructure, facilities, technology, and information that will
increase incomes.

In the countryside, productivity and competitiveness are important. Typhoon Yolanda, also known as
Typhoon Haiyan, destroyed the province of Iloilo last year.

The city of Passi was among those devastated on November 8, 2013. It had a profound impact on the
city and its residents. Several people were killed, and property, infrastructure, and farmers' livelihoods
were destroyed.
Environmental and Social Issues

Problems and probable consequences for humans and the environment are identified. A thorough
review was carried out, and the difficulties and possible problems were identified. The implications were
evaluated as having a moderate or large influence on the environment, the people, or the project itself.
To address these highlighted potential concerns and consequences, appropriate and secondary
Environmental Impact Assessment showed acceptable mitigating strategies. as well as the Social
Management Plan (ESMP). It is also mentioned in the ESMP. The duration and timetable of the
mitigating actions, as well as the accountable unit that will put the mitigation measures in place. The
majority of the identified potential The majority of the consequences will be transient and modest in
character and occur throughout the building process.


The proposed road’s high vehicle operating costs, the project (gravel road), moving people and goods is
more expensive and takes longer travel time, and insufficient road conditions It is possible to observe
effects on road safety. Minimalist and restricted land usage owing to high costs the expense of
transportation may also be shown. The populace there is no choice in the barangays about the time they


During the construction phase, domestic wastes that are generated by construction workers and a
temporary increase in sedimentation issues were also identified. Proper and adequate toilet facilities
shall be provided to mitigate the impact of domestic waste generated by construction workers. Proper
disposal areas were already identified to absorb all domestic waste that will be generated by the
project. Potential contamination of surface and groundwater with oil and grease, potential
contamination with human waste, potential disruption of traffic flow, and potential dust/mud nuisance
during construction were also considered to have moderate impacts on the environment, adequate and
proper mitigation measures were also specified in the ESMP.


People in the neighborhood will be more flexible with the management of their schedule, particularly
for the economically engaged commuters since there will be more cars and more trips will be available if
the route is used. More Investments will be made, as will fundamental governance services, particularly
in health and peace and order which is simple to obtain. In the event of a medical emergency personnel
and police will respond more quickly time and can easily get to any location along the route influence


The proposed subproject underwent environmental screening in accordance with environmental norms
in order to ensure that the projects have no negative impact on people or the environment.

As part of During the project's implementation, it was determined whether construction activities would
cause displacement and affect people, in order to develop appropriate resettlement, compensation, and
rehabilitation plans for project-affected people in accordance with the land acquisition, resettlement,
and rehabilitation framework.
Furthermore, the proposed subproject determined project had an impact on rural communities,
particularly the NCIP conducted Field-Based Investigations with indigenous peoples and communities.
Several barangay public consultations were also held in the ten barangays affected by the road.

The Solution to the Environmental and Social Issues

To become a more stable, rich, and well-governed society, the Philippines must become more
environmentally resilient and better equipped to cope with and recover rapidly from natural calamities.
Agriculture, fishery, and forestry contribute to over 10% of GDP and almost 30% of employment in the
Philippines, making natural resources crucial to the economy. Natural capital, on the other hand,
supplies electricity, water, flood control, storm mitigation, and other environmental services to the
entire country, including cities.

Part II

Hazard Identification

Drainage Situations and flooding potential, generally when creeks and rivers overflow, flood-prone areas
are generally confined to riparian zones. Because the locations' terrains are mainly steep to slope, and
water usually runs to rice fields and lowlands. A canal is recommended for drainage in places with
surface runoff from a steep slope.

Exposure Assessment

Land development must follow the natural topography of the land - a complete topographic study is
required. Elevation profiling will be carried out in order to arrive at a good schematic layout with fewer
earth-moving activities and the preservation of mature trees. Steep slopes in building sites must be
reduced using the benching method to reduce and stabilize the slope and reduce soil erosion.

Risk Characterization

To reduce sedimentation discharge to creeks and streams, a drainage canal should be installed along the
steep slope. Because increased overflows will result in sedimentation, a settling pond will be required to
address silt carried by surface run-off.

Noise is an unavoidable by-product of every construction project. Appropriate construction schedules

planning, such as labor hours, haulage timing, and material supply, will reduce noise emissions. All
noise-generating equipment must be equipped with residential-style mufflers.

Reduce the amount of noise. Furthermore, muffler maintenance and routine check-ups will be
performed on a regular basis to increase their efficiency.
Risk Management

All solid waste materials such as wood, steel bars, plywood, and other construction debris/leftovers will
be sorted and sold as scrap or taken to the contractor's material recovery facility/depot. Garbage cans
will be strategically positioned across the city to ensure appropriate garbage disposal. The collection of
unusable building debris must be coordinated with barangay officials. Secondary segregation, as well as


To meet their stakeholders' expectations, any monument or physical structure of proven cultural and
historical significance will not be displaced, disfigured, or rendered inoperable/inaccessible by the
subproject. take increased the quantity of information provided on the risks they face and their
predicted impact on future profitability. However, disclosing current financial risks will not provide
enough information about a company's financial situation because financial performance is also

Review and Update

As a result, it has been determined that the project is viable, and it is suggested that it be executed. The
Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) will make the public aware of the GRM through public
awareness campaigns, training, and capacity building in I-SUPPORT.

Any person who has feedback or complaints regarding the performance or activities of the project and
its subprojects during the pre-implementation, implementation, and operation phases, shall have access
to the GRM.

Compliance by the subproject proponent with the environmental safeguards requirements and ESMP
measures, as well as any actual environmental and social issues associated with the subproject that may
arise during the course of subproject preparation, construction, and operation, will be monitored on a
regular basis. A full investigation was carried out, and the indicators of project viability have yielded
favorable findings.

Group Member:

Garcia, Joaquin Efraim C.

Reillo, Miah M.

Sarcilla, Jazzriel T.

Traquina, Jean C.

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