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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________

Strand/ Track: __________________________________ Score: _________________

Direction:Choose the correct answer but the best answer. Use your answer key and
encircle the letter .
1. It is the idea being transmitted by the sender to the receiver. It includes
three aspects — content, structure, and style.
A. channel B. feedback C. message D. sender
2. It is the response or reaction given by the receiver to the sender of the
A. feedback B. message C. receiver D. sender
3. It is a situation where a communication takes place.
A. Both sender and receiver need to exchange messages.
B. The receiver interprets the message.
C. The sender recognizes the communication style of the other.
D. The sender translates the message into a perceivable form.
4. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information through speech,
signal, writing, or behavior.
A. channel B. communication C. language D. message
5. This is the group of basic elements of communication.
1. source 2. destination 3. medium 4. language
A. 1234 B. 123 only C. 2 and 3 only D. 1 and 2 only
6. It is characterized by being a “selective” listener.
A. Tom asks questions to seek greater understanding.
B. Rina changes the subject from time to time.
C. Jay displays an blank look.
D. Ana gives feedback to acknowledge the speaker’s emotion.
7. The most effective form of communication is always through words.
A. Yes, because through words we are allowed to explain ourselves.
B. Yes, because there are always words to express what we want to say.
C. No, because words can be abused by people and can cause hurt or
D. No, because words can inhibit people from saying/declaring the truth.
8. It is defined as any communication that uses spoken or written words to
convey a message.
A. non-verbal communication B. oral Communication
C. verbal Communication D. written Communication
9. It is a type of communication that does NOT use words in expressing a
A. non-verbal communication B. oral Communication
C. verbal Communication D. written Communication
10. It is the nature of communication.
1. Communication is a process.
2. Communication occurs between two or more people.
3. Communication can be expressed through words or actions.
4. Communication portrays sympathy.
A. 1234 B. 123 only C. 2 and 3 only D. 1 and 2 only
11. It is the meaning of the statement “Communication is a process”.
A. Communication consists of discrete and separate acts.
B. Communication has clear beginning and ending points.
C. Communication is dynamic, ongoing and continuous.
D. Communication resembles still pictures more than motion picture.
12. It refers to the communicator or the source of information.
A. inceptor C. receiver B. originator D. sender
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

13. The following are forms of non-verbal communication EXCEPT one.

A. e-mail B. eye blink C. road signs D. thumbs up sign
14. It is a communication process used by Teacher Jenny when she would like
to ask Marco some details about the upcoming quiz bee.
A. activating the stimulus B. decoding the message
C. encoding the message D. giving a feedback
15.It refers to the response to a verbal or non-verbal message.
A. Answer B. feedback C. receipt D. reply
16. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information as by speech,
signals, writing or behavior.
A. Communication B. feedback C. language D. message
17. These are considered forms of communication.
1. talking clearly 2. chewing gum 3. sending emails 4. looking bored
A. 1234 B. 134 only C. 342 only D. 1 only
18. This body language shows that one is listening.
A. nodding and making eye contact B. looking out of the window
C. turning away from the speaker D. whistling while biting nails
19. It is the sender of the message.
A. barrier B. originator C. receiver D. sender
20. It is a good indication that good communication occurs.
A. destructed B. confused C. unreceived D. shared
21. It is shown when there is an understanding in the communication.
A. Each gets a chance to be the sender and the receiver.
B. Each party is able to provide feedback.
C. Each party is able to say what they want to without the other person
D. Each party has different languages.
22. It is the content of the communication.
A. jargon B. media C. message D. noise
23. This communication type is characterized by a certain look or gaze.
A. non-verbal Communication B. oral Communication
C. verbal Communication D. written Communication
24. It is the definition of communication.
1. Communication involves a transaction.
2. Communication is sharing of ideas among a group of people.
3. Communication is a confusion of ideas in the mind of the other.
4. Communication is a transfer of messages from one person to
A. 1234 B. 234 only C. 124 only D. 4 only
25. This is the BEST way to continue communication.
A. active listening B. asking questions
C. not interrupting D. making good eye contact
26. It is known when the receiver gives a verbal or non-verbal message.
A. answer B. feedback C. response D. none given
27.It is an indication that communication really takes place.
A. when the message enters the channel
B. when the message leaves the channel
C. when the receiver understands the message
D. when the sender transmits the message
28.This is to be avoided for effective communication.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

