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Music- beating of drums

practice of voodoo
medicine- obeah men/women with
herbs and bushes
(i) Slaves were only manumitted if their master permitted it. This was used for control
as it determined when they could be free and that it can only be done by their master.
Thus, they had to be under their planter’s jurisdiction until they said otherwise giving
their master power and authority over them in addition to the other atrocities of
slavery. Furthermore, many
Ask questions to planters
interact did not agree with manumitted their slaves and
often did not. Hence,
with the slaves were stuck working on the plantations their whole
your audience.
lives. Add a personal touch by
customizing this layout
as much as you want.
(ii) In the French colonies only masters of twenty years and over could manumit their slaves. This
meant that slaves were forced to toil on plantations for twenty years of more in order to be legible for
manumission. This was used as a form of control as this forced slaves to work the majority of their
youth- the time when they would be most beneficial to planters- on the fields. After that they would
be freed when they are most likely getting old and feeble and would not be as desirable to planters
anymore. Here, they could maximise on their profits in their youth and then just import new young
slaves when those ones are manumitted. Furthermore, this further benefited the planters as they
would not have to take care of these persons in their old age.

Ask questions
(iii) Compensation- to interact
In British colonies, before manumission, a deposit had to be paid by the slaves as
compensationwith your
to the audience.
public against the possibility that the new freeman might become destitute. This
was used for Add
a as it discouraged
personal touch slaves
by from requesting maumission. This was because the
slaves were not working for any wages, they were uneducated and most knew nothing but
customizing this layout
plantation work. Hence, it is quite obvious that they were not able to pay any large sums of cash or
as much as you want.
any at all to their masters. Secondly, them being uneducated and inexperienced led them to be
intimidated by the world outside the plantation.They were aware that it was highly unlikely to get a
job and to be treated fairly in the workplace so they decided to stay on the plantation.
(i) Physical Control- The slaves' every movement was watched by the owners. The
overseers, drivers and watchmen had a vital role to play in this form of control. Punishment
was also the biggest form of control. The whip was a stimulus to labour and a constant form
of punishment. For fear of the hundreds of lashes the slaves ‘kept in line' and did basically as
they were told. The slaves could not move off the estate without a pass. They worked for
fourteen hours a day under strict and constant supervision.

(ii) Break up of the Family and African leadership- When planters were purchasing slaves,
they bought slaves from Mixed gangs so that they held Africans with different backgrounds
& languages. This discouraged revolts as language created a critical barrier. They were not
able to communicate in order to plan a revolt thus, preventing it.
(iii) Psychological control- constantly proclaiming in word and by deed that
the Negro was inferior to the white man, conditioning the slaves to accept
servitude. Images would be shown of the enslaved working under the
command of whites. Detailed definitions of 'white', 'coloured' and 'black'
were used, teachings which were supported by the church. Public
punishment put psychological pressure on enslaved people to conform to
planter orders.
(ii) Barbados
(iv) Jamaica
Three causes of the Christian Rebellion led by Sam Sharpe in 1831.

1.There was the rumor of liberation, similar to Bussa's revolt in 1816 and Demerara in
1823. Sharpe had told slaves that the King had granted them freedom, but the
masters had withheld it. Political excitement sparked by economic hardship sparked
rebellion, as did a few whites who slaves could claim as supporters.

2.They were devout Christians who believed in the Bible and in Sam Sharpe's idea
that man should serve only one master, not two. Missions were a wellspring of slaves'
philosophy; missionaries were both instrumental in the outbreak and harmful in the
eyes of the planters.
3. Planters cut their Christmas vacation short. Slaves revolted as a result of
Planter's attitude. Planters were protesting the abolition of slavery,
according to historians. They became so enraged that they delivered
inflammatory speeches and published articles in newspapers. Slave
agitation and discontent were exacerbated by these actions and attitudes.
Three consequences of the Christian Rebellion led by Sam Sharpe in 1831 are:

1.Women and children were slain on sight, slave dwellings and provision grounds
were ruthlessly burned, and judicial murders by summary court martial occurred
frequently. A number of slaves died, according to reports, 14 free coloured people
died in revolt, 200 slaves died in fighting, 312 slaves were executed, and 300
slaves were beaten. Some rebel commanders were killed, captured, or
surrendered during the conflict.
2. 626 people were tried, with 312 people being executed. Executions were mostly
carried out by hanging, with 72 percent being hanged and 28 percent being shot.
Slaves in St. James were gibbeted and raised in the town's central public plaza. The
bodies were kept until a new batch arrived. Slaves who took part in such public
performances were terrified, and it was the planters' technique of instilling terror in
them. The condemned at Lucea were placed on carts with their arms pinned, ropes
around their necks, and white caps on their heads before being executed.

3. Apart from £175,000 spent on military operations, the insurrection cost around
£1,154,589, which historians estimate would be around £50,000,000 today. Injury,
slaves setting fire to homes, burning cane fields, robbery, loot, loss of labor, and slaves
slain in rebellion or executed were all costs of the insurrection.

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