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Jeffrey Muffler


English 12B

12 April 2023

MLA Citation: “Fun Facts about Roundabouts.” Transportation Agency for

Monterey County, www.tamcmonterey.org/fun-facts-about-roundabouts.

Accessed 12 Apr. 2023.

Summarize: “Roundabouts have been shown to reduce fatal and injury crashes as much

as 75 percent! The reduction in crashes is attributed to slower speeds and reduced number

of conflict points.” The main points in this article are safety, low maintenance, capacity

and environment. The point of this article is to highlight the safety benefits roundabouts

have proven since they’ve been put into certain intersections.

Assess: This source is useful as it highlights certain statistics as well as the other sources

of how since roundabouts have been added fatal crashes percentages have dropped

drastically. This information is reliable as its a source for a certain county in california.

Reflect: This article does help because its real statistics from roundabouts in the city of

monterey in california.

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