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Teenage pregnancy is a major issue in many parts of the world, and General

Santos City is no exception. Despite efforts to educate young people about the risks and
consequences of early pregnancies, many teens still engage in risky sexual behaviors
that can lead to unintended pregnancies. In this reflection paper, we will explore the
causes and effects of teenage pregnancy in General Santos City, and discuss potential
solutions to this growing problem.

One of the major causes of teenage pregnancy in General Santos City is a lack of
comprehensively sex education. Many young people are not adequately informed about
the risks and consequences of early pregnancies, and may not have access to reliable
sources of information about sexual health. This can lead to risky behaviors, such as
unprotected sex, that can result in unintended pregnancies.

The cause of teenage pregnancy in General Santos City is poverty. Many young
people in the city live in impoverished conditions, and may not have access to the
resources they need to prevent pregnancies. For example, they may not have access to
contraception or other forms of birth control, or may not be able to afford regular
medical care.

The effects of teenage pregnancy in General Santos City can be devastating.

Pregnant teens are at higher risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth,
which can be life-threatening for both the mother and the baby. Additionally, teenage
mothers are more likely to drop out of school, which can limit their future opportunities
and income potential.

To address the issue of teenage pregnancy in General Santos City, it is important

to take a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of the problem. This
could include improving access to sex education and contraception, providing support
for pregnant teens and young mothers, and addressing the underlying economic and
social conditions that contribute to teenage pregnancy.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a major issue in General Santos City, and it is

important to take steps to address this problem. By improving access to sex education
and contraception, providing support for pregnant teens and young mothers, and
addressing the underlying causes of teenage pregnancy, we can help to reduce the
number of unintended pregnancies and improve the lives of young people in the city

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