A. ambiguity B. listening C. politeness D. sharing of activity

29.This is essential to an effective communication.
A. three-way process B. both a one-way and a two-way process
C. one-way process D. two-way process
30.This refers to the responsibility of the person who receives the message
for communication to take place.
A. feedback B. non-verbal clues C. perception D. self-concept

31. Which of the following is an example of a one-way communication model?

A. A group of teenagers planning for a big event
B. The committee finding ways to reach for the less fortunate in their
C. The Philippine President delivering his SONA
D.A and B
32. You ask your sister to put on her mask every time she goes out and she
in reply. Which model of communication is presented here?
A. Interactive B. Conversational C. Linear D. Transactional
33. Which model of communication portrays a multi-layer of communication
processes where the characters and environment change overtime? 18
A. Interactive model B. Linear model
C. Transactional model D. ALL of the above
34. Which communication model focuses on the message sent to the recipient?
A. Interactive Model B. Linear Model
C. Transactional model D. A combination of A and B
35. A strong wind struck as Arnold and his father took turns in pulling the
fishing boat to the shore. Arnold cannot hear his father’s voice. Which
affects the flow of the communication process?
A. Arnold’s voice B. boat C. father D. wind
36. It happens when the sender fails to communicate his/her message properly or
when the intended message is not clearly understood by the receiver.
A. communication B. communication barrier
C. strategies to avoid communication barriers D. process of communication
37. It refers to the natural or environmental conditions that hinder a successful
communication transaction.
A. cultural barrier B. external noise C. physical barrier D. psychological barrier
38. These are issues like trauma, lack of confidence, fear, anger, frustration, and
depression that may affect the communication process.
A. external Noise B. linguistic barrier C. psychological barrier D. semantic Noise
39. It refers to the way a person responds in a communication situation affected by
personal norms and traditions.
A. cultural barrier B. linguistic barrier C. physical barrier D. psychological barrier
40. This is an example when linguistic barrier to communication becomes evident.
A. A professor explains his lessons eloquently in class.
B. Elena is afraid to deliver her opening remarks.
C. People do not understand each other’s language.
D. The transmitter disrupted the speech of Ms. Speaker.
41. What type of speech context happens when two persons interact?
A. Dyad B. Mass Communication C. Public Communication D. Small Group
42. What type of speech context refers to communication that focuses on one
person, in which the speaker acts as both the sender and receiver of the
A. Interpersonal B. Intra-personal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

C. Mass Communication D. Public Communication

43. What type of speech context refers to the process of imparting information
through television, radio, newspaper, magazines, books, billboards, internet
other types of media?
A. Interpersonal B. Intrapersonal
C. Mass Communication D. Public Communication
44. Which of these types of speech context takes place between and among
and establishes personal relationship between and among them?
A. Interpersonal B. Intrapersonal
C. Mass Communication D. Public Communication
45. Which type of INTERPERSONAL context involves at least three but not more
than twelve people engaging in a face-to-face interaction?
A. Dyad Communication B. Sharing Group Communication
C. Small Group Communication D. Team Communication
46. The President follows a/an __________ during his State of the Nation
(SONA) so as not to miss any important detail.
A. entertainment speech B. impromptu speech
C. memorized speech D. manuscript speech
47.The Department of Health (DOH) Spokesperson transitioned from
manuscript speech to __________ when she answered various pressing
questions during the media press conference.
A. extemporaneous speech B. impromptu speech
C. memorized speech D. entertainment speech
48.Jeff tried out an online interview which tested his skill in__________.
A. impromptu speech B. memorized speech
C. informative speech D. entertainment speech
49. Consider this statement: “I now pronounce you as husband and wife.”
Who among the following can say this and make marital union happen?
A. priest B. teacher C. retired policeman D. famous celebrity
50. What do you think does the speaker mean when he/she says, “Can you
carry these for me?”
A. The speaker wants to know if I have the ability to carry his/her
B. The speaker is requesting me to help him/her carry his things.
C. The speaker does not make sense.
D. The speaker does not mean anything.

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Teacher II
Principal III

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