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Once upon a time, there was a magnificent eagle named Apollo.

He lived high up in
the mountains, soaring through the skies and hunting for his prey.

One day, as Apollo was flying over the mountains, he spotted a small bird struggling
to fly. The bird had a broken wing and was unable to keep up with its flock. Apollo
swooped down and gently picked up the bird with his talons, carrying it back to his

Over the next few weeks, Apollo cared for the injured bird, bringing it food and water
and keeping it warm at night. Slowly but surely, the bird's wing began to heal, and it
was soon able to fly again.

But even though the bird was now healthy, it didn't want to leave Apollo's nest. It had
grown attached to the eagle and felt safe and protected in his care. Apollo, too, had
grown fond of the little bird and enjoyed its company.

And so, the bird stayed with Apollo in his nest, flying with him over the mountains
and helping him hunt for prey. They became the best of friends, and Apollo was
happy to have such a loyal companion by his side.

Years went by, and Apollo and the bird grew old together. Eventually, Apollo's eyesight
began to fade, and he found it difficult to hunt and fly. But the bird never left his side,
always there to help him and keep him company.

And when the time finally came for Apollo to pass away, the bird stayed by his side,
mourning the loss of his dear friend. But even in death, Apollo's spirit lived on in the
bird, and it continued to soar through the skies, carrying on the legacy of its beloved
eagle friend.

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