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Letter B – 29-Apr 2023

Vocab....................................................................................................................................................... 2
babble (noun/vb) ................................................................................................................................ 2
Baby .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Bacchanalia ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Babe .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Bach..................................................................................................................................................... 2
To Badger ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Expressions.............................................................................................................................................. 3
To throw out the baby with the bathwater......................................................................................... 3
To be left holding the baby ................................................................................................................. 3
At the back of one’s mind ................................................................................................................ 3
Behind one’s back ............................................................................................................................ 3
Back at ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Verbs Expressions
to babble to be left holding the baby
to baby to throw the baby out with the bathwater
at the back of one’s mind
behind one’s back
to turn one’s back on smb
Adjectives Nouns
babbled babbling
babbling babbler
babyish babel

Adverbs Prepositions/determiners
Letter B – 29-Apr 2023

babble (noun/vb)
1. To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds: Babies babble before they can talk.
2. To talk foolishly or idly; chatter: "As I babbled on ... I did not notice that my parents, in the front seat
, had fallen completely silent" (Oliver Sacks).
3. To make a continuous low, murmuring sound, as flowing water.
1. To utter rapidly and indistinctly: "Toward the end he babbled old stories, randomly cobbled together
" (Julia Whitty).
2. To blurt out impulsively; disclose without careful consideration.
1. Inarticulate or meaningless talk or sounds.
2. Idle or foolish talk; chatter.
3. A continuous low, murmuring sound, as of flowing water.


a. A very young child; an infant.
b. An unborn child; a fetus.
c. The youngest member of a family or group.
d. A very young animal.
2. An adult or young person who behaves in an infantile way.
3. Informal
a. A lover or sweetheart.
b. Sweetheart; dear. Used as a term of endearment.
4. Slang An object of personal concern or interest: Keeping the boat in good repair is your baby.
adj. bab·i·er, bab·i·est
1. Of or having to do with a baby.
2. Infantile or childish.
3. Small in comparison with others of the same kind: baby vegetables.
tr.v. ba·bied, ba·by·ing, ba·bies
To pamper like a baby; coddle. See Synonyms at pamper.

n. pl. Bacchanalia
1. The ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus.
2. bacchanalia A riotous, boisterous, or drunken festivity; a revel.

1. A baby; an infant.
2. An innocent or naive person.
3. Slang A person considered to be sexually attractive.
4. Informal Sweetheart; dear. Used as a term of endearment.

A bachelor.
intr.v. bached, bach·ing, bach·es also batched or batch·ing or batch·es
1. To live as a bachelor.
2. To live in the manner of a bachelor, as when one's spouse or partner is away.
Letter B – 29-Apr 2023

bach it
To bach.

To Badger
1. Any of several carnivorous burrowing mammals of the family Mustelidae, such as Meles meles of E
urasia or Taxidea taxus of North America, having short legs, long claws on the front feet, and a heavy
grizzled coat.
2. The fur or hair of any of these mammals.
3. Any of several similar mammals, such as the ratel.
tr.v. badg·ered, badg·er·ing, badg·ers
To ask or nag (someone) about something in an annoying and persistent way; pester: badgered the b
oy into cleaning his room. See Synonyms at harass.

To throw out the baby with the bathwater

To discard something valuable or important while disposing of something considered worthless, espec
ially an outdated idea or form of behavior. The phrase is often used in the negative as a warning again
st such thoughtless behavior.Why are we scrapping the entire project? Come on, don't throw out the b
aby with the bathwater.The main reforms of the movement were desperately needed, but I'm afraid w
e threw out the baby with the bathwater in many cases.

To be left holding the baby

To be abandoned and burdened with the blame or responsibility of something; to be made to deal with
something because no one else is willing to participate or be held accountable.The CEO vanished wh
en the police started investigating our questionable investment activity, and I was left holding the baby
!John and the boys decided to go to the bar when it came time to clean up after the party, so the other
wives and I were left holding the baby.

At the back of one’s mind

Present in one's thoughts or in one's attention, without ever being fully obscured by any other thought
s or considerations.Whenever I park in the city, the fear of being towed is always at the back of my mi

Behind one’s back

In one's absence. The phrase typically suggests wrongdoing or deceit.I can't believe you were gossipi
ng about me behind my back!Tom will be upset that we already made the decision behind his back.

Back at
1. Having returned to some specific building.We should be back at our apartment by 9 PM.I wonder if
Tom and the kids are already back at the house.
2. In some specific building that one has already left.Dang it, I forgot my briefcase back at the office.
3. Having returned to some activity, especially school or work, after a hiatus.Sarah's been out sick for
a week, but she said she should be back at school on Monday.I really found it hard being back at wor
k after such a long vacation.

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