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Food in my opinion is a source of energy, it replenishes our body with nutrition, it keeps our
body running all day.
2. Famine is an issue that is caused by many reasons, natural disasters that leads to a bad
governing may lead to a shortage of food or what is known as famine.
3. Indonesian fried rice and Indomie would most likely come to my mind. Both are my favorite
staple foods and they taste amazing.
4. Well, based on science, these kinds of foods contain less nutrition than foods that are freshly
made and cooked, but on the other hand they are practical and can be stored longer, so it
depends on the situation we are in to decide which is better.
5. Genetically modified food is actually quite common, for example most of the corns are
genetically modified so they can be resistant to the herbicide glyphosate which is used to kill
6. The reason of rising cost of food can vary, they can be caused by a failure in the harvest, or
maybe a plague that causes the stock of a food to decrease rapidly, thus based on the
market law, when a demand is high (since you don’t really have much of the food left), the
fee/price is also increased.
7. Food will not go out until the extinction of humanity, even if there is a global disaster, there
are still certain types of food that can be grown in the situation.
8. The main cause of this would be poverty, it (poverty) is still occurring in parts of the globe,
people who don’t have appropriate access to water and health services will also end up
starving and malnourished.
9. Obesity rates are rising rapidly due to the shift from traditional diets towards processed
products that mostly contains more sugar and fat. To decline this number, a campaign to let
people know what food is good for themselves must be held.
10. The main difference is that food insecurities does not always cause hunger, but hunger is the
possible outcome of a food shortage.
11. On a long-term scale, the person would be more susceptible to diseases like diabetes and
heart issues, but in children, hunger can cause their growth to be stunted.
12. There are many solutions to hunger, but one thing for sure is that education is what bases
them all. Education means better opportunity and more access to income and food.
13. According to google, you need to swallow 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil to coat the lining of
your throat so that it is easier for us to swallow it down or cough it up.
14. Ricebowl, it’s a mix of many wonderful flavours topped with plenty of toppings. It represents
my personality that can sometimes be sweet or sour.
15. Curry rice, but if the world’s bout to end, I guess I would be unable to find the curry stalls
which are owned by acek aceks.

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