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4 Science

Quarter 2- Chapter 4
Life Cycle of Animals


QUARTER 2: Living things and their Environment -----------------------------------------1

Chapter 4: Heredity: Inheritance and variation

Introduction of Life Cycle of Animals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Lesson 35: Life Cycle of Animals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Activity 1: “Changes That Undergo Complete Metamorphosis” -----------------------------------3
Lesson 36: Life Cycle of Animals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
Activity 1: “Changes That Undergo Incomplete Metamorphosis” ---------------------------------5
Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Evaluation & Assignment-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Quarter 2: Living Things and their Environment

The human body is composed of the major organs that

work together to make the body function properly. Desirable
health habits should be practiced to maintain a healthy body and
to avoid illnesses and diseases which may lead to the
impairment of the major organs of the body.

Like humans, plants and animals also have body

structures that enable them to adapt to their specific habitats for
growth and survival. These organisms go through several life
changes which are greatly affected by the varying
environmental conditions and their interactions. These
interactions involve both beneficial and harmful effects to the
lives of organisms in the environment.



It is a series of changes and development that passes through from the beginning of life to death.
The series of changes in shape, form, and activities. Also this undergo as they pass from the beginning of a
developmental stage to the inception of that same developmental stage in a subsequent generation.


Cycle is a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.

Lesson 35: Life Cycle of Animals
Activity 1: “Changes That Undergo Complete Metamorphosis”


1. identify the life cycle of animals that undergo complete metamorphosis;

2. write a personal definition on how animals grow; and
3. identify the importance of life cycle.

What you need:

 Paper, pencil

Try me!

Direction: Complete-Me, Right Go!. You should complete the incomplete words to see the answer.

1. L_F_ C_ _ L _

HINT: stages of change an organism goes through during its life.

2. M_T_MO_P_OS_S

HINT: way that insects develop, grow and form.


 Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or
hatching. It is part of life cycle of the most insects. A life cycle is a period involving one
generation of an organism. The term metamorphosis refers to the way insects develop, grow, and
change form, usually (but not always) accompanied by change of habitat or behaviour. There are
two types of metamorphosis: complete or gradual.
 Complete Metamorphosis it only consist four stages which we are called the egg, larva, pupa
and adult.
1. Egg- a female insects lays egg. It lay a cluster small, round eggs on plants, which become
food for the tiny worm like caterpillars that hatch 4-6 days after they are laid.
2. Larva- hatch from egg but do not look adult insects. For instance, the larva of butterflies are
caterpillars. Larva grow quickly enough to have molt or shed their exoskeletons a few times
before they pupate. Sometimes, this stages of growth in larva are called “instars”. Also it will
emerges from the egg. It is also the feeding stage because, at this stage, a caterpillar has only
one job to do that is to eat.
3. Pupa- larva make cocoon around themselves, and become busy changing into their adult
forms. They do not eat during this time. This take few days, or in some cases months.
4. Adult- after a period of time, larva is nothing like it was, and exits the cocoon or larval body
as an adult. This life cycle starts all over again. Most butterflies live for 1-2 weeks, some
species spend the winter as hibernating adults, surviving several months.

Lesson 36: Life Cycle of Animals
Activity 1: “Changes That Undergo Incomplete Metamorphosis”


1. identify the life cycle of animals that undergo incomplete metamorphosis;

2. write a personal definition on how animals grow; and
3. identify the importance of life cycle.

What you need:

 pencil, notebook


 Gradual/Incomplete Metamorphosis it only consist three stages which are the egg, nymph and
1. Egg- a female insect lays eggs. Sometimes, the eggs are in group and protected by a covering
or case.10-300 eggs inside it, depending on the species. Normally, female grasshopper can
lay up 25. During autumn and winter season, the eggs remain underneath (under the sand or
leaves litter). After 10 months, during summer or spring the eggs hatch and come out as
2. Nymph- the eggs hatch into nymphs. Nymphs look like small adults, but usually don’t have
wings. They eat, grow, and change. Nymph molts their exoskeletons as they grow. As this
occurs, they gradually begin to look more like adult. It shed its skin 5-6 times to grow as an
4 an adult size, they stop molting. Generally, adults are
3. Adult- once the nymph has grown to
the only stage in an insect’s life when it has wings. Adults’ primary interest is mating. It
takes about 10 month to develop fully grown wings. The lifespan of a grasshopper is about
12 months. Female will ready to lay eggs. Once she starts lay eggs at intervals of 3-4 days
until she dies. When it reaches the adult phase it lives for only 1-2 months.


 A life cycle is a period involving one generation to another

 Metamorphosis a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or
 Animal cycle begin life either from an egg or as a baby that is born ready to life. Animals grow
and change as they mature and become adult.
Do it!

Directions: Multiple choice. Write the correct answer on a one whole sheet of paper. (2 points

____1. It is the start of the animal cycle in which a female lays egg.

a. nymph b. pupa c. egg

____2. What do you call the biological process which an animal physically develops after birth and hatching.

a. gradual metamorphosis b. metamorphosis c. complete metamorphosis

____3. This metamorphosis consist of four stages in its life cycle?

a. gradual metamorphosis b. metamorphosis c. complete metamorphosis

____4. Sometimes the stages of growth in larva are called?

a. intres b. instras c. instros

____5. It consist of three stages in life cycle.

a. gradual metamorphosis b. metamorphosis c. complete metamorphosis


Directions: Answer the following questions. (5 points).

1. What is life cycle?

2. What are the three stage of incomplete metamorphosis?
3. What are the four stages of complete metamorphosis?
4. Does mosquito has complete metamorphosis? Yes or No?

Answer key!

Try me!

1. Life cycle
2. Metamorphosis

Do it!

1. C
2. B
3. C
4. Instars
5. B

Science Learner’s Material 4, pg. 57, pg. 135-141

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