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Jeffrey Muffler


English 12B

23 April 2023

MLA Citation: Mesch, Shelley. “You May Not like Them, but Here's Why Roundabouts

Aren't Going Away in Utah.” The Salt Lake Tribune, 22 Dec. 2021,

Summarize: This article is trying to identify that no matter if we as citizens like the

roundabouts or don’t like the roundabouts they are here to stay and more are going to

come. “Though they slow down individual drivers, roundabouts hardly ever stop traffic,

meaning cars aren’t left idling – and polluting – at intersections.” Some of the topics

covered are safety and how to use a roundabout.

Assess: It seems to be a good source, talking about how useful and better roundabouts

are compared to street lights. This compares to my other sources because instead of

statistics and being written by a company that works in construction it's written by a news

source talking about people's views on roundabouts that are starting to enter salt lake. I

don't find this source to be biased because it's mostly people's views on the roundabout.

This is a trusted source from the Salt Lake Tribune.

Reflect: This fits into my research by giving me a different view of how people view the

roundabout. It shapes my argument because it helps talk about different peoples


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